Items where Subject is "HV8301 Penology. Prisons. Corrections"
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- Library of Congress Subject Areas (113)
- H Social Sciences (113)
- HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology (113)
- HV8301 Penology. Prisons. Corrections (113)
- HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology (113)
- H Social Sciences (113)
Adams, M, Power, E and Garland, J (2023) Prison Food: what we learned from organising food-themed art workshops for women prisoners. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639
Albertson, K, Banks, K and Murray, ET (2017) Military Veteran Offenders: Making sense of developments in the debate to inform service delivery. Prison Service Journal, 234. pp. 23-30. ISSN 0300-3558
Almond, L, McManus, MA, Brian, D and Merrington, DP (2017) Exploration of the risk factors contained within the UK’s existing domestic abuse risk assessment tool (DASH): do these risk factors have individual predictive validity regarding recidivism? Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 9 (1). ISSN 1759-6599
Amaya, A, Medina, I, Mazzilli, S, D'Arcy, J, Cocco, N, Van Hout, MC, Stover, H and Moazen, B (2023) Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility and model of delivery. Journal of Community Psychology. pp. 1-30. ISSN 0090-4392
Barr, UM (2018) Gendered Assisted Desistance: A Decade from Corston. Safer Communities, 17 (2). pp. 81-93. ISSN 1757-8043
Barr, UM (2016) Ontological theory and women’s desistance: Is it simply a case of 'growing up'? In: Early Career Academics Network Bulletin , 30 (2). (The Howard League for Penal Reform Justice and Penal Reform Conference, 16 March 2016 - 18 March 2016, Oxford).
Barrett, GA, Beckett Wilson, H, Burke, L and Millings, MN (2015) Working Together to Reduce Reoffending: Reducing Reoffending Project 2012-2015. Project Report. Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council.
Barton, A R (2001) Fragile moralities and dangerous sexualities : a case study of 'deviant' women and semi-penal institutionalisation on Merseyside, 1823-1994. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Bishop, HJ (2019) Keeping the Faith. The role of the Irish house during the Penal era and beyond. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 3 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2398-7685
Bishop, HJ (2018) Memory and Legend: Recollections of Penal Times in Irish Folklore. Folklore, 129 (1). pp. 18-38. ISSN 0015-587X
Boduszek, D and Debowska, A (2017) Further insights into the construct of criminal social identity: Validation of a revised measure in a prison population. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1478-9957
Brookes, L (2025) ‘Safe Together’. A reflection of a therapeutic art programme for children impacted by parental imprisonment. Probation Journal. ISSN 0264-5505
Brookes, L and Daly, A (2024) “Picture this, picture me”: community based peer-to-peer and family support for children impacted by parental imprisonment. Journal of Children's Services. ISSN 1746-6660
Brookes, L and Frankham, J (2021) The hidden voices of children and young people with a parent in prison: What schools need to know about supporting these vulnerable pupils. International Journal of Educational Development, 81. ISSN 0738-0593
Burke, L (2016) Probation, Politics, Policy and Practice: From New Labour to the Coalition government. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Burke, L, Millings, MN, Taylor, S and Ragonese, EL (2020) Transforming rehabilitation, emotional labour and contract delivery: A case study of a voluntary sector provider in an English resettlement prison. International Journal of Law ,Crime and Justice. ISSN 0194-6595
Burke, L, Taylor, S, Millings, MN and Ragonese, EL (2017) Transforming Rehabilitation during a penal crisis: a case study of Through the Gate services in a Resettlement Prison in England and Wales. European Journal of Probation, 9 (2). pp. 115-131. ISSN 2066-2203
Cardoso, C and Kewley, S (2020) Women Who Commit Sexual Offences: Improving assessment to prevent recidivism. In: Kewley, S and Barlow, C, (eds.) Preventing Sexual Violence: Problems and Possibilities. Policy Press, pp. 149-170.
