Items where Author is "Kuijken, K"
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Broxterman, JC, Schaller, M, Schaye, J, Hoekstra, H, Kuijken, K, Helly, JC, Kugel, R, Braspenning, J, Elbers, W, Frenk, CS, Kwan, J, McCarthy, IG, Salcido, J, van Daalen, MP and Vandenbroucke, B (2024) The FLAMINGO project: baryonic impact on weak gravitational lensing convergence peak counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529 (3). pp. 2309-2326. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Bellstedt, S, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Davies, LJM, Liske, J, Obreschkow, D, Taylor, EN, Wright, AH, Alpaslan, M, Bamford, SP, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bilicki, M, Bravo, MJ, Brough, S, Casura, S, Cluver, ME, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ , Croom, SM, de Jong, J, D'Eugenio, F, Propris, RD, Dogruel, B, Drinkwater, MJ, Dvornik, A, Farrow, DJ, Frenk, CS, Giblin, B, Graham, AW, Grootes, MW, Gunawardhana, MLP, Hashemizadeh, A, Haussler, B, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarrett, TH, Jones, DH, Kelvin, LS, Koushan, S, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lange, R, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Mahajan, S, Meyer, MR, Moffett, AJ, Napolitano, NR, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Radovich, M, Raouf, M, Peacock, JA, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, KA, Popescu, CC, Said, K, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Sutherland, WJ, Thorne, JE, Tuffs, RJ, Turner, R, Wel, A, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1). pp. 439-467. ISSN 0035-8711
Xia, Q, Robertson, N, Heymans, C, Amon, A, Asgari, M, Cai, Y-C, Erben, T, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hildebrandt, H, Kannawadi, A, Kuijken, K, Schneider, P, Sifón, C, Tröster, T and Wright, AH (2020) A gravitational lensing detection of filamentary structures connecting luminous red galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 633. ISSN 0004-6361
Holwerda, BW, Kelvin, LS, Baldry, IK, Lintott, C, Alpaslan, M, Pimbblet, KA, Liske, J, Kitching, T, Bamford, S, de Jong, J, Bilicki, M, Hopkins, A, Bridge, J, Steele, R, Jacques, A, Goswami, S, Kusmic, S, Roemer, W, Kruk, S, Popescu, CC , Kuijken, K, Wang, L, Wright, A and Kitching, T (2019) The Frequency of Dust Lanes in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies Identified by Galaxy Zoo in KiDS Imaging of GAMA Targets. The Astronomical Journal, 158 (3). ISSN 0004-6256
Asgari, M, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Miller, L, Schneider, P, Amon, A, Choi, A, Erben, T, Georgiou, C, Harnois-Déraps, J and Kuijken, K (2019) Consistent cosmic shear in the face of systematics: a B-mode analysis of KiDS-450, DES-SV and CFHTLenS. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 624. ISSN 0004-6361
Driver, SP, Liske, J, Davies, LJM, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Brown, MJI, Cluver, M, Kuijken, K, Loveday, J, Meyer, MJ, Norberg, P, Owers, M, Power, C and Taylor, EN (2019) 4MOST Consortium Survey 7: Wide-Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey (WAVES). The Messenger, 175. pp. 46-49.
