Items where Author is "Liske, J"
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Phillipps, S, Bellstedt, S, Bremer, MN, De Propris, R, James, PA, Casura, S, Liske, J and Holwerda, BW (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of star formation on surface brightness in low-redshift galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (4). pp. 5475-5482. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Obreschkow, D, Peacock, JA, Baldry, IK, Bellstedt, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, A, Lagos, C, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Phillipps, S and Taylor, EN (2022) An empirical measurement of the Halo Mass Function from the combination of GAMA DR4, SDSS DR12, and REFLEX II data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (2). pp. 2138-2163. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Bellstedt, S, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Davies, LJM, Liske, J, Obreschkow, D, Taylor, EN, Wright, AH, Alpaslan, M, Bamford, SP, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bilicki, M, Bravo, MJ, Brough, S, Casura, S, Cluver, ME, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ , Croom, SM, de Jong, J, D'Eugenio, F, Propris, RD, Dogruel, B, Drinkwater, MJ, Dvornik, A, Farrow, DJ, Frenk, CS, Giblin, B, Graham, AW, Grootes, MW, Gunawardhana, MLP, Hashemizadeh, A, Haussler, B, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarrett, TH, Jones, DH, Kelvin, LS, Koushan, S, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lange, R, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Mahajan, S, Meyer, MR, Moffett, AJ, Napolitano, NR, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Radovich, M, Raouf, M, Peacock, JA, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, KA, Popescu, CC, Said, K, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Sutherland, WJ, Thorne, JE, Tuffs, RJ, Turner, R, Wel, A, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1). pp. 439-467. ISSN 0035-8711
Holwerda, BW, Kelvin, LS, Baldry, IK, Lintott, C, Alpaslan, M, Pimbblet, KA, Liske, J, Kitching, T, Bamford, S, de Jong, J, Bilicki, M, Hopkins, A, Bridge, J, Steele, R, Jacques, A, Goswami, S, Kusmic, S, Roemer, W, Kruk, S, Popescu, CC , Kuijken, K, Wang, L, Wright, A and Kitching, T (2019) The Frequency of Dust Lanes in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies Identified by Galaxy Zoo in KiDS Imaging of GAMA Targets. The Astronomical Journal, 158 (3). ISSN 0004-6256
Driver, SP, Liske, J, Davies, LJM, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Brown, MJI, Cluver, M, Kuijken, K, Loveday, J, Meyer, MJ, Norberg, P, Owers, M, Power, C and Taylor, EN (2019) 4MOST Consortium Survey 7: Wide-Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey (WAVES). The Messenger, 175. pp. 46-49.
Jong, RSD, Agertz, O, Berbel, AA, Aird, J, Alexander, DA, Amarsi, A, Anders, F, Andrae, R, Ansarinejad, B, Ansorge, W, Antilogus, P, Anwand-Heerwart, H, Arentsen, A, Arnadottir, A, Asplund, M, Auger, M, Azais, N, Baade, D, Baker, G, Baker, S , Balbinot, E, Baldry, IK, Banerji, M, Barden, S, Barklem, P, Barthélémy-Mazot, E, Battistini, C, Bauer, S, Bell, CPM, Bellido-Tirado, O, Bellstedt, S, Belokurov, V, Bensby, T, Bergemann, M, Bestenlehner, JM, Bielby, R, Bilicki, M, Blake, C, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Boeche, C, Boland, W, Boller, T, Bongard, S, Bongiorno, A, Bonifacio, P, Boudon, D, Brooks, D, Brown, MJI, Brown, R, Brüggen, M, Brynnel, J, Brzeski, J, Buchert, T, Buschkamp, P, Caffau, E, Caillier, P, Carrick, J, Casagrande, L, Case, S, Casey, A, Cesarini, I, Cescutti, G, Chapuis, D, Chiappini, C, Childress, M, Christlieb, N, Church, R, Cioni, M-RL, Cluver, M, Colless, M, Collett, T, Comparat, J, Cooper, A, Couch, W, Courbin, F, Croom, S, Croton, D, Daguisé, E, Dalton, G, Davies, LJM, Davis, T, Laverny, PD, Deason, A, Dionies, F, Disseau, K, Doel, P, Döscher, D, Driver, SP, Dwelly, T, Eckert, D, Edge, A, Edvardsson, B, Youssoufi, DE, Elhaddad, A, Enke, H, Erfanianfar, G, Farrell, T, Fechner, T, Feiz, C, Feltzing, S, Ferreras, I, Feuerstein, D, Feuillet, D, Finoguenov, A, Ford, D, Fotopoulou, S, Fouesneau, M, Frenk, C, Frey, S, Gaessler, W, Geier, S, Fusillo, NG, Gerhard, O, Giannantonio, T, Giannone, D, Gibson, B, Gillingham, P, González-Fernández, C, Gonzalez-Solares, E, Gottloeber, S, Gould, A, Grebel, EK, Gueguen, A, Guiglion, G, Haehnelt, M, Hahn, T, Hansen, CJ, Hartman, H, Hauptner, K, Hawkins, K, Haynes, D, Haynes, R, Heiter, U, Helmi, A, Aguayo, CH, Hewett, P, Hinton, S, Hobbs, D, Hoenig, S, Hofman, D, Hook, I, Hopgood, J, Hopkins, A, Hourihane, A, Howes, L, Howlett, C, Huet, T, Irwin, M, Iwert, O, Jablonka, P, Jahn, T, Jahnke, K, Jarno, A, Jin, S, Jofre, P, Johl, D, Jones, D, Jönsson, H, Jordan, C, Karovicova, I, Khalatyan, A, Kelz, A, Kennicutt, R, King, D, Kitaura, F, Klar, J, Klauser, U, Kneib, J, Koch, A, Koposov, S, Kordopatis, G, Korn, A, Kosmalski, J, Kotak, R, Kovalev, M, Kreckel, K, Kripak, Y, Krumpe, M, Kuijken, K, Kunder, A, Kushniruk, I, Lam, MI, Lamer, G, Laurent, F, Lawrence, J, Lehmitz, M, Lemasle, B, Lewis, J, Li, B, Lidman, C, Lind, K, Liske, J, Lizon, J-L, Loveday, J, Ludwig, H-G, McDermid, RM, Maguire, K, Mainieri, V, Mali, S, Mandel, H, Mandel, K, Mannering, L, Martell, S, Delgado, DM, Matijevic, G, McGregor, H, McMahon, R, McMillan, P, Mena, O, Merloni, A, Meyer, MJ, Michel, C, Micheva, G, Migniau, J-E, Minchev, I, Monari, G, Muller, R, Murphy, D, Muthukrishna, D, Nandra, K, Navarro, R, Ness, M, Nichani, V, Nichol, R, Nicklas, H, Niederhofer, F, Norberg, P, Obreschkow, D, Oliver, S, Owers, M, Pai, N, Pankratow, S, Parkinson, D, Parry, I, Paschke, J, Paterson, R, Pecontal, A, Phillips, D, Pillepich, A, Pinard, L, Pirard, J, Piskunov, N, Plank, V, Plüschke, D, Pons, E, Popesso, P, Power, C, Pragt, J, Pramskiy, A, Pryer, D, Quattri, M, Queiroz, ABDA, Quirrenbach, A, Rahurkar, S, Raichoor, A, Ramstedt, S, Rau, A, Recio-Blanco, A, Reiss, R, Renaud, F, Revaz, Y, Rhode, P, Richard, J, Richter, AD, Rix, H-W, Robotham, ASG, Roelfsema, R, Romaniello, M, Rosario, D, Rothmaier, F, Roukema, B, Ruchti, G, Rupprecht, G, Rybizki, J, Ryde, N, Saar, A, Sadler, E, Sahlén, M, Salvato, M, Sassolas, B, Saunders, W, Saviauk, A, Sbordone, L, Schmidt, T, Schnurr, O, Scholz, R-D, Schwope, A, Seifert, W, Shanks, T, Sheinis, A, Sivov, T, Skúladóttir, Á, Smartt, S, Smedley, S, Smith, G, Smith, R, Sorce, J, Spitler, L, Starkenburg, E, Steinmetz, M, Stilz, I, Storm, J, Sullivan, M, Sutherland, W, Swann, E, Tamone, A, Taylor, EN, Teillon, J, Tempel, E, Horst, RT, Thi, W-F, Tolstoy, E, Trager, S, Traven, G, Tremblay, P-E, Tresse, L, Valentini, M, Weygaert, RVD, Ancker, MVD, Veljanoski, J, Venkatesan, S, Wagner, L, Wagner, K, Walcher, CJ, Waller, L, Walton, N, Wang, L, Winkler, R, Wisotzki, L, Worley, CC, Worseck, G, Xiang, M, Xu, W, Yong, D, Zhao, C, Zheng, J, Zscheyge, F and Zucker, D (2019) 4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals. The Messenger, 175. pp. 3-11.
