Items where Division is "Education" and Year is 2019
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Atherton, P (2019) Bridging the chasm –a study of the realities of edtech use among trainee teachers. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (4). pp. 80-95. ISSN 2054-5266
Boyd, DJ (2019) The Legacy Café - A trial of intergenerational and sustainable learning in an early childhood centre in Liverpool. In: Social Responsibility and Sustainability. World Sustainability Series . Springer, Cham, pp. 373-388. ISBN 978-3-030-03562-4
Boyd, DJ (2019) The legacy café- the holistic benefit of reviving lost arts, crafts and traditional skills through an early childhood intergenerational sustainable skills project. Education 3-13. ISSN 0300-4279
Broomhead, KE (2019) Perceived responsibility for developing and maintaining home–school partnerships: the experiences of parents and practitioners. British journal of Special Education., 45 (4). pp. 435-453. ISSN 0952-3383
Chiu, W, Won, D and Kim, S (2019) Extended model of sport spectator goal-directed behavior: The role of event prestige in non-major sport events. Event Management: an international journal, 23 (1). ISSN 1525-9951
Cliffe, AD (2019) A study of the role of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in creating an Enhanced Virtual Field Guide (EVFG) in Geoscience Fieldwork. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Cutler, C-R, Mallaburn, A, Putwain, DW and Daly, A (2019) Teachers’ Theories of Intelligence and Instruction in English Secondary Education. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (2). pp. 59-70. ISSN 2054-5266
Daly, A and Brown, J (2019) Results, results, results: seeking spaces for learning in a European global learning and STEM project. In: Bamber, P, (ed.) Teacher education for sustainable development and global citizenship: critical approaches to curriculum, values and assessment. Routledge. ISBN 9781138385511
Daly, A, Parker, SL, Sherpa, S and Regmi, U (2019) Federalisation and education in Nepal: contemporary reflections on working through change. Education 3-13. ISSN 0300-4279
Hammond, CA (2019) A Catechism for Oedipus: The Need for Pedagogies of Freedom, Creativity and Discovery in Higher Education. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Chat #LTHEchat.
Hirst, N (2019) Early Childhood Studies as a site for Education for Sustainability, Eco Literacy and Critical Pedagogy. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hirvonen, R, Putwain, DW, Määttä, S, Ahonen, T and Kiuru, N (2019) The Role of Academic Buoyancy and Emotions in Students’ Learning-Related Expectations and Behaviours in Primary School. British Journal of Educational Psychology. ISSN 0007-0998
Hirvonen, R, Yli-Kivisto, L, Putwain, DW, Ahonen, T and Kiuru, N (2019) School-related stress among sixth-grade students - associations with academic buoyancy and temperament. Learning and Individual Differences, 70. pp. 100-108. ISSN 1041-6080
Jones, CR (2019) Capital, Neoliberalism and Educational Technology. Postdigital Science and Education. ISSN 2524-4868
Kendall, LS (2019) Inclusion or exclusion across a range of educational setting: The lived experiences of students, parents and practitioners. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Kutuk, G, Putwain, DW, Kaye, L and Garrett, B (2019) Development and Validation of a New Multidimensional Language Class Anxiety Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. ISSN 0734-2829
Lloyd, D (2019) Evidence Based Teaching. Teaching Business and Economics, 23 (2). pp. 19-21.
Lloyd, D, Jones, PA, Pratt, A and Duncalf, D (2019) Research informed teaching reaching beyond initial teacher education, examples of success in the North West of England: Empowering teachers to reach for success. Teacher Education Advancement Network, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 2054-5266
MacGregor, M and Wilkinson, C (2019) In search of Robert Bruce, part III: medieval royal burial at Dunfermline and the tomb investigations of 1818–19. Innes Review, 70 (2). pp. 172-201. ISSN 0020-157X
McLain, MN (2019) Developing perspectives on ‘the demonstration’ as a signature pedagogy in design and technology. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. ISSN 0957-7572
McLain, MN (2019) Helping new D&T teachers to analyse and develop knowledge and understanding in design and technology (product design). In: Mentoring Design and Technology Teachers in the Secondary School A Practical Guide. Mentoring Trainee and Newly Qualified Teachers . Routledge. ISBN 1138541109
McLain, MN, Irving-Bell, D and Wooff, D (2019) Humanising the design and technology curriculum: Why technology education makes us human. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 24 (2). pp. 8-19. ISSN 1360-1431
McLain, MN, Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, D and Morrison-Love, D (2019) How technology makes us human: cultural and historical roots for design and technology education. Curriculum Journal, 30 (4). pp. 464-483. ISSN 0958-5176
McLeod, NJ and Anderson, B (2019) Towards an understanding of ‘school’ readiness: collective interpretations and priorities. Educational Action Research. ISSN 0965-0792
Nicholson, L and Putwain, DW (2019) A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis of Fear Appeal Appraisal and Student Engagement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90 (3). pp. 830-847. ISSN 0007-0998
Nicholson, L and Putwain, DW (2019) We should just be told to try our best. Psychologist, 32. pp. 38-41. ISSN 0952-8229