Chistyakova, Y, Cole, B and Johnstone, J (2018) Diversity and vulnerability in Prisons in the context of the Equality Act 2010: the experiences of Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME), and Foreign National Prisoners (FNPs) in a Northern Jail. Prison Service Journal, 235. pp. 10-16. ISSN 0300-3558
Chivandikwa, N, Gadama, L, Thakwalakwa, C, Mula, C, Mhango, V, Banda, C, Rosemary, M-G, Kewley, S and Van Hout, MC (2020) ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’: Advancing a human rights based approach to upholding health rights in a Malawian women’s prison. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 22 (2). ISSN 1520-5509
Coleman, R (2003) Surveillance, power and social order : a case study of closed circuit television in Liverpool. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Corcoran, M S (2003) 'Doing your time right' : the punishment and resistance of women political prisoners in Northern Ireland, 1972-1995. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Critchley, KA and Whitfield, M (2019) Criminal Justice Project: Class A drug tests in Merseyside Police custody (2016/17 to 2018/19). Project Report. Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Crowley, D, Cullen, W, Lambert, JS and Van Hout, MC (2019) Hepatitis c treatment and prevention in people who inject drugs (PWID) and prisoners: A narrative review of the extant literature. Heroin Addiction And Related Clinical Problems, 21 (2). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1592-1638
DeValiant, G, Kougiali, Z and McGrath, L (2021) Using multimodal methods to explore groups with multifaceted roles: The case of prison officers. QMiP Bulletin, 1 (31). pp. 5-13. ISSN 2044-0820
Debowska, A and Boduszek, D (2017) Child abuse and neglect profiles and their psychosocial consequences in a large sample of incarcerated males. Child Abuse and Neglect, 65. pp. 266-277. ISSN 1873-7757
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D, Dhingra, K and DeLisi, M (2016) The Effect of Male Incarceration on Rape Myth Acceptance: Application of Propensity Score Matching Technique. Deviant Behavior, 37 (6). pp. 634-643. ISSN 0163-9625
Dietzel, D, Kewley, S, McIlroy, D and Synnott, J (2022) Prison Mental Health Screening tools: Updated Choices and Sensitivity. Forensic Update, 140. ISSN 1356-5028
Fitzpatrick, C, Hunter, K, Shaw, J and Staines, J (2022) Painful lives: Understanding self-harm amongst care-experienced women in prison. Criminology and Criminal Justice. ISSN 1466-8025
Fleißner, S, Van Hout, MC and Stöver, H (2021) Jahre Bangkok Rules: Ein Meilenstein in der weltweiten Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen in Haft. Forum Strafvollzug, 5. pp. 332-334. ISSN 1865-1534
Gadama, L, Thakwalakwa, C, Mula, C, Mhango, V, Banda, C, Kewley, S, Hillis, A and Van Hout, MC (2020) Prison facilities were not built with a woman in mind’: An exploratory multi-stakeholder study on women’s situation in Malawi prisons. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 16 (3). pp. 303-318. ISSN 1744-9200
Gavi, A, Plugge, E and Van Hout, MC (2023) Cardiovascular disease in prisons in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Gosling, HJ (2016) Book Review – Experiencing Imprisonment. Research on the experience of living and working in carceral institutions. Edited by Carla Reeves. Probation Journal: the journal of community and criminal justice, 63 (2). pp. 231-232. ISSN 1741-3079
Gosling, HJ (2021) New Directions. Insights from research into a prison-based Therapeutic Community. Drink and Drug News. p. 13.
Gosling, HJ (2017) Prisoners Rights. In: A Companion to State Power, Liberties and Rights. Policy Press, pp. 209-210. ISBN 978-1447325819
Gosling, HJ and Buck, G (2015) Mentoring: crossing boundaries with care?: Helena Gosling and Gill Buck consider mentoring within a criminal justice context. Criminal Justice Matters, 99 (1). pp. 22-23. ISSN 0962-7251
Gosling, HJ and Burke, L (2019) “People like me don’t belong in places like this.” Creating and developing a community of learners beyond the prison gates. Journal of Prisoner Education and Reetry, 6 (1). ISSN 2387-2306
Greenall, P and Millington, J (2021) A sexual murder prevented? A case study of evidence-based practice. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. ISSN 1478-9957
Harris, J, Hearne, E and Quigg, Z (2024) An Evaluation of The Nurturing Programme for Fathers at HMP Altcourse. Technical Report. Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Harris, J, Smith, C and Quigg, Z (2024) An Evaluation of Time Matters: a support service for children experiencing parental imprisonment. Project Report. Public Health Institute, LJMU.