Adami, C, Giles, P, Koulouridis, E, Pacaud, F, Caretta, CA, Pierre, M, Eckert, D, Ramos-Ceja, ME, Gastaldello, F, Fotopoulou, S, Guglielmo, V, Lidman, C, Sadibekova, T, Iovino, A, Maughan, B, Chiappetti, L, Alis, S, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Bottini, D , Birkinshaw, M, Bremer, M, Brown, M, Cucciati, O, Driver, S, Elmer, E, Ettori, S, Evrard, AE, Faccioli, L, Granett, B, Grootes, M, Guzzo, L, Hopkins, A, Horellou, C, Lefevre, JP, Liske, J, Malek, K, Marulli, F, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Paltani, S, Poggianti, B, Polletta, M, Plionis, M, Pollo, A, Pompei, E, Ponman, T, Rapetti, D, Ricci, M, Robotham, A, Tuffs, R, Tasca, L, Valtchanov, I, Vergani, D, Wagner, G and Willis, J (2018) The XXL Survey XX. The 365 cluster catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 1432-0746
Chiappetti, L, Fotopoulou, S, Lidman, C, Faccioli, L, Pacaud, F, Elyiv, A, Paltani, S, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Adami, C, Alis, S, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Bolzonella, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, M, Driver, S, Elmer, E, Franzetti, P, Grootes, M , Guglielmo, V, Iovino, A, Koulouridis, E, Lefevre, JP, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Melnyk, O, Owers, M, Poggianti, B, Polletta, M, Pompei, E, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Tuffs, R, Valtchanov, I, Vignali, C and Wagner, G (2018) The 3XLSS point source catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 1432-0746
Farahi, A, Guglielmo, V, Evrard, AE, Poggianti, BM, Adami, C, Ettori, S, Gastaldello, F, Giles, PA, Maughan, BJ, Rapetti, D, Sereno, M, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Birkinshaw, M, Bolzonella, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, MJI, Chiappetti, L, Driver, SP, Elyiv, A , Garilli, B, Guennou, L, Hopkins, A, Iovino, A, Koulouridis, E, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Pacaud, F, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Scodeggio, M, Tuffs, R and Valtchanov, I (2018) The XXL Survey XXIII. The mass scale of XXL clusters from ensemble spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 1432-0746
Guglielmo, V, Poggianti, BM, Vulcani, B, Adami, C, Gastaldello, F, Ettori, S, Fotoupoulou, S, Koulouridis, E, Ceja, MER, Giles, P, McGee, S, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Birkinshaw, M, Bolzonella, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, M, Chiappetti, L, Driver, S, Elyiv, A , Evrard, A, Garilli, B, Grootes, M, Guennou, L, Hopkins, A, Horellou, C, Iovino, A, Lidman, C, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Pacaud, F, Paltani, S, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Scodeggio, M, Sereno, M, Smolvcic, V, Tuffs, R, Valtchanov, I, Vignali, C and Willis, J (2018) The XXL Survey: XXII. The XXL-North spectrophotometric sample and galaxy stellar mass function in X-ray detected groups and clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 0004-6361
Buitrago, F, Ferreras, I, Kelvin, LS, Baldry, IK, Davies, L, Angthopo, J, Khochfar, S, Hopkins, AM, Driver, SP, Brough, S, Sabater, J, Conselice, CJ, Liske, J, Holwerda, BW, Bremer, MN, Phillipps, S, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Graham, AW and Norberg, P (2018) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Accurate number densities and environments of massive ultracompact galaxies at 0.02 < z < 0.3. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619. ISSN 0004-6361
Turner, S, Kelvin, LS, Baldry, IK, Lisboa, PJ, Longmore, SN, Collins, CA, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM and Liske, J (2018) Reproducible $k$-means clustering in galaxy feature data from the GAMA survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Kelvin, LS, Bremer, MN, Phillipps, S, James, PA, Davies, LJM, Propris, RD, Moffett, AJ, Percival, SM, Baldry, IK, Collins, CA, Alpaslan, M, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Cluver, M, Driver, SP, Hashemizadeh, A, Holwerda, BW, Laine, J, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J , Maciejewski, W, Napolitano, NR, Penny, SJ, Popescu, CC, Sansom, AE, Sutherland, W, Taylor, EN, Kampen, EV and Wang, L (2018) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Variation in Galaxy Structure Across the Green Valley. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Bremer, MN, Phillipps, S, Kelvin, LS, Propris, RD, Kennedy, R, Moffett, AJ, Bamford, S, Davies, LJM, Driver, SP, Häußler, B, Holwerda, B, Hopkins, A, James, PA, Liske, J, Percival, SM and Taylor, EN (2018) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Morphological transformation of galaxies across the green valley. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476 (1). ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Andrews, SK, Cunha, ED, Davies, LJ, Lagos, C, Robotham, ASG, Vinsen, K, Wright, AH, Alpaslan, M, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bourne, N, Brough, S, Bremer, MN, Cluver, M, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Dunne, L, Eales, SA, Gomez, H, Holwerda, B , Hopkins, AM, Kafle, PR, Kelvin, LS, Loveday, J, Liske, J, Maddox, SJ, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, K, Rowlands, K, Sansom, AE, Taylor, E, Wang, L and Wilkins, SM (2017) GAMA/G10-COSMOS/3D-HST: The 0<z<5 cosmic star-formation history, stellar- and dust-mass densities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Baldry, IK, Liske, J, Brown, MJI, Robotham, ASG, Driver, SP, Dunne, L, Alpaslan, M, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Eardley, E, Farrow, DJ, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Hopkins, AM, Kelvin, LS, Loveday, J, Moffett, AJ, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Taylor, EN , Wright, AH, Bamford, SP, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bourne, N, Bremer, MN, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Croom, SM, Davies, LJM, Foster, C, Grootes, MW, Holwerda, BW, Jones, DH, Kafle, PR, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Meyer, MJ, Phillipps, S, Sutherland, WJ, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2017) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the G02 field, Herschel-ATLAS target selection and Data Release 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (3). pp. 3875-3888. ISSN 0035-8711
Loveday, J, Christodoulou, L, Norberg, P, Peacock, JA, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brown, MJI, Colless, M, Driver, SP, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Kafle, PR, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR and Taylor, EN (2017) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Small-scale anisotropic galaxy clustering and the pairwise velocity dispersion of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 (3). pp. 3435-3450. ISSN 0035-8711
Ching, JHY, Croom, SM, Sadler, EM, Robotham, ASG, Brough, S, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Colless, M, Driver, SP, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarvis, MJ, Johnston, HM, Kelvin, LS, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Norberg, P, Pracy, MB, Steele, O, Thomas, D and Wang, L (2017) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The environments of high- and low- excitation radio galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Grootes, MW, Tuffs, RJ, Popescu, CC, Norberg, P, Robotham, ASG, Liske, J, Andrae, E, Baldry, IK, Gunawardhana, M, Kelvin, LS, Madore, BF, Seibert, M, Taylor, EN, Alpaslan, M, Brown, MJI, Cluver, ME, Driver, SP, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM , Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J and Rushton, M (2017) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Gas Fuelling of Spiral Galaxies in the Local Universe I. - The Effect of the Group Environment on Star Formation in Spiral Galaxies. The Astronomical Journal, 153 (3). ISSN 0004-6256
Williams, RP, Baldry, IK, Kelvin, LS, James, PA, Driver, SP, Prescott, M, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Davies, LJM, Holwerda, BW, Liske, J, Norberg, P, Moffett, AJ and Wright, AH (2016) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): detection of low-surface-brightness galaxies from SDSS data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Lavoie, S, Willis, JP, Democles, J, Eckert, D, Gastaldello, F, Smith, GP, Lidman, C, Adami, C, Pacaud, F, Pierre, M, Clerc, N, Giles, P, Lieu, M, Chiappetti, L, Altieri, B, Ardila, F, Baldry, IK, Bongiorno, A, Desai, S, Elyiv, A , Faccioli, L, Gardner, B, Garilli, B, Groote, MW, Guennou, L, Guzzo, L, Hopkins, AM, Liske, J, McGee, S, Melnyk, O, Owers, MS, Poggianti, B, Ponman, TJ, Scodeggio, M, Spitler, L and Tuffs, RJ (2016) The XXL survey XV: Evidence for dry merger driven BCG growth in XXL-100-GC X-ray clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462 (4). pp. 4141-4156. ISSN 0035-8711