Jong, RSD, Agertz, O, Berbel, AA, Aird, J, Alexander, DA, Amarsi, A, Anders, F, Andrae, R, Ansarinejad, B, Ansorge, W, Antilogus, P, Anwand-Heerwart, H, Arentsen, A, Arnadottir, A, Asplund, M, Auger, M, Azais, N, Baade, D, Baker, G, Baker, S , Balbinot, E, Baldry, IK, Banerji, M, Barden, S, Barklem, P, Barthélémy-Mazot, E, Battistini, C, Bauer, S, Bell, CPM, Bellido-Tirado, O, Bellstedt, S, Belokurov, V, Bensby, T, Bergemann, M, Bestenlehner, JM, Bielby, R, Bilicki, M, Blake, C, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Boeche, C, Boland, W, Boller, T, Bongard, S, Bongiorno, A, Bonifacio, P, Boudon, D, Brooks, D, Brown, MJI, Brown, R, Brüggen, M, Brynnel, J, Brzeski, J, Buchert, T, Buschkamp, P, Caffau, E, Caillier, P, Carrick, J, Casagrande, L, Case, S, Casey, A, Cesarini, I, Cescutti, G, Chapuis, D, Chiappini, C, Childress, M, Christlieb, N, Church, R, Cioni, M-RL, Cluver, M, Colless, M, Collett, T, Comparat, J, Cooper, A, Couch, W, Courbin, F, Croom, S, Croton, D, Daguisé, E, Dalton, G, Davies, LJM, Davis, T, Laverny, PD, Deason, A, Dionies, F, Disseau, K, Doel, P, Döscher, D, Driver, SP, Dwelly, T, Eckert, D, Edge, A, Edvardsson, B, Youssoufi, DE, Elhaddad, A, Enke, H, Erfanianfar, G, Farrell, T, Fechner, T, Feiz, C, Feltzing, S, Ferreras, I, Feuerstein, D, Feuillet, D, Finoguenov, A, Ford, D, Fotopoulou, S, Fouesneau, M, Frenk, C, Frey, S, Gaessler, W, Geier, S, Fusillo, NG, Gerhard, O, Giannantonio, T, Giannone, D, Gibson, B, Gillingham, P, González-Fernández, C, Gonzalez-Solares, E, Gottloeber, S, Gould, A, Grebel, EK, Gueguen, A, Guiglion, G, Haehnelt, M, Hahn, T, Hansen, CJ, Hartman, H, Hauptner, K, Hawkins, K, Haynes, D, Haynes, R, Heiter, U, Helmi, A, Aguayo, CH, Hewett, P, Hinton, S, Hobbs, D, Hoenig, S, Hofman, D, Hook, I, Hopgood, J, Hopkins, A, Hourihane, A, Howes, L, Howlett, C, Huet, T, Irwin, M, Iwert, O, Jablonka, P, Jahn, T, Jahnke, K, Jarno, A, Jin, S, Jofre, P, Johl, D, Jones, D, Jönsson, H, Jordan, C, Karovicova, I, Khalatyan, A, Kelz, A, Kennicutt, R, King, D, Kitaura, F, Klar, J, Klauser, U, Kneib, J, Koch, A, Koposov, S, Kordopatis, G, Korn, A, Kosmalski, J, Kotak, R, Kovalev, M, Kreckel, K, Kripak, Y, Krumpe, M, Kuijken, K, Kunder, A, Kushniruk, I, Lam, MI, Lamer, G, Laurent, F, Lawrence, J, Lehmitz, M, Lemasle, B, Lewis, J, Li, B, Lidman, C, Lind, K, Liske, J, Lizon, J-L, Loveday, J, Ludwig, H-G, McDermid, RM, Maguire, K, Mainieri, V, Mali, S, Mandel, H, Mandel, K, Mannering, L, Martell, S, Delgado, DM, Matijevic, G, McGregor, H, McMahon, R, McMillan, P, Mena, O, Merloni, A, Meyer, MJ, Michel, C, Micheva, G, Migniau, J-E, Minchev, I, Monari, G, Muller, R, Murphy, D, Muthukrishna, D, Nandra, K, Navarro, R, Ness, M, Nichani, V, Nichol, R, Nicklas, H, Niederhofer, F, Norberg, P, Obreschkow, D, Oliver, S, Owers, M, Pai, N, Pankratow, S, Parkinson, D, Parry, I, Paschke, J, Paterson, R, Pecontal, A, Phillips, D, Pillepich, A, Pinard, L, Pirard, J, Piskunov, N, Plank, V, Plüschke, D, Pons, E, Popesso, P, Power, C, Pragt, J, Pramskiy, A, Pryer, D, Quattri, M, Queiroz, ABDA, Quirrenbach, A, Rahurkar, S, Raichoor, A, Ramstedt, S, Rau, A, Recio-Blanco, A, Reiss, R, Renaud, F, Revaz, Y, Rhode, P, Richard, J, Richter, AD, Rix, H-W, Robotham, ASG, Roelfsema, R, Romaniello, M, Rosario, D, Rothmaier, F, Roukema, B, Ruchti, G, Rupprecht, G, Rybizki, J, Ryde, N, Saar, A, Sadler, E, Sahlén, M, Salvato, M, Sassolas, B, Saunders, W, Saviauk, A, Sbordone, L, Schmidt, T, Schnurr, O, Scholz, R-D, Schwope, A, Seifert, W, Shanks, T, Sheinis, A, Sivov, T, Skúladóttir, Á, Smartt, S, Smedley, S, Smith, G, Smith, R, Sorce, J, Spitler, L, Starkenburg, E, Steinmetz, M, Stilz, I, Storm, J, Sullivan, M, Sutherland, W, Swann, E, Tamone, A, Taylor, EN, Teillon, J, Tempel, E, Horst, RT, Thi, W-F, Tolstoy, E, Trager, S, Traven, G, Tremblay, P-E, Tresse, L, Valentini, M, Weygaert, RVD, Ancker, MVD, Veljanoski, J, Venkatesan, S, Wagner, L, Wagner, K, Walcher, CJ, Waller, L, Walton, N, Wang, L, Winkler, R, Wisotzki, L, Worley, CC, Worseck, G, Xiang, M, Xu, W, Yong, D, Zhao, C, Zheng, J, Zscheyge, F and Zucker, D (2019) 4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals. The Messenger, 175. pp. 3-11.
