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Number of items: 180.


Abdurro'uf, , Accetta, K, Aerts, C, Aguirre, VS, Ahumada, R, Ajgaonkar, N, Ak, NF, Alam, S, Prieto, CA, Almeida, A, Anders, F, Anderson, SF, Andrews, BH, Anguiano, B, Aquino-Ortiz, E, Aragon-Salamanca, A, Argudo-Fernandez, M, Ata, M, Aubert, M, Avila-Reese, V , Badenes, C, Barba, RH, Barger, K, Barrera-Ballesteros, JK, Beaton, RL, Beers, TC, Belfiore, F, Bender, CF, Bernardi, M, Bershady, MA, Beutler, F, Bidin, CM, Bird, JC, Bizyaev, D, Blanc, GA, Blanton, MR, Boardman, NF, Bolton, AS, Boquien, M, Borissova, J, Bovy, J, Brandt, WN, Brown, J, Brownstein, JR, Brusa, M, Buchner, J, Bundy, K, Burchett, JN, Bureau, M, Burgasser, A, Cabang, TK, Campbell, S, Cappellari, M, Carlberg, JK, Wanderley, FC, Carrera, R, Cash, J, Chen, Y-P, Chen, W-H, Cherinka, B, Chiappini, C, Choi, PD, Chojnowski, SD, Chung, H, Clerc, N, Cohen, RE, Comerford, JM, Comparat, J, da Costa, L, Covey, K, Crane, JD, Cruz-Gonzalez, I, Culhane, C, Cunha, K, Dai, YS, Damke, G, Darling, J, Davidson, JW, Davies, R, Dawson, K, De Lee, N, Diamond-Stanic, AM, Cano-Diaz, M, Sanchez, HD, Donor, J, Duckworth, C, Dwelly, T, Eisenstein, DJ, Elsworth, YP, Emsellem, E, Eracleous, M, Escoffier, S, Fan, X, Farr, E, Feng, S, Fernandez-Trincado, JG, Feuillet, D, Filipp, A, Fillingham, SP, Frinchaboy, PM, Fromenteau, S, Galbany, L, Garcia, RA, Garcia-Hernandez, DA, Ge, J, Geisler, D, Gelfand, J, Geron, T, Gibson, BJ, Goddy, J, Godoy-Rivera, D, Grabowski, K, Green, PJ, Greener, M, Grier, CJ, Griffith, E, Guo, H, Guy, J, Hadjara, M, Harding, P, Hasselquist, S, Hayes, CR, Hearty, F, Hill, L, Hogg, DW, Holtzman, JA, Horta, D, Hsieh, B-C, Hsu, C-H, Hsu, Y-H, Huber, D, Huertas-Company, M, Hutchinson, B, Hwang, HS, Ibarra-Medel, HJ, Chitham, JI, Ilha, GS, Imig, J, Jaekle, W, Jayasinghe, T, Ji, X, Johnson, JA, Jones, A, Jonsson, H, Katkov, I, Khalatyan, A, Kinemuchi, K, Kisku, S, Knapen, JH, Kneib, J-P, Kollmeier, JA, Kong, M, Kounkel, M, Kreckel, K, Krishnarao, D, Lacerna, I, Lane, RR, Langgin, R, Lavender, R, Law, DR, Lazarz, D, Leung, HW, Leung, H-H, Lewis, HM, Li, C, Li, R, Lian, J, Liang, F-H, Lin, L, Lin, Y-T, Lin, S, Lintott, C, Long, D, Longa-Pena, P, Lopez-Coba, C, Lu, S, Lundgren, BF, Luo, Y, Mackereth, JT, de la Macorra, A, Mahadevan, S, Majewski, SR, Manchado, A, Mandeville, T, Maraston, C, Margalef-Bentabol, B, Masseron, T, Masters, KL, Mathur, S, McDermid, RM, Mckay, M, Merloni, A, Merrifield, M, Meszaros, S, Miglio, A, Di Mille, F, Minniti, D, Minsley, R, Monachesi, A, Moon, J, Mosser, B, Mulchaey, J, Muna, D, Munoz, RR, Myers, AD, Myers, N, Nadathur, S, Nair, P, Nandra, K, Neumann, J, Newman, JA, Nidever, DL, Nikakhtar, F, Nitschelm, C, O'Connell, JE, Garma-Oehmichen, L, de Oliveira, GLS, Olney, R, Oravetz, D, Ortigoza-Urdaneta, M, Osorio, Y, Otter, J, Pace, ZJ, Padilla, N, Pan, K, Pan, H-A, Parikh, T, Parker, J, Peirani, S, Ramirez, KP, Penny, S, Percival, WJ, Perez-Fournon, I, Pinsonneault, M, Poidevin, F, Poovelil, VJ, Price-Whelan, AM, Queiroz, AB de A, Raddick, MJ, Ray, A, Rembold, SB, Riddle, N, Riffel, RA, Riffel, R, Rix, H-W, Robin, AC, Rodriguez-Puebla, A, Roman-Lopes, A, Roman-Zuniga, C, Rose, B, Ross, AJ, Rossi, G, Rubin, KHR, Salvato, M, Sanchez, SF, Sanchez-Gallego, JR, Sanderson, R, Rojas, FAS, Sarceno, E, Sarmiento, R, Sayres, C, Sazonova, E, Schaefer, AL, Schiavon, R, Schlegel, DJ, Schneider, DP, Schultheis, M, Schwope, A, Serenelli, A, Serna, J, Shao, Z, Shapiro, G, Sharma, A, Shen, Y, Shetrone, M, Shu, Y, Simon, JD, Skrutskie, MF, Smethurst, R, Smith, V, Sobeck, J, Spoo, T, Sprague, D, Stark, D, Stassun, KG, Steinmetz, M, Stello, D, Stone-Martinez, A, Storchi-Bergmann, T, Stringfellow, GS, Stutz, A, Su, Y-C, Taghizadeh-Popp, M, Talbot, MS, Tayar, J, Telles, E, Teske, J, Thakar, A, Theissen, C, Tkachenko, A, Thomas, D, Tojeiro, R, Toledo, HH, Troup, NW, Trump, JR, Trussler, J, Turner, J, Tuttle, S, Unda-Sanzana, E, Vazquez-Mata, JA, Valentini, M, Valenzuela, O, Vargas-Gonzalez, J, Vargas-Magana, M, Alfaro, PV, Villanova, S, Vincenzo, F, Wake, D, Warfield, JT, Washington, JD, Weaver, BA, Weijmans, A-M, Weinberg, DH, Weiss, A, Westfall, KB, Wild, V, Wilde, MC, Wilson, JC, Wilson, RF, Wilson, M, Wolf, J, Wood-Vasey, WM, Yan, R, Zamora, O, Zasowski, G, Zhang, K, Zhao, C, Zheng, Z, Zheng, Z and Zhu, K (2022) The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259 (2). ISSN 0067-0049