Hodgson, J (2019) Feminising Restorative Justice: A Critical Exploration of Offending Girls' Experiences of Participating in Restorative Justice Conferences. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hurley, M and Boulton, L (2021) Early Identification and Intervention with Individuals at Risk of Becoming Involved in Serious and Organised Crime (SOC). Safer Communities, 20 (2). pp. 73-84. ISSN 1757-8043
Jackson, WH (2021) Police Power and Disorder: Understanding Policing in the 21st Century. Social Justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order, 47 (3-4). ISSN 1043-1578
Jones, PA (2008) Banking on a fresh start. A research study into the impact of The Co-operative Bank’s project to enable prisoners to open basic bank accounts in HMP Forest Bank. Project Report. LJMU.
Jumbe, V, Mhango, V, Muula, A, Kaima, R, Chimbwete, L, Mangwana, A, Msutu, B, Tembo, L, Bigland, C, Kewley, S and Van Hout, MC (2022) A multi-stakeholder situation assessment of COVID-19 disease preparedness and mitigation measures in a large prison complex in Malawi. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Kewley, S (2017) Policing people with sexual convictions using strengths-based approaches. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 (3). pp. 168-182. ISSN 2009-3829
Kewley, S (2023) “Shamba”: Understanding and responding to the drivers and dynamics of same-sex sexual activity, sexual violence, and HIV risk in the Malawi prison system. NOTA Newsletter (94). pp. 22-24.
Kewley, S (2017) Strength based approaches and protective factors from a criminological perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 32. pp. 11-18. ISSN 1359-1789
Kewley, S, Beech, A, Harkins, L and Bonsall, H (2015) Effective risk management planning for those convicted of sexual offending. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 7 (4). pp. 237-257. ISSN 1759-6599
Kewley, S and Blandford, M (2017) The development of the active risk management system. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 (3). pp. 155-167. ISSN 2009-3829
Kewley, S and Brereton, S (2022) Public Protection: Examining the impact of strengthened public protection policy on probation practice. In: Reimagining Probation Practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780367775995
Kewley, S, Larkin, M, Harkins, L and Beech, A (2018) Incarcerated Child Sexual Offenders and the Reinvention of Self through Religious and Spiritual Affiliation. In: Kerley, KR, (ed.) Finding freedom in confinement: The role of religion in prison life. Praeger, pp. 366-394. ISBN 9781440850325
Lungu-Byrne, C, Germain, J, Plugge, E and Van Hout, MC (2020) Contemporary migrant health experience and unique health care needs in European prisons and immigration detention settings. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 20 (1). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1499-9013
Mhlanga-Gunda, R, Kewley, S, Chivandikwa, N and Van Hout, MC (2020) Prison conditions and standards of health care for women and their children incarcerated in Zimbabwean prisons. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 16 (3). pp. 319-336. ISSN 1744-9200
Millings, M, Burke, L, Annison, H, Carr, N, Robinson, G and Surridge, E (2025) A fork in the road: Probation unification in England and Wales two years on. Probation Journal. pp. 1-18. ISSN 0264-5505
Millings, MN, Burke, L and Robinson, G (2018) Lost in Transition? The personal and professional challenges for probation leaders engaged in delivering public sector reform. Probation Journal: the journal of community and criminal justice, 66 (1). pp. 60-76. ISSN 1741-3079
Millings, MN, Taylor, S, Burke, L and Ragonese, EL (2018) Through the Gate: the implementation, management and delivery of resettlement service provision for short-term prisoners. Probation Journal: the journal of community and criminal justice, 66 (1). pp. 77-95. ISSN 1741-3079