Bourne, N, Dunne, L, Maddox, SJ, Dye, S, Furlanetto, C, Hoyos, C, Smith, DJB, Eales, S, Smith, MWL, Valiante, E, Alpaslan, M, Andrae, E, Baldry, IK, Cluver, ME, Cooray, A, Driver, SP, Dunlop, JS, Grootes, MW, Ivison, RJ, Jarrett, TH , Liske, J, Madore, BF, Popescu, CC, Robotham, AG, Rowlands, K, Seibert, M, Thompson, MA, Tuffs, RJ, Viaene, S and Wright, AH (2016) The Herschel-ATLAS Data Release 1 Paper II: Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711
Lange, R, Moffett, AJ, Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Lagos, CDP, Kelvin, LS, Conselice, C, Margalef-Bentabol, B, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, I, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bremer, M, Brough, S, Cluve, M, Colless, M, Davies, LJM, Häußler, B, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Kafle, PR , Kennedy, R, Liske, J, Phillipps, S, Popescu, CC, Taylor, EN, Tuffs, R, Kampen, EV and Wright, AH (2016) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): M-star-R-e relations of z=0 bulges, discs and spheroids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462 (2). pp. 1470-1500. ISSN 0035-8711
Fotopoulou, S, Pacaud, F, Paltani, S, Ranalli, P, Ramos-Ceja, ME, Faccioli, L, Plionis, M, Adami, C, Bongiorno, A, Brusa, M, Chiappetti, L, Desai, S, Elyiv, A, Lidman, C, Melnyk, O, Pierre, M, Piconcelli, E, Vignali, C, Alis, S, Ardila, F , Arnouts, S, Baldry, IK, Bremer, M, Eckert, D, Guennou, L, Horellou, C, Iovino, A, Koulouridis, E, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Menanteau, F, Mohr, JJ, Owers, M, Poggianti, B, Pompei, E, Sadibekova, T, Stanford, A, Tuffs, R and Willis, J (2016) The XXL Survey: VI. The 1000 brightest X-ray point sources. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 592. ISSN 0004-6361
Rodrigues, M, Foster, C, Taylor, EN, Wright, AH, Hopkins, AM, Baldry, IK, Brough, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Cluver, ME, Lara-López, MA, Liske, J, López-Sánchez, R and Pimbblet, KA (2016) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Improved emission lines measurements in four representative samples at 0.07 < z < 0.3. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 590. ISSN 0004-6361
Uitert, EV, Cacciato, M, Hoekstra, H, Brouwer, M, Sifón, C, Viola, M, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Choi, A, Driver, SP, Erben, T, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Kuijken, K, Liske, J, Loveday, J, McFarland, J , Miller, L, Nakajima, R, Peacock, J, Radovich, M, Robotham, ASG, Schneider, P, Sikkema, G, Taylor, EN and Kleijn, GV (2016) The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459 (3). pp. 3251-3270. ISSN 0035-8711
Dariush, A, Dib, S, Hony, S, Smith, DJB, Zhukovska, S, Dunne, L, Eales, S, Andrae, E, Baes, M, Baldry, IK, Bauer, A, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Bourne, N, Cava, A, Clements, D, Cluver, M, Cooray, A, Zotti, GD, Driver, S , Grootes, MW, Hopkins, AM, Hopwood, R, Kaviraj, S, Kelvin, L, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Maddox, S, Madore, B, Michalowski, MJ, Pearson, C, Popescu, C, Robotham, A, Rowlands, K, Seibert, M, Shabani, F, Smith, MWL, Taylor, EN, Tuffs, R, Valiante, E and Virdee, JS (2016) H-ATLAS/GAMA: The nature and characteristics of optically red galaxies detected at submillimetre wavelengths. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456 (2). pp. 2221-2259. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Wright, AH, Andrews, SK, Davies, LJ, Kafle, PR, Lange, R, Moffett, AJ, Mannering, E, Robotham, ASG, Vinsen, K, Alpaslan, M, Andrae, E, Baldry, IK, Bauer, AE, Bamford, SP, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bourne, N, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Cluver, ME , Croom, S, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Cunha, ED, Propris, RD, Drinkwater, M, Dunne, L, Eales, S, Edge, A, Frenk, C, Graham, AW, Grootes, M, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Ibar, E, Kampen, EV, Kelvin, LS, Jarrett, T, Jones, DH, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Maddox, SJ, Madore, B, Meyer, M, Norberg, P, Penny, SJ, Phillipps, S, Popescu, C, Tuffs, RJ, Peacock, JA, Pimbblet, KA, Rowlands, K, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Smith, MWL, Sutherland, WJ, Taylor, EN, Valiante, E, Wang, L, Wilkins, SM and Williams, R (2016) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Panchromatic Data Release (far-UV --- far-IR) and the low-z energy budget. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455 (4). pp. 3911-3942. ISSN 0035-8711