Acuto, A (2022) Exploring the accuracy of analytic methods in predicting the evolution of large-scale structure. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.

Ahumada, T, Anand, S, Coughlin, MW, Andreoni, I, Kool, EC, Kumar, H, Reusch, S, Sagués-Carracedo, A, Stein, R, Cenko, SB, Kasliwal, MM, Singer, LP, Dunwoody, R, Mangan, J, Bhalerao, V, Bulla, M, Burns, E, Graham, MJ, Kaplan, DL, Perley, D , Almualla, M, Bloom, JS, Cunningham, V, De, K, Gatkine, P, Ho, AYQ, Karambelkar, V, Kong, AKH, Yao, Y, Anupama, GC, Barway, S, Ghosh, S, Itoh, R, McBreen, S, Bellm, EC, Fremling, C, Laher, RR, Mahabal, AA, Riddle, RL, Rosnet, P, Rusholme, B, Smith, R, Sollerman, J, Bissaldi, E, Fletcher, C, Hamburg, R, Mailyan, B, Malacaria, C and Roberts, O (2022) In Search of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Counterparts with the Zwicky Transient Facility. Astrophysical Journal, 932 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Akino, D, Eckert, D, Okabe, N, Sereno, M, Umetsu, K, Oguri, M, Gastaldello, F, Chiu, I-N, Ettori, S, Evrard, AE, Farahi, A, Maughan, B, Pierre, M, Ricci, M, Valtchanov, I, McCarthy, IG, Mcgee, S, Miyazaki, S, Nishizawa, AJ and Tanak, M (2022) HSC-XXL : Baryon budget of the 136 XXL Groups and Clusters. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 74 (1). pp. 175-208. ISSN 0004-6264

