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Number of items: 206.


Aartsen, MG, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aguilar, JA, Ahlers, M, Ahrens, M, Al Samarai, I, Altmann, D, Andeen, K, Anderson, T, Ansseau, I, Anton, G, Arguelles, C, Auffenberg, J, Axani, S, Bagherpour, H, Bai, X, Barron, JP, Barwick, SW, Baum, V , Bay, R, Beatty, JJ, Tjus, JB, Becker, K-H, BenZvi, S, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Besson, DZ, Binder, G, Bindig, D, Blaufuss, E, Blot, S, Bohm, C, Borner, M, Bos, F, Boser, S, Botner, O, Bourbeau, E, Bourbeau, J, Bradascio, F, Braun, J, Brenzke, M, Bretz, H-P, Bron, S, Brostean-Kaiser, J, Burgman, A, Busse, RS, Carver, T, Cheung, E, Chirkin, D, Christov, A, Clark, K, Classen, L, Coenders, S, Collin, GH, Conrad, JM, Coppin, P, Correa, P, Cowen, DF, Cross, R, Dave, P, Day, M, de Andre, JPAM, De Clercq, C, DeLaunay, JJ, Dembinski, H, De Ridder, S, Desiati, P, de Vries, KD, de Wasseige, G, de With, M, DeYoung, T, Diaz-Velez, JC, di Lorenzo, V, Dujmovic, H, Dumm, JP, Dunkman, M, Dvorak, E, Eberhardt, B, Ehrhardt, T, Eichmann, B, Eller, P, Evenson, PA, Fahey, S, Fazely, AR, Felde, J, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Flis, S, Franckowiak, A, Friedman, E, Fritz, A, Gaisser, TK, Gallagher, J, Gerhardt, L, Ghorbani, K, Glauch, T, Glusenkamp, T, Goldschmidt, A, Gonzalez, JG, Grant, D, Griffith, Z, Haack, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Hanson, K, Hebecker, D, Heereman, D, Helbing, K, Hellauer, R, Hickford, S, Hignight, J, Hill, GC, Hoffman, KD, Hoffmann, R, Hoinka, T, Hokanson-Fasig, B, Hoshina, K, Huang, F, Huber, M, Hultqvist, K, Hunnefeld, M, Hussain, R, In, S, Iovine, N, Ishihara, A, Jacobi, E, Japaridze, GS, Jeong, M, Jero, K, Jones, BJP, Kalaczynski, P, Kang, W, Kappes, A, Kappesser, D, Karg, T, Karle, A, Katz, U, Kauer, M, Keivani, A, Kelley, JL, Kheirandish, A, Kim, J, Kim, M, Kintscher, T, Kiryluk, J, Kittler, T, Klein, SR, Koirala, R, Kolanoski, H, Kopke, L, Kopper, C, Kopper, S, Koschinsky, JP, Koskinen, DJ, Kowalski, M, Krings, K, Kroll, M, Kruckl, G, Kunwar, S, Kurahashi, N, Kuwabara, T, Kyriacou, A, Labare, M, Lanfranchi, JL, Larson, MJ, Lauber, F, Leonard, K, Lesiak-Bzdak, M, Leuermann, M, Liu, QR, Mariscal, CJL, Lu, L, Lunemann, J, Luszczak, W, Madsen, J, Maggi, G, Mahn, KBM, Mancina, S, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Maunu, R, Meagher, K, Medici, M, Meier, M, Menne, T, Merino, G, Meures, T, Miarecki, S, Micallef, J, Momente, G, Montaruli, T, Moore, RW, Morse, R, Moulai, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nakarmi, P, Naumann, U, Neer, G, Niederhausen, H, Nowicki, SC, Nygren, DR, Pollmann, AO, Olivas, A, O'Murchadha, A, O'Sullivan, E, Palczewski, T, Pandya, H, Pankova, DV, Peiffer, P, Pepper, JA, de los Heros, CP, Pieloth, D, Pinat, E, Plum, M, Price, PB, Przybylski, GT, Raab, C, Radel, L, Rameez, M, Rauch, L, Rawlins, K, Rea, IC, Reimann, R, Relethford, B, Relich, M, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Richman, M, Robertson, S, Rongen, M, Rott, C, Ruhe, T, Ryckbosch, D, Rysewyk, D, Safa, I, Salzer, T, Herrera, SES, Sandrock, A, Sandroos, J, Santander, M, Sarkar, S, Sarkar, S, Satalecka, K, Schlunder, P, Schmidt, T, Schneider, A, Schoenen, S, Schoneberg, S, Schumacher, L, Sclafani, S, Seckel, D, Seunarine, S, Soedingrekso, J, Soldin, D, Song, M, Spiczak, GM, Spiering, C, Stachurska, J, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stasik, A, Stein, R, Stettner, J, Steuer, A, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, RG, Stossl, A, Strotjohann, NL, Stuttard, T, Sullivan, GW, Sutherland, M, Taboada, I, Tatar, J, Tenholt, F, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terliuk, A, Tilav, S, Toale, PA, Tobin, MN, Toennis, C, Toscano, S, Tosi, D, Tselengidou, M, Tung, CF, Turcati, A, Turley, CF, Ty, B, Unger, E, Usner, M, Vandenbroucke, J, Van Driessche, W, van Eijk, D, van Eijndhoven, N, Vanheule, S, van Santen, J, Vogel, E, Vraeghe, M, Walck, C, Wallace, A, Mallraff, M, Wandler, FD, Wandkowsky, N, Waza, A, Weaver, C, Weiss, MJ, Wendt, C, Werthebach, J, Westerhoff, S, Whelan, BJ, Whitehorn, N, Whelan, BJ, Whitehorn, N, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, CH, Wille, L, Williams, DR, Wills, L, Wolf, M, Wood, J, Wood, TR, Woschnagg, K, Xu, DL, Xu, XW, Xu, Y, Yanez, JP, Yodh, G, Yoshida, S, Yuan, T, Abdollahi, S, Ajello, M, Angioni, R, Baldini, L, Ballet, J, Barbiellini, G, Bastieri, D, Bechtol, K, Bellazzini, R, Berenji, B, Bissaldi, E, Blandford, RD, Bonino, R, Bottacini, E, Bregeon, J, Bruel, P, Buehler, R, Burnett, TH, Burns, E, Buson, S, Cameron, RA, Caputo, R, Caraveo, PA, Cavazzuti, E, Charles, E, Chen, S, Cheung, CC, Chiang, J, Chiaro, G, Ciprini, S, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Conrad, J, Costantin, D, Cutini, S, D'Ammando, F, de