Items where Author is "Bellstedt, S"
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Cook, TL, Bandi, B, Philipsborn, S, Loveday, J, Bellstedt, S, Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Bilicki, M, Kaur, G, Tempel, E, Baldry, I, Gruen, D, Longhetti, M, Iovino, A, Holwerda, BW and Demarco, R (2024) Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey (WAVES): unsupervised star-galaxy separation on the WAVES-Wide photometric input catalogue using UMAP and HDBSCAN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535 (3). pp. 2129-2148. ISSN 0035-8711
Phillipps, S, Bellstedt, S, Bremer, MN, De Propris, R, James, PA, Casura, S, Liske, J and Holwerda, BW (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of star formation on surface brightness in low-redshift galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (4). pp. 5475-5482. ISSN 0035-8711
Rhee, J, Meyer, M, Popping, A, Bellstedt, S, Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Whiting, M, Baldry, IK, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Bunton, JD, Dodson, R, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Koribalski, BS, Lee-Waddell, K, López-Sánchez, ÁR, Loveday, J, Mahony, E, Roychowdhury, S , Rozgonyi, K and Staveley-Smith, L (2022) Deep Investigation of Neutral Gas Origins (DINGO): H I stacking experiments with early science data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (3). pp. 4646-4671. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Obreschkow, D, Peacock, JA, Baldry, IK, Bellstedt, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, A, Lagos, C, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Phillipps, S and Taylor, EN (2022) An empirical measurement of the Halo Mass Function from the combination of GAMA DR4, SDSS DR12, and REFLEX II data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (2). pp. 2138-2163. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Bellstedt, S, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Davies, LJM, Liske, J, Obreschkow, D, Taylor, EN, Wright, AH, Alpaslan, M, Bamford, SP, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bilicki, M, Bravo, MJ, Brough, S, Casura, S, Cluver, ME, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ , Croom, SM, de Jong, J, D'Eugenio, F, Propris, RD, Dogruel, B, Drinkwater, MJ, Dvornik, A, Farrow, DJ, Frenk, CS, Giblin, B, Graham, AW, Grootes, MW, Gunawardhana, MLP, Hashemizadeh, A, Haussler, B, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarrett, TH, Jones, DH, Kelvin, LS, Koushan, S, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lange, R, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Mahajan, S, Meyer, MR, Moffett, AJ, Napolitano, NR, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Radovich, M, Raouf, M, Peacock, JA, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, KA, Popescu, CC, Said, K, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Sutherland, WJ, Thorne, JE, Tuffs, RJ, Turner, R, Wel, A, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1). pp. 439-467. ISSN 0035-8711