Andreoni, I, Coughlin, MW, Perley, DA, Yao, Y, Lu, W, Cenko, SB, Kumar, H, Anand, S, Ho, AYQ, Kasliwal, MM, de Ugarte Postigo, A, Sagués-Carracedo, A, Schulze, S, Kann, DA, Kulkarni, SR, Sollerman, J, Tanvir, N, Rest, A, Izzo, L, Somalwar, JJ , Kaplan, DL, Ahumada, T, Anupama, GC, Auchettl, K, Barway, S, Bellm, EC, Bhalerao, V, Bloom, JS, Bremer, M, Bulla, M, Burns, E, Campana, S, Chandra, P, Charalampopoulos, P, Cooke, J, D’Elia, V, Das, KK, Dobie, D, Fernández, JFA, Freeburn, J, Fremling, C, Gezari, S, Goode, S, Graham, MJ, Hammerstein, E, Karambelkar, VR, Kilpatrick, CD, Kool, EC, Krips, M, Laher, RR, Leloudas, G, Levan, A, Lundquist, MJ, Mahabal, AA, Medford, MS, Miller, MC, Möller, A, Mooley, KP, Nayana, AJ, Nir, G, Pang, PTH, Paraskeva, E, Perley, RA, Petitpas, G, Pursiainen, M, Ravi, V, Ridden-Harper, R, Riddle, R, Rigault, M, Rodriguez, AC, Rusholme, B, Sharma, Y, Smith, IA, Stein, RD, Thöne, C, Tohuvavohu, A, Valdes, F, van Roestel, J, Vergani, SD, Wang, Q and Zhang, J (2022) A very luminous jet from the disruption of a star by a massive black hole. Nature, 612. pp. 430-434. ISSN 0028-0836

Andreoni, I, Margutti, R, Salafia, OS, Parazin, B, Villar, VA, Coughlin, MW, Yoachim, P, Mortensen, K, Brethauer, D, Smartt, SJ, Kasliwal, MM, Alexander, KD, Anand, S, Berger, E, Bernardini, MG, Bianco, FB, Blanchard, PK, Bloom, JS, Brocato, E, Bulla, M , Cartier, R, Cenko, SB, Chornock, R, Copperwheat, CM, Corsi, A, D’Ammando, F, D’Avanzo, P, Datrier, LÉH, Foley, RJ, Ghirlanda, G, Goobar, A, Grindlay, J, Hajela, A, Holz, DE, Karambelkar, V, Kool, EC, Lamb, GP, Laskar, T, Levan, A, Maguire, K, May, M, Melandri, A, Milisavljevic, D, Miller, AA, Nicholl, M, Nissanke, SM, Palmese, A, Piranomonte, S, Rest, A, Sagués-Carracedo, A, Siellez, K, Singer, LP, Smith, M, Steeghs, D and Tanvir, N (2022) Target-of-opportunity Observations of Gravitational-wave Events with Vera C. Rubin Observatory. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 260 (1). ISSN 0067-0049

Aouad, CJ, Mazzali, PA, Hachinger, S, Teffs, J, Pian, E, Ashall, C, Benetti, S, Filippenko, AV and Tanaka, M (2022) Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae – VI. The peculiar slow decliner SN 1999aa. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (3). pp. 4445-4463. ISSN 0035-8711

Ashall, C, Lu, J, Shappee, BJ, Burns, CR, Hsiao, EY, Kumar, S, Morrell, N, Phillips, MM, Shahbandeh, M, Baron, E, Boutsia, K, Brown, PJ, DerKacy, JM, Galbany, L, Hoeflich, P, Krisciunas, K, Mazzali, P, Piro, AL, Stritzinger, MD and Suntzeff, NB (2022) A Speed Bump: SN 2021aefx Shows that Doppler Shift Alone Can Explain Early Excess Blue Flux in Some Type Ia Supernovae. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 932 (1). ISSN 2041-8205


Batty, K, Steele, I and Copperwheat, C (2022) Laboratory and On-sky Testing of an InGaAs Detector for Infrared Imaging. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 134. ISSN 0004-6280

Bedin, LR, Salaris, M, Anderson, J, Scalco, M, Nardiello, D, Vesperini, E, Richer, H, Burgasser, A, Griggio, M, Gerasimov, R, Apai, D, Bellini, A, Libralato, M, Bergeron, P, Rich, RM and Grazian, A (2022) The HST large programme on NGC 6752 – IV. The White Dwarf sequence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (3). pp. 3722-3736. ISSN 0035-8711

Belokurov, V, Vasiliev, E, Deason, AJ, Koposov, SE, Fattahi, A, Dillamore, AM, Davies, EY and Grand, RJJ (2022) Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (4). pp. 6200-6215. ISSN 0035-8711

Biaus, L, Nuza, SE, Richter, P, Sparre, M, Scannapieco, C, Damle, M, Sorce, JG, Grand, RJJ, Tempel, E, Libeskind, NI and Hani, MH (2022) Kinematics of the Local Group gas and galaxies in the hestia simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (4). pp. 6170-6182. ISSN 0035-8711