Martinet, N, Schneider, P, Hildebrandt, H, Shan, H, Asgari, M, Dietrich, JP, Harnois-Déraps, J, Erben, T, Grado, A, Heymans, C, Hoekstra, H, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Merten, J and Nakajima, R (2018) KiDS-450: cosmological constraints from weak-lensing peak statistics – II: Inference from shear peaks using N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (1). pp. 712-730. ISSN 0035-8711
Brouwer, MM, Demchenko, V, Harnois-Déraps, J, Bilicki, M, Heymans, C, Hoekstra, H, Kuijken, K, Alpaslan, M, Brough, S, Cai, Y-C, Costa-Duarte, MV, Dvornik, A, Erben, T, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Schneider, P, Sifón, C and van Uitert, E (2018) Studying galaxy troughs and ridges using weak gravitational lensing with the Kilo-Degree Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 (4). pp. 5189-5209. ISSN 0035-8711
Giblin, B, Heymans, C, Harnois-Déraps, J, Simpson, F, Dietrich, JP, Van Waerbeke, L, Amon, A, Asgari, M, Erben, T, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Kuijken, K, Martinet, N, Schneider, P and Tröster, T (2018) KiDS-450: enhancing cosmic shear with clipping transformations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480 (4). pp. 5529-5549. ISSN 0035-8711
Jakobs, A, Viola, M, McCarthy, IG, Waerbeke, LV, Hoekstra, H, Robotham, A, Hinshaw, G, Hojjati, A, Tanimura, H, Tröster, T, Baldry, IK, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Kuijken, K, Norberg, P, Schaye, J, Sifon, C, Uitert, EV, Valentijn, E, Kleijn, GV and Wang, L (2018) Multi-wavelength scaling relations in galaxy groups: a detailed comparison of GAMA and KiDS observations to BAHAMAS simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480 (3). pp. 3338-3355. ISSN 0035-8711
Amon, A, Blake, C, Heymans, C, Leonard, CD, Asgari, M, Bilicki, M, Choi, A, Erben, T, Glazebrook, K, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Joachimi, B, Joudaki, S, Kuijken, K, Lidman, C, Loveday, J, Parkinson, D, Valentijn, EA and Wolf, C (2018) KiDS+2dFLenS+GAMA: testing the cosmological model with the EG statistic. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479 (3). pp. 3422-3437. ISSN 0035-8711
van Uitert, E, Joachimi, B, Joudaki, S, Amon, A, Heymans, C, Köhlinger, F, Asgari, M, Blake, C, Choi, A, Erben, T, Farrow, DJ, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Kitching, TD, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Merten, J, Miller, L, Nakajima, R , Schneider, P, Valentijn, E and Viola, M (2018) KiDS+GAMA: cosmology constraints from a joint analysis of cosmic shear, galaxy–galaxy lensing, and angular clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476 (4). pp. 4662-4689. ISSN 0035-8711
Baldry, IK, Liske, J, Brown, MJI, Robotham, ASG, Driver, SP, Dunne, L, Alpaslan, M, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Eardley, E, Farrow, DJ, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hopkins, AM, Kelvin, LS, Loveday, J, Moffett, AJ, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Taylor, EN , Wright, AH, Bamford, SP, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bourne, N, Bremer, MN, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Croom, SM, Davies, LJM, Foster, C, Grootes, MW, Holwerda, BW, Jones, DH, Kafle, PR, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Meyer, MJ, Phillipps, S, Sutherland, WJ, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2017) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the G02 field, Herschel-ATLAS target selection and Data Release 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (3). pp. 3875-3888. ISSN 0035-8711
Shan, H, Liu, X, Hildebrandt, H, Pan, C, Martinet, N, Fan, Z, Schneider, P, Asgari, M, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hoekstra, H, Wright, A, Dietrich, JP, Erben, T, Getman, F, Grado, A, Heymans, C, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Merten, J, Puddu, E , Radovich, M and Wang, Q (2017) KiDS-450: cosmological constraints from weak lensing peak statistics – I. Inference from analytical prediction of high signal-to-noise ratio convergence peaks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (1). pp. 1116-1134. ISSN 0035-8711