Mlhanga-Gunda, R, Rusakaniko, S, Chinyuku, A, Pswarayi, V, Robinson, C, Kewley, S and Van Hout, MC (2022) “We sleep 10cm apart so there is no social distancing”: COVID-19 preparedness in a Zimbabwean prison complex. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Moodley, JK, Parry, BR and Van Hout, MC (2022) Incarceration, menstruation and COVID-19: a viewpoint of the exacerbated inequalities and health disparities in South African correctional facilities. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Murray, ET 50 facts everyone should know about crime and punishment in Britain. In: Treadwell, J and Lynes, A, (eds.) 50 facts everyone should know about crime and punishment in Britain. Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447343813 (Accepted)
Murray, ET, Davies, K and Gee, E (2019) The Separate System? A Conversation on Collaborative Artisic Practice with Veterans-in-Prison. In: Lippens, R and Murray, E, (eds.) Representing the Experience of War and Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Explorations in Visual Criminology. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-201. ISBN 978-3-030-13925-4
Palace, M and Shortland, N (2017) Factors behind support for harsher punishments for common and uncommon offenders. Safer Communities, 16 (2). pp. 55-63. ISSN 1757-8043
Pillay, N, Chimbga, D and Van Hout, MC (2021) Gender inequality, Health Rights and HIV/AIDs among women prisoners in Zimbabwe. Health and Human Rights Journal, 23 (1). pp. 225-236. ISSN 1079-0969
Power, E, Adams, M, Harman, V, Garland, J and McCarthy, D (2024) 'Connection Rather Than Output': Reflections on the Role of Art Workshops in Qualitative Research With Women in Prison. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. ISSN 1609-4069
Ragonese, E, Marriott-Smith, G, Owen, PB and Burke, L (2023) ‘Beyond the Gate’: A resource for release planning. Probation Quarterly (29). pp. 45-49. ISSN 2752-6933
Ragonese, EL, Burke, L, Owen, PB and Marriott-Smith, G (2023) Evaluation of the Beyond the Gate Magazine pilot at HMP Liverpool. Project Report. LJMU & Beyond the Gate.
Robinson-Edwards, S and Kewley, S (2018) Faith-Based Intervention: Prison, Prayer, and Perseverance. Religions, 4 (9). ISSN 2077-1444
Rogers, H (2015) ‘A Very Fair Statement of His Past Life’: Transported Convicts, Former Lives and Previous Offences. Open Library of Humanities, 1 (1).
Rogers, H (2016) Women and Prison. Women: A Cultural Review, 27 (4). pp. 469-472. ISSN 0957-4042
Rogers, S (2024) Hidden Injuries Beyond the Bars: A Critical Analysis of Re-Entry Experiences of Older, Once Convicted Men. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Salt, K and Kougiali, ZG (2022) “One of Us”: Reframed Labels, Compassion and Hope in Voluntary Prison Work With Ex-Servicemen. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. ISSN 0306-624X
Scott, DG (2015) Eating your insides out: cultural, physical and institutionally-structured violence in the prison place. Prison Service Journal (221). pp. 58-62. ISSN 0300-3558
Scott, DG (2016) Hearing the voice of the estranged Other: Abolitionist ethical hermeneutics. Kriminologisches Journal, 3. pp. 184-201. ISSN 0341-1966
Scott, DG (2016) Speaking the language of state violence: an abolitionist perspective. European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control Newsletter, 02. pp. 4-20.
Scott, DG and Bell, E (2016) Reawakening Our Radical Imaginations: Thinking realistically about utopias, dystopias and the non-penal. Justice, Power and Resistance, Founda (1).
Scott, DG and Bell, E (2016) Reimagining Citizenship: Towards non-penal real utopias. Justice, Power and Resistance, Founda (1).
Scott, DG and Gosling, HJ (2016) Before Prison, Instead of Prison, Better than Prison: Therapeutic Communities as an Abolitionist Real Utopia. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 5 (1). pp. 52-66. ISSN 2202–8005
Scott, DG and Gosling, HJ (2015) Counterblast: Thinking Beyond the Punitive Rationale: Promoting Therapeutic Communities as a Radical Alternative to Prison. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 54 (4). pp. 397-402. ISSN 0265-5527
Scott, DG and Gosling, HJ (2017) Otherwise than prisons, not prisons otherwise. Therapeutic communities as a non-penal real utopia. Justice, Power and Resistance: European Group Journal.