Palma, F, Digel, SW, Di Lalla, N, Di Mauro, M, Di Venere, L, Dominguez, A, Favuzzi, C, Franckowiak, A, Fukazawa, Y, Funk, S, Fusco, P, Gargano, F, Gasparrini, D, Giglietto, N, Giomi, M, Giommi, P, Giordano, F, Giroletti, M, Glanzman, T, Green, D, Grenier, IA, Grondin, M-H, Guiriec, S, Harding, AK, Hayashida, M, Hays, E, Hewitt, JW, Horan, D, Johannesson, G, Kadler, M, Kensei, S, Kocevski, D, Krauss, F, Kreter, M, Kuss, M, La Mura, G, Larsson, S, Latronico, L, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Li, J, Longo, F, Loparco, F, Lovellette, MN, Lubrano, P, Magill, JD, Maldera, S, Malyshev, D, Manfreda, A, Mazziotta, MN, McEnery, JE, Meyer, M, Michelson, PF, Mizuno, T, Monzani, ME, Morselli, A, Moskalenko, IV, Negro, M, Nuss, E, Ojha, R, Omodei, N, Orienti, M, Orlando, E, Palatiello, M, Paliya, VS, Perkins, JS, Persic, M, Pesce-Rollins, M, Piron, F, Porter, TA, Principe, G, Raino, S, Rando, R, Rani, B, Razzano, M, Razzaque, S, Reimer, A, Reimer, O, Renault-Tinacci, N, Ritz, S, Rochester, LS, Parkinson, PMS, Sgro, C, Siskind, EJ, Spandre, G, Spinelli, P, Suson, DJ, Tajima, H, Takahashi, M, Tanaka, Y, Thayer, JB, Thompson, DJ, Tibaldo, L, Torres, DF, Torresi, E, Tosti, G, Troja, E, Valverde, J, Vianello, G, Vogel, M, Wood, K, Wood, M, Zaharijas, G, Ahnen, ML, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arcaro, C, Baack, D, Babic, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, de Almeida, UB, Barrio, JA, Gonzalez, JB, Bednarek, W, Bernardini, E, Berti, A, Bhattacharyya, W, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G, Carosi, A, Carosi, R, Ceribella, G, Chatterjee, A, Colak, SM, Colin, P, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, Cumani, P, Da Vela, P, Dazzi, F, De Angelis, A, De Lotto, B, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Di Pierro, F, Dominguez, A, Prester, DD, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Einecke, S, Elsaesser, D, Ramazani, VF, Fernandez-Barral, A, Fidalgo, D, Foffano, L, Pfrang, K, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Franceschini, A, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, Gallozzi, S, Lopez, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gaug, M, Giammaria, P, Godinovic, N, Gora, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Hayashida, M, Herrera, J, Hose, J, Hrupec, D, Inoue, S, Ishio, K, Konno, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Lelas, D, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, Lopez, M, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martinez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Minev, M, M, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Moralejo, A, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Nagayoshi, T, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Rosillo, MN, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogues, L, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Pedaletti, G, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Garcia, JR, Reichardt, I, Rhode, W, Ribo, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Snidaric, I, Sobczynska, D, Stamerra, A, Strzys, M, Suric, T, Takahashi, M, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzic, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Alba, N, Treves, A, Tsujimoto, S, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vovk, I, Ward, JE, Will, M, Zaric, D, Lucarelli, F, Tavani, M, Piano, G, Donnarumma, I, Pittori, C, Verrecchia, F, Barbiellini, G, Bulgarelli, A, Caraveo, P, Cattaneo, PW, Colafrancesco, S, Costa, E, Di Cocco, G, Ferrari, A, Gianotti, F, Giuliani, A, Lipari, P, Mereghetti, S, Morselli, A, Pacciani, L, Paoletti, F, Parmiggiani, N, Pellizzoni, A, Picozza, P, Pilia, M, Rappoldi, A, Trois, A, Vercellone, S, Vittorini, V, Franckowiak, A, Stanek, KZ, Kochanek, CS, Beacom, JF, Thompson, TA, Holoien, W-S, Dong, S, Prieto, JL, Shappee, BJ, Holmbo, S, Abeysekara, AU, Albert, A, Alfaro, R, Alvarez, C, Arceo, R, Arteaga-Velazquez, JC, Rojas, DA, Solares, HAA, Becerril, A, Belmont-Moreno, E, Bernal, A, Caballero-Mora, KS, Capistran, T, Carraminana, A, Casanova, S, Castillo, M, Cotti, U, Cotzomi, J, de