Items where Division is "Humanities and Social Science" and Year is 2024
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Aitlhadj, L, Finden, A, Haspeslagh, S, Kaleem, A, Khan, RM, Salhab, A, Schotten, CH, Sen, S and Stampnitzky, L (2024) Where is Palestine in Critical Terrorism Studies? A roundtable conversation. Critical Studies on Terrorism. pp. 1-26. ISSN 1753-9153
Anderson, P (2024) Constitutional Crises and Regionalism by Vito Breda. Cheltenham and Camberley: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. 284 pp. $140 hardback. Publius: the journal of federalism. ISSN 0048-5950
Anderson, P (2024) Myanmar Post-Coup: Hopes for a Federal Future. In: Summer University 40th Anniversary Conference: Federalism and Conflict Proceedings . (Summer University 40th Anniversary Conference: Federalism and Conflict, 22 Aug - 23rd Aug 2024, Fribourg, Switzerland).
Anderson, P (2024) Painting England’s Towns (and Cities) Red: The 2024 Metro-Mayoral Elections. Centre on Constitutional Change, University of Edinburgh.
Anderson, P (2024) Power-Sharing as a Tool of Conflict Management: The Experience of Northern Ireland and South Tyrol. In: Mathieu, F, Guénette, D and Gagnon, A-G, (eds.) Comparative Federalism: A Pluralist Exploration. Federalism and Internal Conflicts . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 165-183. ISBN 978-3-031-51092-2
Anderson, P and Brown Swan, C (2024) An unstable Union? The Conservative Party, the British Political Tradition, and devolution in Scotland and Wales 2010–23. Parliamentary Affairs. pp. 1-26. ISSN 0031-2290
Bailey, RA, Pereda, J, Michaels, C and Callahan, T (2024) Unlocking the Potential of Digital Collections. A call to action. Technical Report. Towards a National Collection.
Ballantyne, KJ (2024) Radical Volunteers Dissent, Desegregation, and Student Power in Tennessee. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 9780820366456
Begg, S, Jha, B, Shah, N, Shrestha, A, Pulford, J and Parker, S (2024) Empowering youth as Changemakers for gender-transformative action: a play-based participatory approach in South-East Nepal. Perspectives in Public Health, 144 (5). pp. 285-296. ISSN 1757-9139
Benbough-Jackson, M (2024) Nation and Gender: St David, St David’s Day and Masculinity during the Great War. In: Jenkins, B, O'Leary, P and Ward, S, (eds.) Gender in Modern Welsh History: Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000. Gender Studies in Wales . University of Chicago Press, pp. 147-167. ISBN 9781837720781
Brown Swan, C and Anderson, P (2024) Representing Scotland: Conservative Narratives of Nation, Union, and Scottish Independence. Frontiers in Political Science, 6. ISSN 2673-3145
Brown Swan, C, Anderson, P and Sijstermans, J (2024) Politics and the Pandemic: The UK Covid-19 Inquiry and Devolution. Political Quarterly. ISSN 0032-3179
Brown Swan, C, Anderson, P and Sijstermans, J (2024) The pandemic and devolution – intergovernmental relations under stress. UK in a Changing Europe 2024, hosted by King's College London.
Brown Swan, C, Sijstermans, J and Anderson, P (2024) Of course the pandemic was political: the Covid Inquiry and the constitutional question. UK in a Changing Europe 2024 , hosted by King's College London, UKICE News.
Cranfield, J (2024) British Authorship and Americanization in the Age of Silent Cinema. Twentieth Century Literature: a scholarly and critical journal, 70 (3). pp. 285-314. ISSN 0041-462X
Feather, D (2024) History repeating itself: the use of ‘third countries’ to discourage immigration. The Round Table: the commonwealth journal of international affairs, 113 (4). pp. 385-386. ISSN 0035-8533
Feather, D (2024) Secession in the air in the Western Cape. The Round Table: the commonwealth journal of international affairs, 113 (2). pp. 196-197. ISSN 0035-8533
Feather, D (2024) South Africa: last-minute negotiations as Ramaphosa faces deadline for presidency deal. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639
Feather, D (2024) ‘‘‘A cultivated leader and sensible spokesman for black African views’’[1]: Britain’s Courting of KaNgwane Chief Minister Enos J. Mabuza’. History. ISSN 0018-2648
Feather, DJ, Hazzard, C, Ludvigsen, J, Cont, S and Taylor, K (2024) A Wellspring for New Pedagogical Approaches: The Importance of Foundation Years for Universities. Journal of the Foundation Year Network, 6. pp. 19-27.