Driver, SP, Davies, LJ, Meyer, M, Power, C, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Liske, J and Norberg, P (2016) The Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey (WAVES). Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings: The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys, 42. pp. 205-214. ISSN 1572-946X
Pacaud, F, Clerc, N, Giles, PA, Adami, C, Sadibekova, T, Pierre, M, Maughan, BJ, Lieu, M, Fèvre, J-PL, Alis, S, Altieri, B, Ardila, F, Baldry, IK, Benoist, C, Birkinshaw, M, Chiappetti, L, Démoclès, J, Eckert, D, Evrard, AE, Faccioli, L , Gastaldello, F, Guennou, L, Horellou, C, Iovino, A, Koulouridis, E, Brun, VL, Lidman, C, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Menanteau, F, Owers, M, Poggianti, B, Pomarède, D, Pompei, E, Ponman, TJ, Rapetti, D, Reiprich, TH, Smith, GP, Tuffs, R, Valageas, P, Valtchanov, I, Willis, JP and Ziparo, F (2015) The XXL Survey. II. The bright cluster sample: catalogue and luminosity function. Astronomy & Astrophysics. ISSN 1432-0746
Farrow, DJ, Cole, S, Norberg, P, Metcalfe, N, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brown, MJI, Hopkins, AM, Lacey, CG, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Palamara, DP, Robotham, ASG and Sridhar, S (2015) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Projected Galaxy Clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 (2). pp. 2120-2145. ISSN 0035-8711
Penny, SJ, Brown, MJI, Pimbblet, KA, Cluver, ME, Croton, DJ, Owers, MS, Lange, R, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Driver, SP, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarrett, TH, Jones, DH, Kelvin, LS, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR , Loveday, J, Meyer, M, Norberg, P, Robotham, ASG and Rodrigues, M (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The Bright Void Galaxy Population in the Optical and Mid-IR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453 (4). pp. 3519-3539. ISSN 0035-8711
Liske, J, Baldry, IK, Driver, SP, Tuffs, RJ, Alpaslan, M, Andrae, E, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Grootes, MW, Gunawardhana, MLP, Kelvin, LS, Loveday, J, Robotham, ASG, Taylor, EN, Bamford, SP, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brown, MJI, Drinkwater, MJ, Hopkins, AM, Meyer, MJ , Norberg, P, Peacock, JA, Agius, NK, Andrews, SK, Bauer, AE, Ching, JHY, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Croom, SM, Davies, LJM, Propris, RD, Dunne, L, Eardley, EM, Ellis, S, Foster, C, Frenk, CS, Häußler, B, Holwerda, BW, Howlett, C, Ibarra, H, Jarvis, MJ, Jones, DH, Kafle, PR, Lacey, CG, Lange, R, Lara-López, MA, López-Sánchez, ÁR, Maddox, S, Madore, BF, McNaught-Roberts, T, Moffett, AJ, Nichol, RC, Owers, MS, Palamara, D, Penny, SJ, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, KA, Popescu, CC, Prescott, M, Proctor, R, Sadler, EM, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Sharp, R, Sutherland, W, Vázquez-Mata, JA, Kampen, EV, Wilkins, SM, Williams, R and Wright, AH (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452 (2). pp. 2087-2126. ISSN 0035-8711
Eardley, E, Peacock, JA, McNaught-Roberts, T, Heymans, C, Norberg, P, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Driver, SP, Farrow, DJ, Liske, J, Loveday, J and Robotham, ASG (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the galaxy luminosity function within the cosmic web. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 (4). pp. 3665-3678. ISSN 0035-8711