Joudaki, S, Blake, C, Johnson, A, Amon, A, Asgari, M, Choi, A, Erben, T, Glazebrook, K, Harnois-Déraps, J, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Lidman, C, Mead, A, Miller, L, Parkinson, D, Poole, GB, Schneider, P , Viola, M and Wolf, C (2017) KiDS-450 + 2dFLenS: Cosmological parameter constraints from weak gravitational lensing tomography and overlapping redshift-space galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (4). pp. 4894-4924. ISSN 0035-8711
Kilbinger, M, Heymans, C, Asgari, M, Joudaki, S, Schneider, P, Simon, P, Van Waerbeke, L, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hildebrandt, H, Köhlinger, F, Kuijken, K and Viola, M (2017) Precision calculations of the cosmic shear power spectrum projection. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472 (2). pp. 2126-2141. ISSN 0035-8711
Harnois-Déraps, J, Tröster, T, Chisari, NE, Heymans, C, van Waerbeke, L, Asgari, M, Bilicki, M, Choi, A, Erben, T, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Joudaki, S, Kuijken, K, Merten, J, Miller, L, Robertson, N, Schneider, P and Viola, M (2017) KiDS-450: tomographic cross-correlation of galaxy shear with Planck lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471 (2). pp. 1619-1633. ISSN 0035-8711
Owers, MS, Allen, JT, Baldry, IK, Bryant, JJ, Cecil, GN, Cortese, L, Croom, SM, Driver, SP, Fogarty, LMR, Green, AW, Helmich, E, Jong, JTAD, Kuijken, K, Mahajan, S, McFarland, J, Pracy, MB, Robotham, AGS, Sikkema, G, Sweet, S, Taylor, EN , Kleijn, GV, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Colless, M, Couch, WJ, Davies, RL, Drinkwater, MJ, Goodwin, M, Hopkins, AM, Konstantopoulos, IS, Foster, C, Lawrence, JS, Lorente, NPF, Medling, AM, Metcalfe, N, Richards, SN, Sande, JVD, Scott, N, Shanks, T, Sharp, R, Thomas, AD and Tonini, C (2017) The SAMI Galaxy Survey: The cluster redshift survey, target selection and cluster properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468 (2). pp. 1824-1849. ISSN 0035-8711
Tröster, T, Camera, S, Fornasa, M, Regis, M, van Waerbeke, L, Harnois-Déraps, J, Ando, S, Bilicki, M, Erben, T, Fornengo, N, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Kuijken, K and Viola, M (2017) Cross-correlation of weak lensing and gamma rays: implications for the nature of dark matter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467 (3). pp. 2706-2722. ISSN 0035-8711
Johnson, A, Blake, C, Amon, A, Erben, T, Glazebrook, K, Harnois-Déraps, J, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Joudaki, S, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Lidman, C, Marin, FA, McFarland, J, Morrison, CB, Parkinson, D, Poole, GB, Radovich, M and Wolf, C (2016) 2dFLenS and KiDS: determining source redshift distributions with cross-correlations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465 (4). pp. 4118-4132. ISSN 0035-8711
Hildebrandt, H, Viola, M, Heymans, C, Joudaki, S, Kuijken, K, Blake, C, Erben, T, Joachimi, B, Klaes, D, Miller, L, Morrison, CB, Nakajima, R, Verdoes Kleijn, G, Amon, A, Choi, A, Covone, G, de Jong, JTA, Dvornik, A, Fenech Conti, I, Grado, A , Harnois-Déraps, J, Herbonnet, R, Hoekstra, H, Köhlinger, F, McFarland, J, Mead, A, Merten, J, Napolitano, N, Peacock, JA, Radovich, M, Schneider, P, Simon, P, Valentijn, EA, van den Busch, JL, van Uitert, E and Van Waerbeke, L (2016) KiDS-450: cosmological parameter constraints from tomographic weak gravitational lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465 (2). pp. 1454-1498. ISSN 0035-8711
Hildebrandt, H, Choi, A, Heymans, C, Blake, C, Erben, T, Miller, L, Nakajima, R, van Waerbeke, L, Viola, M, Buddendiek, A, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hojjati, A, Joachimi, B, Joudaki, S, Kitching, TD, Wolf, C, Gwyn, S, Johnson, N, Kuijken, K, Sheikhbahaee, Z , Tudorica, A and Yee, HKC (2016) RCSLenS: The Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463 (1). pp. 635-654. ISSN 0035-8711