Leon, SC, De Leon, C, De la Fuente, E, Hernandez, RD, Dichiara, S, Dingus, BL, DuVernois, MA, Diaz-Velez, JC, Ellsworth, RW, Engel, K, Fiorino, DW, Fleischhack, H, Fraija, N, Garcia-Gonzalez, JA, Garfias, F, Munoz, AG, Gonzalez, MM, Goodman, JA, Hampel-Arias, Z, Harding, JP, Hernandez, S, Hona, B, Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F, Hui, CM, Huntemeyer, P, Iriarte, A, Jardin-Blicq, A, Joshi, V, Kaufmann, S, Kunde, GJ, Lara, A, Lauer, RJ, Lee, WH, Lennarz, D, Vargas, HL, Linnemann, JT, Longinotti, AL, Luis-Raya, G, Luna-Garcia, R, Malone, K, Marinelli, SS, Martinez, O, Martinez-Castellanos, I, Martinez-Castro, J, Martinez-Huerta, H, Matthews, JA, Miranda-Romagnoli, P, Moreno, E, Mostafa, M, Nayerhoda, A, Nellen, L, Newbold, M, Nisa, MU, Noriega-Papaqui, R, Pelayo, R, Pretz, J, Perez-Perez, EG, Ren, Z, Rho, CD, Riviere, C, Rosa-Gonzalez, D, Rosenberg, M, Ruiz-Velasco, E, Ruiz-Velasco, E, Greus, FS, Sandoval, A, Schneider, M, Schoorlemmer, H, Sinnis, G, Smith, AJ, Springer, RW, Surajbali, P, Tibolla, O, Tollefson, K, Torres, I, Villasenor, L, Weisgarber, T, Werner, F, Yapici, T, Gaurang, Y, Zepeda, A, Zhou, H, Alvarez, JD, Abdalla, H, Anguner, EO, Armand, C, Backes, M, Becherini, Y, Berge, D, Bottcher, M, Boisson, C, Bolmont, J, Bonnefoy, S, Bordas, P, Brun, F, Buchele, M, Bulik, T, Caroff, S, Carosi, A, Casanova, S, Cerruti, M, Chakraborty, N, Chandra, S, Chen, A, Colafrancesco, S, Davids, ID, Deil, C, Devin, J, Djannati-Atai, A, Egberts, K, Emery, G, Eschbach, S, Fiasson, A, Fontaine, G, Funk, S, Fussling, M, Gallant, YA, Gate, F, Giavitto, G, Glawion, D, Glicenstein, JF, Gottschall, D, Grondin, M-H, Haupt, M, Henri, G, Hinton, JA, Hoischen, C, Holch, TL, Huber, D, Jamrozy, M, Jankowsky, D, Jankowsky, F, Jouvin, L, Jung-Richardt, I, Kerszberg, D, Khelifi, B, King, J, Klepser, S, Kluzniak, W, Komin, N, Kraus, M, Lefaucheur, J, Lemiere, A, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Lenain, J-P, Leser, E, Lohse, T, Lopez-Coto, R, Lorentz, M, Lypova, I, Marandon, V, Marti-Devesa, GG, Maurin, G, Mitchell, AMW, Moderski, R, Mohamed, M, Mohrmann, L, Moulin, E, Murach, T, de Naurois, M, Niederwanger, F, Niemiec, J, Oakes, L, O'Brien, P, Ohm, S, Ostrowski, M, Oya, I, Panter, M, Parsons, RD, Perennes, C, Piel, Q, Pita, S, Poireau, V, Noel, AP, Prokoph, H, Puhlhofer, G, Quirrenbach, A, Raab, S, Rauth, R, Renaud, M, Rieger, F, Rinchiuso, L, Romoli, C, Rowell, G, Rudak, B, Sanchez, DA, Sasaki, M, Schlickeiser, R, Schussler, F, Schulz, A, Schwanke, U, Seglar-Arroyo, M, Shafi, N, Simoni, R, Sol, H, Stegmann, C, Steppa, C, Tavernier, T, Taylor, AM, Tiziani, D, Trichard, C, Tsirou, M, van Eldik, C, van Rensburg, C, van Soelen, B, Veh, J, Vincent, P, Voisin, F, Wagner, SJ, Wagner, RM, Wierzcholska, A, Zanin, R, Zdziarski, AA, Zech, A, Ziegler, A, Zorn, J, Zywucka, N, Savchenko, V, Ferrigno, C, Bazzano, A, Diehl, R, Kuulkers, E, Laurent, P, Mereghetti, S, Natalucci, L, Panessa, F, Rodi, J, Ubertini, P, Morokuma, T, Ohta, K, Tanaka, YT, Mori, H, Yamanaka, M, Kawabata, KS, Utsumi, Y, Nakaoka, T, Kawabata, M, Nagashima, H, Yoshida, M, Matsuoka, Y, Itoh, R, Keel, W, Copperwheat, CM, Steele, I, Cenko, SB, Cowen, DF, DeLaunay, JJ, Evans, PA, Fox, DB, Keivani, A, Kennea, JA, Marshall, FE, Osborne, JP, Santander, M, Tohuvavohu, A, Turley, CF, Abeysekara, AU, Archer, A, Benbow, W, Bird, R, Brill, A, Brose, R, Buchovecky, M, Buckley, JH, Bugaev, V, Christiansen, JL, Connolly, MP, Cui, W, Daniel, MK, Errando, M, Falcone, A, Feng, Q, Finley, JP, Fortson, L, Furniss, A, Gueta, O, Hutten, M, Hervet, O, Hughes, G, Humensky, TB, Johnson, CA, Kaaret, P, Kar, P, Kelley-Hoskins, N, Kertzman, M, Kieda, D, Krause, M, Krennrich, F, Kumar, S, Lang, MJ, Lin, TTY, Maier, G, McArthur, S, Moriarty, P, Mukherjee, R, Nieto, D, O'Brien, S, Ong, RA, Otte, AN, Park, N, Petrashyk, A, Pohl, M, Popkow, A, Pueschel, E, Quinn, J, Ragan, K, Reynolds, PT, Richards, GT, Roache, E, Rulten, C, Sadeh, I, Santander, M, Scott, SS, Sembroski, GH, Shahinyan, K, Sushch, I, Trepanier, S, Tyler, J, Vassiliev, VV, Wakely, SP, Weinstein, A, Wells, RM, Wilcox, P, Wilhelm, A, Williams, DA, Zitzer, B, Tetarenko, AJ, Kimball, AE, Miller-Jones, JCA and Sivakoff, GR (2018) Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A. Science, 361 (6398). ISSN 0036-8075

Abolfathi, B, Aguado, DS, Aguilar, G, Prieto, CA, Almeida, A, Ananna, TT, Anders, F, Anderson, SF, Andrews, BH, Anguiano, B, Aragon-Salamanca, A, Argudo-Fernandez, M, Armengaud, E, Ata, M, Aubourg, E, Avila-Reese, V, Badenes, C, Bailey, S, Balland, C, Barger, KA , Barrera-Ballesteros, J, Bartosz, C, Bastien, F, Bates, D, Baumgarten, F, Bautista, J, Beaton, R, Beers, TC, Belfiore, F, Bender, CF, Bernardi, M, Bershady, MA, Beutler, F, Bird, JC, Bizyaev, D, Blanc, GA, Blanton, MR, Blomqvist, M, Bolton, AS, Boquien, M, Borissova, J, Bovy, J, Diaz, CAB, Brandt, WN, Brinkmann, J, Brownstein, JR, Bundy, K, Burgasser, AJ, Burtin, E, Busca, NG, Canas, CI, Cano-Diaz, M, Cappellari, M, Carrera, R, Casey, AR, Sodi, BC, Chen, Y, Cherinka, B, Chiappini, C, Choi, PD, Chojnowski, D, Chuang, C-H, Chung, H, Clerc, N, Cohen, RE, Comerford, JM, Comparat, J, do Nascimento, JC, da Costa, L, Cousinou, M-C, Covey, K, Crane, JD, Cruz-Gonzalez, I, Cunha, K, Ilha, GDS, Damke, GJ, Darling, J, Davidson, JW, Dawson, K, de Icaza Lizaola, MAC, de la Macorra, A, de la Torre, S, de Lee, N, de Sainte Agathe, V, Machado, AD, Dell'Agli, F, Delubac, T, Diamond-Stanic, AM, Donor, J, Downes, JJ, Drory, N, Bourboux, HDMD, Duckworth, CJ, Dwelly, T, Dyer, J, Ebelke, G, Eigenbrot, AD, Eisenstein, DJ, Elsworth, YP, Emsellem, E, Eracleous, M, Erfanianfar, G, Escoffier, S, Fan, X, Alvar, EF, Fernandez-Trincado, JG, Cirolini, RF, Feuillet, D, Finoguenov, A, Fleming, SW, Font-Ribera, A, Freischlad, G, Frinchaboy, P, Fu, H, Maqueo Chew, YG, Galbany, L, Perez, AEG, Garcia-Dias, R, Garcia-Hernandez, DA, Garma Oehmichen, LA, Gaulme, P, Gelfand, J, Gil-Marin, H, Gillespie, BA, Goddard, D, Gonzalez Hernandez, JI, Gonzalez-Perez, V, Grabowski, K, Green, PJ, Grier, CJ, Gueguen, A, Guo, H, Guy, J, Hagen, A, Hall, P, Harding, P, Hasselquist, S, Hawley, S, Hayes, CR, Hearty, F, Hekker, S, Hernandez, J, Toledo, HH, Hogg, DW, Holley-Bockelmann, K, Holtzman, JA, Hou, J, Hsieh, B-C, Hunt, JAS, Hutchinson, TA, Hwang, HS, Jimenez Angel, CE, Johnson, JA, Jones, A, Jonsson, H, Jullo, E, Khan, FS, Kinemuchi, K, Kirkby, D, Kirkpatrick, CC, Kitaura, F-S, Knapp, GR, Kneib, J-P, Kollmeier, JA, Lacerna, I, Lane, RR, Lang, D, Law, DR, Le Goff, J-M, Lee, Y-B, Li, H, Li, C, Lian, J, Liang, Y, Lima, M, Lin, L, Long, D, Lucatello, S, Lundgren, B, Mackereth, JT, MacLeod, CL, Mahadevan, S, Maia, MAG, Majewski, S, Maraston, C, Mariappan, V, Marques-Chaves, R, Masseron, T, Masters, KL, McDermid, RM, McGreer, ID, Melendez, M, Meneses-Goytia, S, Merloni, A, Merrifield, MR, Meszaros, S, Meza, A, Minchev, I, Minniti, D, Mueller, E-M, Muller-Sanchez, F, Muna, D, Munoz, RR, Myers, AD, Nair, P, Nandra, K, Ness, M, Newman, JA, Nichol, RC, Nidever, DL, Nitschelm, C, Noterdaeme, P, O'Connell, J, Oelkers, RJ, Oravetz, A, Oravetz, D, Ortiz, EA, Osorio, Y, Pace, Z, Padilla, N, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Palicio, PA, Pan, H-A, Pan, K, Parikh, T, Paris, I, Park, C, Peirani, S, Pellejero-Ibanez, M, Penny, S, Percival, WJ, Perez-Fournon, I, Petitjean, P, Pieri, MM, Pinsonneault, M, Pisani, A, Prada, F, Prakash, A, de Andrade Queiroz, AB, Raddick, MJ, Raichoor, A, Rembold, SB, Richstein, H, Riffel, RA, Rix, H-W, Robin, AC, Torres, SR, Roman-Zuniga, C, Ross, AJ, Rossi, G, Ruan, J, Ruggeri, R, Ruiz, J, Salvato, M, Sanchez, AG, Sanchez, SF, Almeida, JS, Sanchez-Gallego, JR, Santana Rojas, FA, Santiago, BX, Schiavon, RP, Schimoia, JS, Schlafly, E, Schlegel, D, Schneider, DP, Schuster, WJ, Schwope, A, Seo, H-J, Serenelli, A, Shen, S, Shen, Y, Shetrone, M, Shull, M, Aguirre, VS, Simon, JD, Skrutskie, M, Slosar, A, Smethurst, R, Smith, V, Sobeck, J, Somers, G, Souter, BJ, Souto, D, Spindler, A, Stark, DV, Stassun, K, Steinmetz, M, Stello, D, Storchi-Bergmann, T, Streblyanska, A, Stringfellow, GS, Suarez, G, Sun, J, Szigeti, L, Taghizadeh-Popp, M, Talbot, MS, Tang, B, Tao, C, Tayar, J, Tembe, M, Teske, J, Thakar, AR, Thomas, D, Tissera, P, Tojeiro, R, Tremonti, C, Troup, NW, Urry, M, Valenzuela, O, Van den Bosch, R, Vargas-Gonzalez, J, Vargas-Magana, M, Vazquez, JA, Villanova, S, Vogt, N, Wake, D, Wang, Y, Weaver, BA, Weijmans, A-M, Weinberg, DH, Westfall, KB, Whelan, DG, Wilcots, E, Wild, V, Williams, RA, Wilson, J, Wood-Vasey, WM, Wylezalek, D, Xiao, T, Yan, R, Yang, M, Ybarra, JE, Yeche, C, Zakamska, N, Zamora, O, Zarrouk, P, Zasowski, G, Zhang, K, Zhao, C, Zhao, G-B, Zheng, Z, Zheng, Z, Zhou, Z-M, Zhu, G, Zinn, JC and Zou, H (2018) The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 235 (2). ISSN 0067-0049