Peace, A, Pinna, V, Timmen, F, Speretta, G, Jones, H, Lotto, RR, Jones, IS and Thijssen, DHJ (2019) Role of blood pressure in mediating carotid artery dilation in response to sympathetic stimulation in healthy, middle-aged individuals. American Journal of Hypertension. ISSN 0895-7061
Peiser, G, Duncalf, D and Mallaburn, A (2019) The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English initial teacher education policy context. Professional Development in Education. ISSN 1367-4587
Peiser, G and Stanley, G (2019) Free access to the concert hall: widening university students’ participation in extracurricular activity? British Journal of Music Education, 37 (1). pp. 43-54. ISSN 1469-2104
Pratt, A and Tynan, RJ (2019) The journey from reflection on practice to research informed practice: the contribution of MA practitioner research. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, Volune (4). pp. 35-46. ISSN 2054-5266
Putwain, DW, Kinsella, C and Kaye, L (2019) “You heard me swear but you never heard me!” Negotiating agency in the Pupil Referral Unit Classroom. Mind, Culture, and Activity. ISSN 1074-9039
Putwain, DW, Loderer, K, Gallard, D and Beaumont, J (2019) School-related subjective well-being promotes subsequent adaptability, achievement, and positive behavioural conduct. British Journal of Educational Psychology. ISSN 2044-8279
Putwain, DW, Nicholson, L, Pekrun, R, Becker, S and Symes, W (2019) Expectancy of Success, Attainment Value, Engagement, and Achievement: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Learning and Instruction, 60. pp. 117-125. ISSN 0959-4752
Smith, M and Broomhead, KE (2019) Time, expertise and status: barriers faced by mainstream primary school SENCos in the pursuit of providing effective provision for children with SEND. Support for Learning, 34 (1). pp. 54-70. ISSN 0268-2141
Thomas, M and Baetty, B (2019) English Language Learner Motivation in the Digital Technology Classroom: A Case Study of a Vocational University in Indonesia. In: Zou, B and Thomas, M, (eds.) Recent Developments in Technology-Enhanced and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. IGI Global.
Thyssen, G (2019) Odorous childhoods and scent(ed) worlds of learning: A sensory history of health and outdoor education initiatives in Western Europe (1900s-1960s). The Senses and Society, 14 (2). pp. 173-193. ISSN 1745-8927
Thyssen, G and Grosvenor, I (2019) Learning to Make Sense: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sensory Education and Embodied Enculturation. The Senses and Society, 14 (2). pp. 119-130. ISSN 1745-8927
Thyssen, G and Herman, F (2019) Re-Turning Matters of Body_Mind: Articulations of Ill-/Health and Energy/Fatigue Gathered through Vocational and Health Education. History of Education, 48 (4). pp. 496-515. ISSN 0046-760X
Tom-Lawyer, O and Thomas, M (2019) Re-evaluating the Hegemony of the English Language in Western Africa: A Critical Review of the Research (2003 to 2018). International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 8 (5). ISSN 2200-3592
Tynan, RJ and McLain, MN (2019) Attitudes to assessing trainee teachers on school experience placement within a group involved in an initial teacher education partnership at an 11-16 academy: a Q-methodology approach. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (4). pp. 3-20. ISSN 2054-5266
Wilkinson, C, Briggs, J, Salt, K, Vines, J and Flynn, E (2019) In participatory budgeting we trust? Fairness, tactics and (in)accessibility in participatory governance. Local Government Studies. ISSN 0300-3930
Wilkinson, C, Carter, B, Bray, L and Keating, P (2019) The absent-present researcher: data analysis of pre-recorded parent-driven campaign videos. CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES. ISSN 1473-3285
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S (2019) All about that place: Tuning in to community radio - Listener diary accounts. In: Doughty, K, Duffy, M and Harada, T, (eds.) Sounding Places: More-than-Representational Geographies of Sound and Music. Edward-Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. ISBN 978 1 78811 892 7
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S (2019) Childhood disability and clothing: (Un)dressing debates. In: Intersectionality and Difference in Childhood and Youth: Global Perspectives. Routledge. ISBN 9781138608290
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S (2019) Towards a research emphasis on (un)hairiness and health. Androgyny, 3 (2). pp. 27-31.
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S (2019) The only way is ethics: Reflections on applying for National Health Service ethical approval and governance for research with children. Children's Geographies, 17 (4). pp. 480-486. ISSN 1473-3285
Wilkinson, C, Wilkinson, S and Saron, H (2019) “Wearing me place on me face”: Scousebrows, placemaking and everyday creativity. Fashion Theory - Journal of Dress Body and Culture. ISSN 1362-704X
Wilkinson, S and Wilkinson, C (2019) Young men's alcohol consumption experiences and performances of masculinity. International Journal of Drug Policy. ISSN 0955-3959
Wilkinson, S and Wilkinson, C (2019) Young people’s safety practices when drink walking in the suburbs of Manchester, UK. UNWE Scientific Papers, 2019 (1). ISSN 0861-9344
Wood, P and Legg, N (2019) Special educational needs and disability provision within an English multi-academy trust: capturing the vision of its practitioners. Education 3-13. ISSN 0300-4279
Zsargo, E and Palmer, J (2019) Common understanding or ‘hodgepodge’? The consistency and accuracy of school-based mentors’ assessment of trainee primary teachers in England. Teacher Education Advancement Network, 11 (2). pp. 72-81. ISSN 2054-5266