Shagufta, S, Dhingra, K, Debowska, A and Kola-Palmer, D (2016) Validation of the Urdu version of the Measure of Criminal Social Identity within a sample of Pakistani incarcerated delinquents. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 6 (2). pp. 89-99. ISSN 2009-3829
Sherretts, N, Boduszek, D and Debowska, A (2016) Exposure to criminal environment and criminal social identity in a sample of adult prisoners: The moderating role of psychopathic traits. Law and Human Behaviour, 40 (4). pp. 430-439. ISSN 0147-7307
Sherretts, N, Boduszek, D, Debowska, A and Willmott, D (2017) Comparison of murderers with recidivists and first time incarcerated offenders from US prisons on psychopathy and identity as a criminal: An exploratory analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 51. pp. 89-92. ISSN 0047-2352
Sim, J (2019) Aching desolation: Liverpool prison and the regressive limits of penal reform in England and Wales. Critical and Radical Social Work, 7 (1). pp. 41-58. ISSN 2049-8608
Speed, C (2019) Secrecy and Denial in Matters of Life and Death: A Critical Analysis of Deaths in Psychiatric Detention, 1845-2018. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Steele, RH (2016) How offenders make decisions. British Journal of Community Justice, 13 (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 1475-0279
Subedi, BP (2024) Experiences of children impacted by maternal imprisonment living in children’s homes in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Taylor, S, Burke, L, Millings, MN and Ragonese, EL (2018) Through the Gate: the implementation, management and delivery of resettlement service provision for short term prisoners. Executive Summary. Project Report. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Taylor, S, Burke, L, Millings, MN and Ragonese, EL (2018) Through the Gate: the implementation, management and delivery of resettlement service provision for short term prisoners. Final Briefing Report. Project Report. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Uusküla, A, Rannap, J, Weijler, L, Abagiu, A, Arendt, V, Barrio, G, Barros, H, Brummer‐Korvenkontio, H, Casabona, J, Croes, E, Jarlais, DD, Seguin‐Devaux, C, Dudás, M, Eritsyan, K, Folch, C, Hatzakis, A, Heimer, R, Heinsbroek, E, Hope, V, Jipa, R , Ķīvīte‐Urtāne, A, Levina, O, Lyubimova, A, Malczewski, A, Matser, A, McAuley, A, Meireles, P, Mravčík, V, Op de Coul, E, Ojavee, SE, Parés‐Badell, O, Prins, M, Pulido, J, Romanyak, E, Rosinska, M, Seyler, T, Stone, J, Sypsa, V, Talu, A, Tarján, A, Taylor, A, Vickerman, P, Vorobjov, S, Dolan, K and Wiessing, L (2023) Incarceration history is associated with HIV infection among community‐recruited people who inject drugs in Europe: A propensity‐score matched analysis of cross‐sectional studies. Addiction. ISSN 0965-2140
Van Hout, M and Wessels, J (2023) Anniversary of the Maputo Protocol: Crossing the Rubicon toward expansion of rights assurances of (invisible) women deprived of their liberty in African prisons. UNISA Press.