Gani, JK and Khan, RM (2024) Positionality Statements as a Function of Coloniality: Interrogating Reflexive Methodologies. International Studies Quarterly, 68 (2). ISSN 0020-8833
Gaynor, SM (2024) “Bones are life!” true-crime podcasting, self-promotion and the vernaculars of Instagram with Cult Liter. Popular Communication, 22 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1540-5702
Hazzard, C (2024) National History, Resistance, and Cultural Enclosure in Iceland’s Bell. Interventions. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1369-801X
He, L (2024) Popular Music and Identity in China: A Qualitative Analysis of “Chineseness” in Mandopop since the 1980s. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Horrocks, C (2024) Out of the Archives The Women of Punch Exhibition and Archive (Liverpool John Moores Special Collections & Archives). International Centre for Victorian Women Writers Newsletter.
Keil, A (2024) A Very British Dictatorship: The Defence of the Realm Act in Britain, 1914-1920. First World War Studies, 14 (1). pp. 51-70. ISSN 1947-5020
Khan, R (2024) A Case for the Abolition of "Terrorism" and its Industry. Critical Studies on Terrorism. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1753-9153
Khan, RM (2024) A Decolonial Mission for Critical Terrorism Studies: Interrogating the Gendered Coloniality and Colonial Function of the Dominant Discourse on Terrorism. In: Finden, A, Yebra Lopez, C, Ike, T, Gaudino, U and Oando, S, (eds.) Methodologies in Critical Terrorism Studies Gaps and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781003383963
Khan, RM (2024) Studying ‘Religion’ Critically and the Decolonial Turn: Lessons for Critical Terrorism Studies. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0943-3058
Knowles, J (2024) Home thoughts from abroad: Auf Wiedersehen, Pet and condition-of England comedy under Thatcher. In: Marshall, R, (ed.) New Waves: 1980s TV in Britain. Out There Publications, London, pp. 206-230. ISBN 9798876530127
Krueger Bridge, S (2024) The Online Cathedral: A Case Study of Egalitarian Music Outreach at Liverpool Cathedral for Mental Health and Spiritual Wellbeing during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Yale Journal of Music & Religion, 9 (2). pp. 83-104. ISSN 2377-231X
Livesey, A (2024) Consent in the Presence of Force: Sexual Violence and Black Women's Survival in Antebellum New Orleans. By Emily A. Owens (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023. xvi intro pp. $19.95.). Journal of Social History. pp. 1-3. ISSN 0022-4529
Ludvigsen, J (2024) Contestations over risk expertise, definitions and insecurities: The case of European football. Current Sociology. pp. 1-19. ISSN 0011-3921
Ludvigsen, J and Byrne, S (2024) In the shadow of sport mega-events: A critical analysis of the nexus between evictions, displacements, securitized gentrification and children’s right. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. ISSN 1012-6902
Ludvigsen, J and Tsoukala, A (2024) Defining and controlling violent fandom in Europe: More than meets the eye. Soccer and Society. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1466-0970
Ludvigsen, J, Tsoukala, A, Byrne, S, Rookwood, J and Ross, WJ (2024) A roundtable discussion on the politics of Euro 2024: A collective commentary. Soccer and Society. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1466-0970
Ludvigsen, J and Wise, N (2024) Re-activating ‘feel-good’ effects as an intangible hosting vision. Managing Sport and Leisure. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2375-0472
Ludvigsen, JAL (2024) Beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fans: exploring the mechanisms enabling football fans’ position as a stakeholder in the management of circulations. Soccer and Society, 25 (4-6). pp. 647-659. ISSN 1466-0970
Maxwell, J (2024) The Americans of Abercromby Square. In: The Americans of Abercromby Square. Harriet Farrell . Hawksmoor Publishing, UK. ISBN 978-1914066597
McKenzie, JA, Ludvigsen, JAL, Scott-Bell, A and Hayton, JW (2024) The framed and contested meanings of sport mega-event 'legacies': a case study of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1012-6902
Menozzi, F (2024) The Postcolonial Museum and Nonsynchronous Heritage. Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies. ISSN 1369-801X
Menozzi, F (2024) Variations on Time: Reading Paolo Virno Reading Ernst Bloch. Cultural Critique: an international journal of cultural studies, 123. pp. 1-25. ISSN 0882-4371
Moran, J (2024) The Death of an Irishman: A Speculative Biography. History Workshop Journal, 98. ISSN 1363-3554
Moran, J (2024) Life and Fate and the Public Humanities in the Age of AI. Public Humanities, 1. pp. 1-6.
