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Whodunnit? Do officers have the skills they need to answer that eternal question?

James, A, Pajon, L, O'Brien, F and Carr, R (2024) Whodunnit? Do officers have the skills they need to answer that eternal question? Technical Report. Liverpool John Moores University.

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A qualitative, scoping review based largely on interviews with detectives in five police forces in England & Wales. A summary report on the first phase of a project. The review found that staff believe that to be effective, CID and PVP departments need either more staff or less work. Staff employed in those departments want less administration and bureaucracy surrounding their work. Investigators need lighter workloads if the quality of service to victims and communities is to improve. Investigators must have more time to devote to individual cases so that they can provide the excellent service that individuals, groups, and communities expect. Investigators want to feel valued and recognised for the work they do; largely, they do not measure recognition and value solely in financial terms. They also need more peer, mentor, and wellbeing support. Many want more time for professional development.

Item Type: Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: criminal investigation; police well-being; detectives; police welfare; police recruitment; police retention; police culture
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology > HV7231 Criminal Justice Administrations > HV7551 Police. Detectives. Constabulary
Divisions: Justice Studies (from Sep 19)
Publisher: Liverpool John Moores University
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SWORD Depositor: A Symplectic
Date Deposited: 27 Jun 2024 13:57
Last Modified: 27 Jun 2024 13:57
URI: https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/23497
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