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Ciavarella, A, Christidis, N, Andrews, M, Groenendijk, M, Rostron, J, Elkington, M, Burke, C, Lott, F and Stott, P (2018) Upgrade of the HadGEM3-A based attribution system to high resolution and a new validation framework for probabilistic event attribution. Weather and Climate Extremes, 20. pp. 9-32. ISSN 2212-0947

Collaboration, MAGIC, Ahnen, ML, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arcaro, C, Baack, D, Babić, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, Almeida, UBD, Barrio, JA, González, JB, Bednarek, W, Bernardini, E, Berse, RC, Berti, A, Bhattacharyya, W, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G , Carosi, R, Carosi, A, Ceribella, G, Chatterjee, A, Colak, SM, Colin, P, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, Cumani, P, Vela, PD, Dazzi, F, Angelis, AD, Lotto, BD, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Pierro, FD, Domínguez, A, Prester, DD, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Einecke, S, Elsaesser, D, Ramazani, VF, Fernández-Barral, A, Fidalgo, D, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, Gallozzi, S, López, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gaug, M, Giammaria, P, Godinović, N, Gora, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Hayashida, M, Herrera, J, Hose, J, Hrupec, D, Ishio, K, Konno, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Kuveždić, D, Lelas, D, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López, M, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Mielke, K, Minev, M, Miranda, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Moralejo, A, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Nagayoshi, T, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Rosillo, MN, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogués, L, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Pedaletti, G, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Garcia, JR, Reichardt, I, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Šnidarić, I, Sobczynska, D, Stamerra, A, Strzys, M, Surić, T, Takahashi, M, Takalo, L, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzić, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Albà, N, Treves, A, Tsujimoto, S, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vovk, I, Ward, JE, Will, M, Zarić, D, Collaboration, FTF-L, Bastieri, D, Gasparrini, D, Lott, B, Rani, B, Thompson, DJ, Collaborators, MWL, Agudo, I, Angelakis, E, Borman, GA, Casadio, C, Grishina, TS, Gurwell, M, Hovatta, T, Itoh, R, Järvelä, E, Jermak, HE, Jorstad, S, Kopatskaya, EN, Kraus, A, Krichbaum, TP, Kuin, NPM, Lähteenmäki, A, Larionov, VM, Larionova, LV, Lien, AY, Madejski, G, Marscher, A, Myserlis, I, Max-Moerbeck, W, Molina, SN, Morozova, DA, Nalewajko, K, Pearson, TJ, Ramakrishnan, V, Readhead, ACS, Reeves, RA, Savchenko, SS, Steele, IA, Tornikoski, M, Troitskaya, YV, Troitsky, I, Vasilyev, AA and Zensus, JA (2018) Multi-wavelength characterization of the blazar S5~0716+714 during an unprecedented outburst phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619. ISSN 0004-6361

Contreras, Y, Sanhueza, P, Jackson, JM, Guzman, AE, Longmore, SN, Garay, G, Zhang, Q, Nguyen-Luong, Q, Tatematsu, K, Nakamura, F, Sakai, T, Ohashi, S, Liu, T, Saito, M, Gomez, L, Rathborne, J and Whitaker, S (2018) Infall Signatures in a Prestellar Core embedded in the High-Mass 70 $μ$m Dark IRDC G331.372-00.116. Astrophysical Journal, 861 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Cunningham, N, Lumsden, SL, Moore, TJT, Maud, LT and Mendigutía, I (2018) Infall and outflow motions towards a sample of massive star-forming regions from the RMS survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477 (2). pp. 2455-2469. ISSN 0035-8711

Czerny, B, Beaton, R, Bejger, M, Cackett, E, Dall Ora, M, Holanda, RFL, Jensen, JB, Jha, SW, Lusso, E, Minezaki, T, Risaliti, G, Salaris, M, Toonen, S and Yoshii, Y (2018) Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age: Secondary Distance Indicators. Space Science Reviews, 214 (1). ISSN 0038-6308


Dalessandro, E, Cadelano, M, Vesperini, E, Salaris, M, Ferraro, FR, Lanzoni, B, Raso, S, Hong, J, Webb, JJ and Zocchi, A (2018) The Peculiar Radial Distribution of Multiple Populations in the Massive Globular Cluster M80. Astrophysical Journal, 859 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Dalessandro, E, Lardo, C, Cadelano, M, Saracino, S, Bastian, N, Mucciarelli, A, Salaris, M, Stetson, P and Pancino, E (2018) IC 4499 revised: Spectro-photometric evidence of small light-element variations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 618. ISSN 1432-0746

Dalessandro, E, Mucciarelli, A, Bellazzini, M, Sollima, A, Vesperini, E, Hong, J, Henault-Brunet, V, Ferraro, FR, Ibata, R, Lanzoni, B, Massari, D and Salaris, M (2018) The Unexpected Kinematics of Multiple Populations in NGC 6362: Do Binaries Play a Role? Astrophysical Journal, 864 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Dalgleish, HS, Longmore, SN, Peters, T, Henshaw, JD, Veitch-Michaelis, JL and Urquhart, JS (2018) Ionised gas kinematics in bipolar H II regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 (3). pp. 3530-3543. ISSN 0035-8711

Darnley, MJ and Starrfield, S (2018) On the progenitor system of V392 Persei. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Association RN AAS, 2 (2). ISSN 2515-5172

Davies, B, Crowther, PA and Beasor, ER (2018) The luminosities of cool supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds, and the Humphreys-Davidson limit revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 (3). pp. 3138-3148. ISSN 0035-8711

Davies, B and Dessart, L (2018) The surface abundances of red supergiants at core collapse. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483 (1). pp. 887-895. ISSN 0035-8711

Davies, LJM, Robotham, ASG, Driver, SP, Lagos, CP, Cortese, L, Mannering, E, Foster, C, Lidman, C, Hashemizadeh, A, Koushan, S, O'Toole, S, Baldry, IK, Bilicki, M, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bremer, MN, Brown, MJI, Bryant, JJ, Catinella, B, Croom, SM, Grootes, MW , Holwerda, BW, Jarvis, MJ, Maddox, N, Meyer, M, Moffett, AJ, Phillipps, S, Taylor, EN, Windhorst, RA and Wolf, C (2018) Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): Motivation, Design and Target Catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711

De, K, Kasliwal, MM, Ofek, EO, Moriya, TJ, Burke, J, Cao, Y, Cenko, SB, Doran, GB, Duggan, GE, Fender, RP, Fransson, C, Gal-Yam, A, Horesh, A, Kulkarni, SR, Laher, RR, Lunnan, R, Manulis, I, Masci, F, Mazzali, PA, Nugent, PE , Perley, DA, Petrushevska, T, Piro, AL, Rumsey, C, Sollerman, J, Sullivan, M and Taddia, F (2018) A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binary. Science, 362 (6411). pp. 201-206. ISSN 0036-8075