Blake, C, Amon, A, Childress, M, Erben, T, Glazebrook, K, Harnois-Déraps, J, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hinton, SR, Janssens, S, Johnson, A, Joudaki, S, Klaes, D, Kuijken, K, Lidman, C, Marin, FA, Parkinson, D, Poole, GB and Wolf, C (2016) The 2-degree Field Lensing Survey: design and clustering measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462 (4). pp. 4240-4265. ISSN 0035-8711
Uitert, EV, Cacciato, M, Hoekstra, H, Brouwer, M, Sifón, C, Viola, M, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Choi, A, Driver, SP, Erben, T, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Kuijken, K, Liske, J, Loveday, J, McFarland, J , Miller, L, Nakajima, R, Peacock, J, Radovich, M, Robotham, ASG, Schneider, P, Sikkema, G, Taylor, EN and Kleijn, GV (2016) The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459 (3). pp. 3251-3270. ISSN 0035-8711
Sifón, C, Cacciato, M, Hoekstra, H, Brouwer, M, Uitert, EV, Viola, M, Baldry, IK, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Choi, A, Driver, SP, Erben, T, Grado, A, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Jong, JTAD, Kuijken, K, McFarland, J, Miller, L , Nakajima, R, Napolitano, N, Norberg, P, Robotham, ASG, Schneider, P and Kleijn, GV (2015) The masses of satellites in GAMA galaxy groups from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 (4). pp. 3938-3951. ISSN 0035-8711
Kuijken, K, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Nakajima, R, Erben, T, de Jong, JTA, Viola, M, Choi, A, Hoekstra, H, Miller, L, van Uitert, E, Amon, A, Blake, C, Brouwer, M, Buddendiek, A, Conti, IF, Eriksen, M, Grado, A, Harnois-Déraps, J, Helmich, E , Herbonnet, R, Irisarri, N, Kitching, T, Klaes, D, La Barbera, F, Napolitano, N, Radovich, M, Schneider, P, Sifón, C, Sikkema, G, Simon, P, Tudorica, A, Valentijn, E, Verdoes Kleijn, G and van Waerbeke, L (2015) Gravitational lensing analysis of the Kilo-Degree Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 (4). pp. 3500-3532. ISSN 0035-8711
de Jong, JTA, Verdoes Kleijn, GA, Boxhoorn, DR, Buddelmeijer, H, Capaccioli, M, Getman, F, Grado, A, Helmich, E, Huang, Z, Irisarri, N, Kuijken, K, La Barbera, F, McFarland, JP, Napolitano, NR, Radovich, M, Sikkema, G, Valentijn, EA, Begeman, KG, Brescia, M, Cavuoti, S , Choi, A, Cordes, O-M, Covone, G, Dall’Ora, M, Hildebrandt, H, Longo, G, Nakajima, R, Paolillo, M, Puddu, E, Rifatto, A, Tortora, C, van Uitert, E, Buddendiek, A, Harnois-Déraps, J, Erben, T, Eriksen, MB, Heymans, C, Hoekstra, H, Joachimi, B, Kitching, TD, Klaes, D, Koopmans, LVE, Köhlinger, F, Roy, N, Sifón, C, Schneider, P, Sutherland, WJ, Viola, M and Vriend, W-J (2015) The first and second data releases of the Kilo-Degree Survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 582. ISSN 0004-6361
Viola, M, Cacciato, M, Brouwer, M, Kuijken, K, Hoekstra, H, Norberg, P, Robotham, ASG, Uitert, EV, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, IK, Choi, A, Jong, JTAD, Driver, SP, Erben, T, Grado, A, Graham, AW, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hopkins, AM, Irisarri, N , Joachimi, B, Loveday, J, Miller, L, Nakajima, R, Schneider, P, Sifón, C and Kleijn, GV (2015) Dark matter halo properties of GAMA galaxy groups from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452 (4). pp. 3259-3550. ISSN 0035-8711
Fu, L, Kilbinger, M, Erben, T, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Kitching, TD, Mellier, Y, Miller, L, Semboloni, E, Simon, P, Van Waerbeke, L, Coupon, J, Harnois-Déraps, J, Hudson, MJ, Kuijken, K, Rowe, B, Schrabback, T, Vafaei, S and Velander, M (2014) CFHTLenS: cosmological constraints from a combination of cosmic shear two-point and three-point correlations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441 (3). pp. 2725-2743. ISSN 0035-8711