Karademir, GS, Taylor, EN, Blake, C, Baldry, IK, Bellstedt, S, Bilicki, M, Brown, MJI, Cluver, ME, Driver, SP, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Loveday, J, Phillipps, S and Wright, AH (2021) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): z ∼ 0 Galaxy Luminosity Function down to L ∼ 106 L⊙ via clustering based redshift inference. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509 (4). pp. 5467-5484. ISSN 0035-8711
Bellstedt, S, Robotham, ASG, Driver, SP, Thorne, JE, Davies, LJM, Lagos, CDP, Stevens, ARH, Taylor, EN, Baldry, IK, Moffett, AJ, Hopkins, AM and Phillipps, S (2020) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): A forensic SED reconstruction of the cosmic star-formation history and metallicity evolution by galaxy type. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498 (4). pp. 5581-5603. ISSN 0035-8711
Dalgleish, HS, Kamann, S, Usher, CG, Baumgardt, H, Bastian, N, Veitch-Michaelis, J, Bellini, A, Martocchia, S, Costa, GSD, Mackey, D, Bellstedt, S, Pastorello, N and Cerulo, P (2020) The WAGGS project -- III. Discrepant mass-to-light ratios of Galactic globular clusters at high metallicity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 (3). pp. 3859-3871. ISSN 0035-8711
Jong, RSD, Agertz, O, Berbel, AA, Aird, J, Alexander, DA, Amarsi, A, Anders, F, Andrae, R, Ansarinejad, B, Ansorge, W, Antilogus, P, Anwand-Heerwart, H, Arentsen, A, Arnadottir, A, Asplund, M, Auger, M, Azais, N, Baade, D, Baker, G, Baker, S , Balbinot, E, Baldry, IK, Banerji, M, Barden, S, Barklem, P, Barthélémy-Mazot, E, Battistini, C, Bauer, S, Bell, CPM, Bellido-Tirado, O, Bellstedt, S, Belokurov, V, Bensby, T, Bergemann, M, Bestenlehner, JM, Bielby, R, Bilicki, M, Blake, C, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Boeche, C, Boland, W, Boller, T, Bongard, S, Bongiorno, A, Bonifacio, P, Boudon, D, Brooks, D, Brown, MJI, Brown, R, Brüggen, M, Brynnel, J, Brzeski, J, Buchert, T, Buschkamp, P, Caffau, E, Caillier, P, Carrick, J, Casagrande, L, Case, S, Casey, A, Cesarini, I, Cescutti, G, Chapuis, D, Chiappini, C, Childress, M, Christlieb, N, Church, R, Cioni, M-RL, Cluver, M, Colless, M, Collett, T, Comparat, J, Cooper, A, Couch, W, Courbin, F, Croom, S, Croton, D, Daguisé, E, Dalton, G, Davies, LJM, Davis, T, Laverny, PD, Deason, A, Dionies, F, Disseau, K, Doel, P, Döscher, D, Driver, SP, Dwelly, T, Eckert, D, Edge, A, Edvardsson, B, Youssoufi, DE, Elhaddad, A, Enke, H, Erfanianfar, G, Farrell, T, Fechner, T, Feiz, C, Feltzing, S, Ferreras, I, Feuerstein, D, Feuillet, D, Finoguenov, A, Ford, D, Fotopoulou, S, Fouesneau, M, Frenk, C, Frey, S, Gaessler, W, Geier, S, Fusillo, NG, Gerhard, O, Giannantonio, T, Giannone, D, Gibson, B, Gillingham, P, González-Fernández, C, Gonzalez-Solares, E, Gottloeber, S, Gould, A, Grebel, EK, Gueguen, A, Guiglion, G, Haehnelt, M, Hahn, T, Hansen, CJ, Hartman, H, Hauptner, K, Hawkins, K, Haynes, D, Haynes, R, Heiter, U, Helmi, A, Aguayo, CH, Hewett, P, Hinton, S, Hobbs, D, Hoenig, S, Hofman, D, Hook, I, Hopgood, J, Hopkins, A, Hourihane, A, Howes, L, Howlett, C, Huet, T, Irwin, M, Iwert, O, Jablonka, P, Jahn, T, Jahnke, K, Jarno, A, Jin, S, Jofre, P, Johl, D, Jones, D, Jönsson, H, Jordan, C, Karovicova, I, Khalatyan, A, Kelz, A, Kennicutt, R, King, D, Kitaura, F, Klar, J, Klauser, U, Kneib, J, Koch, A, Koposov, S, Kordopatis, G, Korn, A, Kosmalski, J, Kotak, R, Kovalev, M, Kreckel, K, Kripak, Y, Krumpe, M, Kuijken, K, Kunder, A, Kushniruk, I, Lam, MI, Lamer, G, Laurent, F, Lawrence, J, Lehmitz, M, Lemasle, B, Lewis, J, Li, B, Lidman, C, Lind, K, Liske, J, Lizon, J-L, Loveday, J, Ludwig, H-G, McDermid, RM, Maguire, K, Mainieri, V, Mali, S, Mandel, H, Mandel, K, Mannering, L, Martell, S, Delgado, DM, Matijevic, G, McGregor, H, McMahon, R, McMillan, P, Mena, O, Merloni, A, Meyer, MJ, Michel, C, Micheva, G, Migniau, J-E, Minchev, I, Monari, G, Muller, R, Murphy, D, Muthukrishna, D, Nandra, K, Navarro, R, Ness, M, Nichani, V, Nichol, R, Nicklas, H, Niederhofer, F, Norberg, P, Obreschkow, D, Oliver, S, Owers, M, Pai, N, Pankratow, S, Parkinson, D, Parry, I, Paschke, J, Paterson, R, Pecontal, A, Phillips, D, Pillepich, A, Pinard, L, Pirard, J, Piskunov, N, Plank, V, Plüschke, D, Pons, E, Popesso, P, Power, C, Pragt, J, Pramskiy, A, Pryer, D, Quattri, M, Queiroz, ABDA, Quirrenbach, A, Rahurkar, S, Raichoor, A, Ramstedt, S, Rau, A, Recio-Blanco, A, Reiss, R, Renaud, F, Revaz, Y, Rhode, P, Richard, J, Richter, AD, Rix, H-W, Robotham, ASG, Roelfsema, R, Romaniello, M, Rosario, D, Rothmaier, F, Roukema, B, Ruchti, G, Rupprecht, G, Rybizki, J, Ryde, N, Saar, A, Sadler, E, Sahlén, M, Salvato, M, Sassolas, B, Saunders, W, Saviauk, A, Sbordone, L, Schmidt, T, Schnurr, O, Scholz, R-D, Schwope, A, Seifert, W, Shanks, T, Sheinis, A, Sivov, T, Skúladóttir, Á, Smartt, S, Smedley, S, Smith, G, Smith, R, Sorce, J, Spitler, L, Starkenburg, E, Steinmetz, M, Stilz, I, Storm, J, Sullivan, M, Sutherland, W, Swann, E, Tamone, A, Taylor, EN, Teillon, J, Tempel, E, Horst, RT, Thi, W-F, Tolstoy, E, Trager, S, Traven, G, Tremblay, P-E, Tresse, L, Valentini, M, Weygaert, RVD, Ancker, MVD, Veljanoski, J, Venkatesan, S, Wagner, L, Wagner, K, Walcher, CJ, Waller, L, Walton, N, Wang, L, Winkler, R, Wisotzki, L, Worley, CC, Worseck, G, Xiang, M, Xu, W, Yong, D, Zhao, C, Zheng, J, Zscheyge, F and Zucker, D (2019) 4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals. The Messenger, 175. pp. 3-11.
Usher, CG, Beckwith, T, Bellstedt, S, Alabi, A, Chevalier, L, Pastorello, N, Cerulo, P, Dalgleish, HS, Fraser-McKelvie, A, Kamann, S, Penny, S, Foster, C, McDermid, R, Schiavon, RP and Villaume, A (2018) The WAGGS project - II. The reliability of the calcium triplet as a metallicity indicator in integrated stellar light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482 (1). pp. 1275-1303. ISSN 0035-8711
Usher, C, Pastorello, N, Bellstedt, S, Alabi, A, Cerulo, P, Chevalier, L, Fraser-McKelvie, A, Penny, S, Foster, C, McDermid, RM, Schiavon, RP and Villaume, A (2017) The WAGGS project - I. The WiFeS Atlas of Galactic Globular cluster Spectra. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 468 (4). pp. 3828-3849. ISSN 0035-8711
Forbes, DA, Alabi, A, Brodie, JP, Romanowsky, AJ, Strader, J, Foster, C, Usher, CG, Spitler, L, Bellstedt, S, Pastorello, N, Villaume, A, Wasserman, A and Pota, V (2017) The SLUGGS Survey: A Catalog of Over 4000 Globular Cluster Radial Velocities in 27 Nearby Early-type Galaxies. The Astronomical Journal, 153 (3). ISSN 0004-6256