Dey, L, Valtonen, MJ, Gopakumar, A, Zola, S, Hudec, R, Pihajoki, P, Ciprini, S, Matsumoto, K, Sadakane, K, Kidger, M, Nilsson, K, Mikkola, S, Sillanpaa, A, Takalo, LO, Lehto, HJ, Berdyugin, A, Piirola, V, Jermak, HE, Baliyan, KS, Pursimo, T , Caton, DB, Alicavus, F, Baransky, A, Blay, P, Boumis, P, Boyd, D, Campas Torrent, M, Campos, F, Carrillo Gomez, J, Chandra, S, Chavushyan, V, Dalessio, J, Debski, B, Drozdz, M, Er, H, Erdem, A, Escartin Perez, A, Ramazani, VF, Filippenko, AV, Gafton, E, Ganesh, S, Garcia, F, Gazeas, K, Godunova, V, Gomez Pinilla, F, Gopinathan, M, Haislip, JB, Harmanen, J, Hurst, G, Janik, J, Jelinek, M, Joshi, A, Kagitani, M, Karjalainen, R, Kaur, N, Keel, WC, Kouprianov, VV, Kundera, T, Kurowski, S, Kvammen, A, LaCluyze, AP, Lee, BC, Liakos, A, Lindfors, E, Lozano de Haro, J, Mugrauer, M, Naves Nogues, R, Neely, AW, Nelson, RH, Ogloza, W, Okano, S, Pajdosz-Smierciak, U, Pandey, JC, Perri, M, Poyner, G, Provencal, J, Raj, A, Reichart, DE, Reinthal, R, Reynolds, T, Saario, J, Sadegi, S, Sakanoi, T, Salto Gonzalez, J-L, Sameer, , Schweyer, T, Simon, A, Siwak, M, Soldan Alfaro, FC, Sonbas, E, Steele, IA, Stocke, JT, Strobl, J, Tomov, T, Tremosa Espasa, L, Valdes, JR, Valero Perez, J, Verrecchia, F, Vasylenko, V, Webb, JR, Yoneda, M, Zejmo, M, Zheng, W and Zielinski, P (2018) Authenticating the Presence of a Relativistic Massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General Relativity Centenary Flare: Improved Orbital Parameters. Astrophysical Journal, 866 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

da Cunha, DCN, Harnois-Déraps, J, Brandenberger, R, Amara, A and Refregier, A (2018) Dark matter distribution induced by a cosmic string wake in the nonlinear regime. Physical Review D, 98 (8). ISSN 2470-0010

de Ugarte Postigo, A, Thone, CC, Bolmer, J, Schulze, S, Martin, S, Kann, DA, D'Elia, V, Selsing, J, Martin-Carrillo, A, Perley, DA, Kim, S, Izzo, L, Sanchez-Ramirez, R, Guidorzi, C, Klotz, A, Wiersema, K, Bauer, FE, Bensch, K, Campana, S, Cano, Z , Covino, S, Coward, D, De Cia, A, de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I, De Pasquale, M, Fynbo, JPU, Greiner, J, Gomboc, A, Hanlon, L, Hansen, M, Hartmann, DH, Heintz, KE, Jakobsson, P, Kobayashi, S, Malesani, DB, Martone, R, Meintjes, PJ, Michalowski, MJ, Mundell, CG, Murphy, D, Oates, S, Salmon, L, van Soelen, B, Tanvir, NR, Turpin, D, Xu, D and Zafar, T (2018) X-shooter and ALMA spectroscopy of GRB 161023A A study of metals and molecules in the line of sight towards a luminous GRB. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 620. ISSN 1432-0746


Eden, DJ, Moore, TJT, Urquhart, JS, Elia, D, Plume, R, Koenig, C, Baldeschi, A, Schisano, E, Rigby, AJ, Morgan, LK and Thompson, MA (2018) Extreme star formation in the Milky Way: Luminosity distributions of young stellar objects in W49A and W51. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477 (3). pp. 3369-3382. ISSN 1365-2966


Farahi, A, Evrard, AE, McCarthy, IG, Barnes, DJ and Kay, ST (2018) Localized massive halo properties in Bahamas and Macsis simulations: scalings, log-normality, and covariance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 (2). pp. 2618-2632. ISSN 0035-8711

Farahi, A, Guglielmo, V, Evrard, AE, Poggianti, BM, Adami, C, Ettori, S, Gastaldello, F, Giles, PA, Maughan, BJ, Rapetti, D, Sereno, M, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Birkinshaw, M, Bolzonella, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, MJI, Chiappetti, L, Driver, SP, Elyiv, A , Garilli, B, Guennou, L, Hopkins, A, Iovino, A, Koulouridis, E, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Pacaud, F, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Scodeggio, M, Tuffs, R and Valtchanov, I (2018) The XXL Survey XXIII. The mass scale of XXL clusters from ensemble spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 1432-0746

Ferraro, FR, Lanzoni, B, Raso, S, Nardiello, D, Dalessandro, E, Vesperini, E, Piotto, G, Pallanca, C, Beccari, G, Bellini, A, Libralato, M, Anderson, J, Aparicio, A, Bedin, LR, Cassisi, S, Milone, AP, Ortolani, S, Renzini, A, Salaris, M and van der Marel, RP (2018) The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XV. The Dynamical Clock: Reading Cluster Dynamical Evolution from the Segregation Level of Blue Straggler Stars. Astrophysical Journal, 860 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Fong, M, Bowyer, R, Whitehead, A, Lee, B, King, L, Applegate, D and McCarthy, IG (2018) Prospects for Determining the Mass Distributions of Galaxy Clusters on Large Scales Using Weak Gravitational Lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711

Forbes, DA, Bastian, N, Gieles, M, Crain, RA, Diederik Kruijssen, JM, Larsen, SS, Ploeckinger, S, Agerz, O, Trenti, M, Ferguson, AMN, Pfeffer, J and Gnedin, OY (2018) Globular cluster formation and evolution in the context of cosmological galaxy assembly: open questions. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. ISSN 1471-2946

Forster, F, Moriya, TJ, Maureira, JC, Anderson, JP, Blinnikov, S, Bufano, F, Cabrera-Vives, G, Clocchiatti, A, de Jaeger, T, Estevez, PA, Galbany, L, Gonzalez-Gaitan, S, Graefener, G, Hamuy, M, Hsiao, EY, Huentelemu, P, Huijse, P, Kuncarayakti, H, Martinez, J, Medina, G , Olivares E, F, Pignata, G, Razza, A, Reyes, I, San Martin, J, Smith, RC, Vera, E, Vivas, AK, de Ugarte Postigo, A, Yoon, S-C, Ashall, C, Fraser, M, Gal-Yam, A, Kankare, E, Le Guillou, L, Mazzali, PA, Walton, NA and Young, DR (2018) The delay of shock breakout due to circumstellar material evident in most type II supernovae. Nature Astronomy, 2 (10). pp. 808-818. ISSN 2397-3366