Moran, J (2024) You are not an angel (a letter to my students). New Writing The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1479-0726
O'Leary, MJ (2024) Interstitial Dialogues: A Phenomenology of News-Comments. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Social Media , 11 (1). pp. 373-377. (11th European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2024, 30-31 May 2024, University of Brighton, United Kingdom).
O'Reilly, P and Vaughan, CM (2024) People-centred Integration in the East African Community: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Regionalism. Project Report. Rift Valley Institute.
Ogden, C (2024) ‘People…should not be left in the dark. Someone needs to give them a hand’ choose life schools evaluation project – final report. Project Report. Liverpool John Moores University.
Ogden, C (2024) Rehumanising drug and alcohol education: choose life schools evaluation project summary report. Project Report. Liverpool John Moores University.
Perfect, M (2024) Hanif Kureishi: Fundamentalism and Multiculturalism from Part IV - 1975–Present. In: Potter, R and Taunton, M, (eds.) The British Novel of Ideas: George Eliot to Zadie Smith. Cambridge University Press, p. 378. ISBN 9781316514320
Petersen-Wagner, R and Ludvigsen, J (2024) Between global events and local reverberations: Globalization, local media framing and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1470-2266
Petersen-Wagner, R and Ludvigsen, J (2024) Challenging (platformisation) invisibilities through humour: The Paralympics, TikTok and social change? Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1354-8565
Petersen-Wagner, R and Ludvigsen, J (2024) Conceptualizing a ‘power game field’ through the case of ‘Padrão FIFA’: Bridging together Beckian and Bourdieusian insights. Globalizations. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1474-7731
Piesse, J (2024) Done with Dickens. Dickens Quarterly, 41 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 0742-5473
Sapkota, BD, Simkhada, P, Newton, D and Parker, S (2024) Domestic Violence Against Women in Nepal: A Systematic Review of Risk Factors. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 25 (4). pp. 2703-2720. ISSN 1524-8380
Smyth, G (2024) The Past, the Present and the Wonderful, Worrisome Future: Transculturalism, Memory and Crisis in Irish Studies. In: Barros-del Rio, MA, (ed.) Transcultural Insights into Contemporary Irish Literature and Society: Breaking New Ground. Routledge, pp. 179-191. ISBN 9781003428350
Stibbe, M and Keil, A (2024) Introduction: State of Emergency Regimes in the First World War Era. First World War Studies, 14 (1). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1947-5020
Weiss, R, Douglas, H and Standing, K (2024) Inclusive conversations about menopause. In: Standing, K, Parker, S and Lotter, S, (eds.) Experiences of menstruation from the Global South and North: Towards a visualised, inclusive, and applied menstruation studies. Proceedings of the British Academy . Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197267578
Willie, R (2024) Thomas Nashe beyond the grave. In: Preedy, CK and Willie, R, (eds.) Thomas Nashe and Literary Performance. Revels Plays Companion Series . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-1-5261-4946-6
Wilson, K (2024) On a wing and a prayer: professional ethics and the prison library. Library Management.