Van Hout, MC (2021) Human rights violations, detention conditions and the invisible nature of women in European immigration detention: A legal realist account. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Van Hout, MC (2020) Leaving No-one Behind: The Human Tragedy of Children in African Prisons during COVID-19. Health and Human Rights: an international journal. ISSN 1079-0969
Van Hout, MC (2022) Navigating the complexities of (trans) gender expression, right to reasonable accommodation and security tensions in South African prisons: The judgement of September v Subramoney. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3. ISSN 2666-3538
Van Hout, MC (2020) Prison staff exposure to pathogenic disease and occupational health research in African prisons: A neglected area. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 22 (1). ISSN 1520-5509
Van Hout, MC (2022) Using COVID-19 to address environmental threats to health and leverage for prison reform in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Malawi. Journal of Human Rights Practice. ISSN 1757-9619
Van Hout, MC and Aaraj, E (2020) Pandemic Stresses the Human Rights Imperatives of Tackling HIV and Hepatitis in Middle East and North African Prisons. Health and Human Rights: an international journal. ISSN 1079-0969
Van Hout, MC and Chimbga, D (2020) Tackling the intersectionality of drug offences, gender based violence and victimisation in the South African criminal justice system: Leveraging for greater implementation of the Tokyo Rules within a sustainable development agenda. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 22 (3). pp. 157-165. ISSN 1520-5509
Van Hout, MC and Crowley, D (2021) The ‘double punishment’ of transgender prisoners: a human rights based commentary on placement and conditions of detention. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 17 (4). pp. 439-451. ISSN 1744-9200
Van Hout, MC, Fleißner, S, Klankwarth, U and Stöver, H (2022) “Children in the prison nursery”: Global progress in adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child in alignment with United Nations minimum standards of care in prisons. Child Abuse and Neglect, 134. ISSN 0145-2134
Van Hout, MC, Fleißner, S, Klankwarth, U-B and Stöver, H (2023) Children living in prison with a primary caregiver: a global mapping of age restrictions and duration of stay. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. ISSN 2352-4642
Van Hout, MC, Fleißner, S and Stöver, H (2022) “Women’s right to health in detention”: United Nations Committee observations since the adoption of the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (‘Bangkok Rules’). Journal of Human Rights Practice. ISSN 1757-9619
Van Hout, MC and Gunda, R (2018) Contemporary women prisoners health experiences, unique prison health care needs and health care outcomes in Sub Saharan Africa: A scoping review of extant literature. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 18 (31). ISSN 1472-698X
Van Hout, MC, Kaima, R, Magwejani, C, Kasunda, V, Nyson, K, Khoviwa, P, Phiri, M, Mhango, V and Kewley, S (2024) “Prison life can make you go crazy”: Insights into the situation for people with a mental illness in the Malawi prison system. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1499-9013
Van Hout, MC, Kaima, R, Mhango, AM, Kasunda, V, Mhango, V, Ong, DM and Kewley, S (2024) 'We Fear For Our Lives': Understanding, Responding and Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change on the Malawian Prison System. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 17 (1). pp. 140-153. ISSN 1757-9619
Van Hout, MC, Kaima, R, Mhango, V and Mariniello, T (2022) Moving beyond the politization of same sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3. ISSN 0379-0738
Van Hout, MC, Kewley, S and Hillis, A (2020) Contemporary Transgender Health Experience and Health Situation in Prisons: A Scoping Review of Extant Published Literature (2000-2019). International Journal of Transgenderism, 21 (3). pp. 258-306. ISSN 1434-4599
Van Hout, MC, Madroumi, R, Hoey, W, Uhaa, S, Severin, P and Calder, I (2023) What is optimal integrated multi-agency Throughcare? A global e-Delphi consensus study defining core components of effective rehabilitation and reintegration programming. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice. ISSN 2056-3841
Van Hout, MC, Mhango, V, Kaima, R, Bigland, C and Mariniello, T (2022) A legal-realist assessment of human rights, right to health and standards of healthcare in the Malawian prison system during COVID-19 state disaster measures. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Van Hout, MC, Southalan, L, Kinner, S, Mhango, V and Mhlanga-Gunda, R (2023) COVID-19, conflict, climate change, and the human rights of people living in African prisons. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7 (5). e352-e353. ISSN 2542-5196
Van Hout, MC, Southalan, L, Kinner, S, Mhango, V and Rosemary, M-G COVID-19, conflict, climate change, and the human rights of people living in African prisons. The Lancet Planetary Health. ISSN 2542-5196 (Accepted)
Van Hout, MC and Wessels, J (2023) “#ForeignersMustGo versus ‘in favorem libertatis’”: Human rights violations and procedural irregularities in South African immigration detention law. Journal of Human Rights. ISSN 1475-4835
Van Hout, MC and Wessels, J (2021) “Ubuntu” I am because we are: COVID-19 and the legal framework for addressing communicable disease in the South African prison system. International Journal of Prisoner Health. ISSN 1744-9200
Wilson, K (2024) On a wing and a prayer: professional ethics and the prison library. Library Management.