Fremling, C, Sollerman, J, Kasliwal, MM, Kulkarni, SR, Barbarino, C, Ergon, M, Karamehmetoglu, E, Taddia, F, Arcavi, I, Cenko, SB, Clubb, K, De Cia, A, Duggan, G, Filippenko, A, Gal-Yam, A, Graham, ML, Horesh, A, Hosseinzadeh, G, Howell, DA, Kuesters, D , Lunnan, R, Matheson, T, Nugent, PE, Perley, DA, Quimby, RM and Saunders, C (2018) Oxygen and helium in stripped-envelope supernovae. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 618. ISSN 1432-0746

Furnell, KE, Collins, CA, Kelvin, LS, Clerc, N, Baldry, IK, Finoguenov, A, Erfanianfar, G, Comparat, J and Schneider, DP (2018) Exploring Relations Between BCG and Cluster Properties in the SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources Survey from $0.05 < z < 0.3$. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 (4). pp. 4952-4973. ISSN 0035-8711


Gadotti, DA, Sánchez-Blázquez, P, Falcón-Barroso, J, Husemann, B, Seidel, MK, Pérez, I, Lorenzo-Cáceres, AD, Martinez-Valpuesta, I, Fragkoudi, F, Leung, G, Ven, GVD, Leaman, R, Coelho, P, Martig, M, Kim, T, Neumann, J and Querejeta, M (2018) Time Inference with MUSE in Extragalactic Rings (TIMER): Properties of the Survey and High-Level Data Products. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ISSN 0035-8711

Gall, C, Stritzinger, MD, Ashall, C, Baron, E, Burns, CR, Hoeflich, P, Hsiao, EY, Mazzali, PA, Phillips, MM, Filippenko, AV, Anderson, JP, Benetti, S, Brown, PJ, Campillay, A, Challis, P, Contreras, C, Rosa, NEDL, Folatelli, G, Foley, RJ, Fraser, M , Holmbo, S, Marion, GH, Morrell, N, Pan, Y-C, Pignata, G, Suntzeff, NB, Taddia, F, Robledo, ST and Valenti, S (2018) Two transitional type~Ia supernovae located in the Fornax cluster member NGC 1404: SN 2007on and SN 2011iv. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 611. ISSN 0004-6361

Garcia Perez, AE, Ness, M, Robin, AC, Martinez-Valpuesta, I, Sobeck, J, Zasowski, G, Majewski, SR, Bovy, J, Allende Prieto, C, Cunha, K, Girardi, L, Meszaros, S, Nidever, D, Schiavon, RP, Schultheis, M, Shetrone, M and Smith, VV (2018) The Bulge Metallicity Distribution from the APOGEE Survey. Astrophysical Journal, 852 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Giblin, B, Heymans, C, Harnois-Déraps, J, Simpson, F, Dietrich, JP, Van Waerbeke, L, Amon, A, Asgari, M, Erben, T, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Kuijken, K, Martinet, N, Schneider, P and Tröster, T (2018) KiDS-450: enhancing cosmic shear with clipping transformations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480 (4). pp. 5529-5549. ISSN 0035-8711

Gieles, M, Charbonnel, C, Krause, MGH, Henault-Brunet, V, Agertz, O, Lamers, HJGLM, Bastian, N, Gualandris, A, Zocchi, A and Petts, JA (2018) Concurrent formation of supermassive stars and globular clusters: implications for early self-enrichment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 (2). pp. 2461-2479. ISSN 0035-8711

Giesers, B, Dreizler, S, Husser, T-O, Kamann, S, Escude, GA, Brinchmann, J, Carollo, CM, Roth, MM, Weilbacher, PM and Wisotzki, L (2018) A detached stellar-mass black hole candidate in the globular cluster NGC 3201. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 475 (1). L15-L19. ISSN 1745-3933

Ginsburg, AG, Bally, J, Barnes, AT, Bastian, N, Battersby, C, Beuther, H, Brogan, C, Contreras, Y, Corby, J, Darling, J, De-Pree, C, Galván-Madrid, R, Garay, G, Henshaw, J, Hunter, T, Kruijssen, JMD, Longmore, SN, Meng, F, Mills, EAC, Ott, J , Pineda, JE, Sánchez-Monge, Á, Schilke, P, Schmiedeke, A, Walker, DL and Wilner, D (2018) Distributed star formation throughout the Galactic Center cloud Sgr B2. Astrophysical Journal, 853 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Gobat, R, Daddi, E, Magdis, G, Bournaud, F, Sargent, M, Martig, M, Jin, S, Finoguenov, A, Béthermin, M, Hwang, HS, Renzini, A, Wilson, GW, Aretxaga, I, Yun, M, Strazzullo, V and Valentino, F (2018) The unexpectedly large dust and gas content of quiescent galaxies at z>1.4. Nature Astronomy. ISSN 2397-3366

Grand, RJJ, Helly, J, Fattahi, A, Cautun, M, Cole, S, Cooper, AP, Deason, AJ, Frenk, C, Gómez, FA, Hunt, JAS, Marinacci, F, Pakmor, R, Simpson, CM, Springel, V and Xu, D (2018) Aurigaia: Mock Gaia DR2 stellar catalogues from the AURIGA cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 (2). pp. 1726-1743. ISSN 0035-8711

Green, MJ, Marsh, TR, Steeghs, DTH, Kupfer, T, Ashley, RP, Bloemen, S, Breedt, E, Campbell, HC, Chakpor, A, Copperwheat, CM, Dhillon, VS, Hallinan, G, Hardy, LK, Hermes, JJ, Kerry, P, Littlefair, SP, Milburn, J, Parsons, SG, Prasert, N, van Roestel, J , Sahman, DI and Singh, N (2018) High-speed photometry of Gaia14aae: an eclipsing AMCVn that challenges formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476 (2). pp. 1663-1679. ISSN 0035-8711