Bryant, JJ, Owers, MS, Robotham, ASG, Croom, SM, Driver, SP, Drinkwater, MJ, Lorente, NPF, Cortese, L, Scott, N, Colless, M, Schaefer, A, Taylor, EN, Konstantopoulos, IS, Allen, JT, Baldry, IK, Barnes, L, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bloom, JV, Brooks, AM , Brough, S, Cecil, G, Couch, W, Croton, D, Davies, R, Ellis, S, Fogarty, LMR, Foster, C, Glazebrook, K, Goodwin, M, Green, A, Gunawardhana, ML, Hampton, E, Ho, I-T, Hopkins, AM, Kewley, L, Lawrence, JS, Leon-Saval, SG, Leslie, S, McElroy, R, Lewis, G, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Mahajan, S, Medling, AM, Metcalfe, N, Meyer, M, Mould, J, Obreschkow, D, O'Toole, S, Pracy, M, Richards, SN, Shanks, T, Sharp, R, Sweet, SM, Thomas, AD, Tonini, C and Walcher, CJ (2015) The SAMI Galaxy Survey: instrument specification and target selection. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 447 (3). pp. 2857-2879. ISSN 0035-8711
Gunawardhana, MLP, Hopkins, AM, Taylor, EN, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Norberg, P, Baldry, IK, Loveday, J, Owers, MS, Wilkins, SM, Colless, M, Brown, MJI, Driver, SP, Alpaslan, M, Brough, S, Cluver, M, Croom, S, Kelvin, L, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR and Robotham, ASG (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): bivariate functions of Ha star-forming galaxies. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 447 (1). pp. 875-901. ISSN 0035-8711
Davies, LJM, Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Lange, R, Liske, J, Meyer, M, Popping, A, Wilkins, SM and Wright, AH (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): curation and reanalysis of 16.6k redshifts in the G10/COSMOS region. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 447 (1). pp. 1014-1027. ISSN 0035-8711
Taylor, EN, Hopkins, AM, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brown, MJI, Colless, M, Driver, S, Norberg, P, Robotham, ASG, Alpaslan, M, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Gunawardhana, M, Kelvin, LS, Liske, J, Conselice, CJ, Croom, S, Foster, C, Jarrett, TH, Lara-Lopez, M and Loveday, J (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): deconstructing bimodality - I. Red ones and blue ones. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 446 (2). pp. 2144-2185. ISSN 0035-8711
Han, J, Eke, VR, Frenk, CS, Mandelbaum, R, Norberg, P, Schneider, MD, Peacock, JA, Jing, Y, Baldry, IK, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Liske, J, Loveday, J and Robotham, ASG (2015) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the halo mass of galaxy groups from maximum-likelihood weak lensing. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 446 (2). pp. 1356-1379. ISSN 0035-8711
Allen, JT, Croom, SM, Konstantopoulos, IS, Bryant, JJ, Sharp, R, Cecil, GN, Fogarty, LMR, Foster, C, Green, AW, Ho, I-T, Owers, MS, Schaefer, AL, Scott, N, Bauer, AE, Baldry, IK, Barnes, LA, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bloom, JV, Brough, S, Colless, M , Cortese, L, Couch, WJ, Drinkwater, MJ, Driver, SP, Goodwin, M, Gunawardhana, MLP, Hampton, EJ, Hopkins, AM, Kewley, LJ, Lawrence, JS, Leon-Saval, SG, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Lorente, NPF, McElroy, R, Medling, AM, Mould, J, Norberg, P, Parker, QA, Power, C, Pracy, MB, Richards, SN, Robotham, ASG, Sweet, SM, Taylor, EN, Thomas, AD, Tonini, C and Walcher, CJ (2015) The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Early Data Release. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 446 (2). pp. 1567-1583. ISSN 0035-8711
Robotham, ASG, Driver, SP, Davies, LJM, Hopkins, AM, Baldry, IK, Agius, NK, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, MJI, Cluver, M, De Propris, R, Drinkwater, MJ, Holwerda, BW, Kelvin, LS, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Mahajan, S , McNaught-Roberts, T, Moffett, A, Norberg, P, Obreschkow, D, Owers, MS, Penny, SJ, Pimbblet, K, Prescott, M, Taylor, EN, van Kampen, E and Wilkins, SM (2014) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxy close pairs, mergers and the future fate of stellar mass. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 444 (4). pp. 3986-4008. ISSN 0035-8711
Kelvin, LS, Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Taylor, EN, Graham, AW, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, IK, Bamford, SP, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brown, MJI, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Lara-Lopez, MA, Liske, J, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Norberg, P , Phillipps, S, Popescu, CC, Prescott, M, Sansom, AE and Tuffs, RJ (2014) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass functions by Hubble type. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 444 (2). pp. 1647-1659. ISSN 0035-8711