Guglielmo, V, Poggianti, BM, Vulcani, B, Adami, C, Gastaldello, F, Ettori, S, Fotoupoulou, S, Koulouridis, E, Ceja, MER, Giles, P, McGee, S, Altieri, B, Baldry, IK, Birkinshaw, M, Bolzonella, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, M, Chiappetti, L, Driver, S, Elyiv, A , Evrard, A, Garilli, B, Grootes, M, Guennou, L, Hopkins, A, Horellou, C, Iovino, A, Lidman, C, Liske, J, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Pacaud, F, Paltani, S, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Scodeggio, M, Sereno, M, Smolvcic, V, Tuffs, R, Valtchanov, I, Vignali, C and Willis, J (2018) The XXL Survey: XXII. The XXL-North spectrophotometric sample and galaxy stellar mass function in X-ray detected groups and clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 0004-6361

Guglielmo, V, Poggianti, BM, Vulcani, B, Moretti, A, Fritz, J, Gastaldello, F, Adami, C, Caretta, CA, Willis, J, Koulouridis, E, Ceja, MER, Giles, P, Baldry, IK, Birkinshaw, M, Bongiorno, A, Brown, M, Chiappetti, L, Driver, S, Elyiv, A, Evrard, A , Grootes, M, Guennou, L, Hopkins, A, Horellou, C, Iovino, A, Maurogordato, S, Owers, M, Pacaud, F, Paltani, S, Pierre, M, Plionis, M, Ponman, T, Robotham, A, Sadibekova, T, Smolčić, V, Tuffs, R and Vignali, C (2018) The XXL Survey: XXX. Characterisation of the XLSSsC N01 supercluster and analysis of the galaxy stellar populations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 620. ISSN 0004-6361


Harnois-Déraps, J, Amon, A, Choi, A, Demchenko, V, Heymans, C, Kannawadi, A, Nakajima, R, Sirks, E, van Waerbeke, L, Cai, Y-C, Giblin, B, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Miller, L and Tröster, T (2018) Cosmological simulations for combined-probe analyses: covariance and neighbour-exclusion bias. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 (1). pp. 1337-1367. ISSN 0035-8711

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Helmi, A, van Leeuwen, F, McMillan, PJ, Massari, D, Antoja, T, Robin, AC, Lindegren, L, Bastian, U, Arenou, F, Babusiaux, C, Biermann, M, Breddels, MA, Hobbs, D, Jordi, C, Pancino, E, Reyle, C, Veljanoski, J, Brown, AGA, Vallenari, A, Prusti, T , de Bruijne, JHJ, Bailer-Jones, CAL, Evans, DW, Eyer, L, Jansen, F, Klioner, SA, Lammers, U, Luri, X, Mignard, F, Panem, C, Pourbaix, D, Randich, S, Sartoretti, P, Siddiqui, HI, Soubiran, C, Walton, NA, Cropper, M, Drimmel, R, Katz, D, Lattanzi, MG, Bakker, J, Cacciari, C, Castaneda, J, Chaoul, L, Cheek, N, De Angeli, F, Fabricius, C, Guerra, R, Holl, B, Masana, E, Messineo, R, Mowlavi, N, Nienartowicz, K, Panuzzo, P, Portell, J, Riello, M, Seabroke, GM, Tanga, P, Thevenin, F, Gracia-Abril, G, Comoretto, G, Garcia-Reinaldos, M, Teyssier, D, Altmann, M, Andrae, R, Audard, M, Bellas-Velidis, I, Benson, K, Berthier, J, Blomme, R, Burgess, P, Busso, G, Carry, B, Cellino, A, Clementini, G, Clotet, M, Creevey, O, Davidson, M, De Ridder, J, 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Mukherjee, S, Koopmans, LVE, Benton Metcalf, R, Tessore, N, Tortora, C, Schaller, M, Schaye, J, Crain, RA, Vernardos, G, Bellagamba, F and Theuns, T (2018) SEAGLE - I. A pipeline for simulating and modelling strong lenses from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479 (3). pp. 4108-4125. ISSN 0035-8711

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Nguyen, DD, Seth, AC, Neumayer, N, Kamann, S, Voggel, KT, Cappellari, M, Picotti, A, Nguyen, PM, Böeker, T, Debattista, V, Caldwell, N, McDermid, R and Bastian, N (2018) Nearby Early-Type Galactic Nuclei at High Resolution -- Dynamical Black Hole and Nuclear Star Cluster Mass Measurements. Astrophysical Journal, 858 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

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Parsons, SG, Gansicke, BT, Marsh, TR, Ashley, RP, Breedt, E, Burleigh, MR, Copperwheat, CM, Dhillon, VS, Green, MJ, Hermes, JJ, Irawati, P, Kerry, P, Littlefair, SP, Rebassa-Mansergas, A, Sahman, DI, Schreiber, MR and Zorotovic, M (2018) The scatter of the M dwarf mass-radius relationship. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 (1). pp. 1083-1096. ISSN 0035-8711

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Falcao, AJ, Farras Casas, M, Federici, L, Fedorets, G, Fernique, P, Figueras, F, Filippi, F, Findeisen, K, Fonti, A, Fraile, E, Fraser, M, Gai, M, Galleti, S, Garabato, D, Garcia-Sedano, F, Garofalo, A, Garralda, N, Gavel, A, Gavras, P, Gerssen, J, Geyer, R, Giacobbe, P, Gilmore, G, Girona, S, Giuffrida, G, Glass, F, Gomes, M, Gueguen, A, Guerrier, A, Gutierrez-Sanchez, R, Haigron, R, Hatzidimitriou, D, Hauser, M, Haywood, M, Heiter, U, Helmi, A, Heu, J, Hilger, T, Hobbs, D, Hofmann, W, Holland, G, Huckle, HE, Hypki, A, Icardi, V, Janssen, K, de Fombelle, GJ, Jonker, PG, Juhasz, AL, Julbe, F, Karampelas, A, Kewley, A, Klar, J, Kochoska, A, Kohley, R, Kolenberg, K, Kontizas, M, Kontizas, E, Koposov, SE, Kordopatis, G, Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z, Koubsky, P, Lambert, S, Lanza, AF, Lasne, Y, Lavigne, J-B, Le Fustec, Y, Le Poncin-Lafitte, C, Lebreton, Y, Leccia, S, Leclerc, N, Lecoeur-Taibi, I, Lenhardt, H, Leroux, F, Liao, S, Licata, E, Lindstrom, HEP, Lister, TA, Livanou, E, Lobel, A, Lopez, 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