Borlaff, AS, Gomez-Alvarez, P, Altieri, B, Marcum, PM, Vavrek, R, Laureijs, R, Kohley, R, Buitrago, F, Cuillandre, J-C, Duc, P-A, Gaspar Venancio, LM, Amara, A, Andreon, S, Auricchio, N, Azzollini, R, Baccigalupi, C, Balaguera-Antolinez, A, Baldi, M, Bardelli, S, Bender, R , Biviano, A, Bodendorf, C, Bonino, D, Bozzo, E, Branchini, E, Brescia, M, Brinchmann, J, Burigana, C, Cabanac, R, Camera, S, Candini, GP, Capobianco, V, Cappi, A, Carbone, C, Carretero, J, Carvalho, CS, Casas, S, Castander, FJ, Castellano, M, Castignani, G, Cavuoti, S, Cimatti, A, Cledassou, R, Colodro-Conde, C, Congedo, G, Conselice, CJ, Conversi, L, Copin, Y, Corcione, L, Coupon, J, Courtois, HM, Cropper, M, Da Silva, A, Degaudenzi, H, Di Ferdinando, D, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Duncan, CAJ, Dupac, X, Dusini, S, Ealet, A, Fabricius, M, Farina, M, Farrens, S, Ferreira, PG, Ferriol, S, Finelli, F, Flose-Reimberg, P, Fosalba, P, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Fumana, M, Galeotta, S, Ganga, K, Garilli, B, Gillis, B, Giocoli, C, Gozaliasl, G, Gracia-Carpio, J, Grazian, A, Grupp, F, Haugan, SVH, Holmes, W, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Keihanen, E, Kermiche, S, Kiessling, A, Kilbinger, M, Kirkpatrick, CC, Kitching, T, Knapen, JH, Kubik, B, Kummel, M, Kunz, M, Kurki-Suonio, H, Liebing, P, Ligori, S, Lilje, PB, Lindholm, V, Lloro, I, Mainetti, G, Maino, D, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Martinelli, M, Martinet, N, Martinez-Delgado, D, Marulli, F, Massey, R, Maturi, M, Maurogordato, S, Medinaceli, E, Mei, S, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Metcalf, RB, Meylan, G, Moresco, M, Morgante, G, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Neissner, C, Niemi, SM, Nightingale, JW, Nucita, A, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pasian, F, Patrizii, L, Pedersen, K, Percival, WJ, Pettorino, V, Pires, S, Poncet, M, Popa, L, Potter, D, Pozzetti, L, Raison, F, Rebolo, R, Renzi, A, Rhodes, J, Riccio, G, Romelli, E, Roncarelli, M, Rosset, C, Rossetti, E, Saglia, R, Sanchez, AG, Sapone, D, Sauvage, M, Schneider, P, Scottez, V, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Serrano, S, Sirignano, C, Sirri, G, Skottfelt, J, Stanco, L, Starck, JL, Sureau, F, Tallada-Crespi, P, Taylor, AN, Tenti, M, Tereno, I, Teyssier, R, Toledo-Moreo, R, Torradeflot, F, Tutusaus, I, Valentijn, EA, Valenziano, L, Valiviita, J, Vassallo, T, Viel, M, Wang, Y, Weller, J, Whittaker, L, Zacchei, A, Zamorani, G and Zucca, E (2022) Euclid preparation XVI. Exploring the ultra-low surface brightness Universe with Euclid/VIS. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 657. ISSN 1432-0746

Boumis, P, Chiotellis, A, Fragkou, V, Akras, S, Derlopa, S, Kopsacheili, M, Leonidaki, I, Alikakos, J, Palaiologou, EV, Harvey, E and Souropanis, D (2022) Deep optical study of the mixed-morphology supernova remnant G 132.7+1.3 (HB3). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2). pp. 1658-1676. ISSN 0035-8711

Bouwens, RJ, Smit, R, Schouws, S, Stefanon, M, Bowler, R, Endsley, R, Gonzalez, V, Inami, H, Stark, D, Oesch, P, Hodge, J, Aravena, M, Da Cunha, E, Dayal, P, Looze, ID, Ferrara, A, Fudamoto, Y, Graziani, L, Li, C, Nanayakkara, T , Pallottini, A, Schneider, R, Sommovigo, L, Topping, M, Van Der Werf, P, Algera, H, Barrufet, L, Hygate, A, Labbé, I, Riechers, D and Witstok, J (2022) Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey: Selection and Characterization of Luminous Interstellar Medium Reservoirs in the z > 6.5 Universe. Astrophysical Journal, 931 (2). p. 160. ISSN 0067-0049

Bretonniere, H, Huertas-Company, M, Boucaud, A, Lanusse, F, Jullo, E, Merlin, E, Tuccillo, D, Castellano, M, Brinchmann, J, Conselice, CJ, Dole, H, Cabanac, R, Courtois, HM, Castander, FJ, Duc, PA, Fosalba, P, Guinet, D, Kruk, S, Kuchner, U, Serrano, S , Soubrie, E, Tramacere, A, Wang, L, Amara, A, Auricchio, N, Bender, R, Bodendorf, C, Bonino, D, Branchini, E, Brau-Nogue, S, Brescia, M, Capobianco, V, Carbone, C, Carretero, J, Cavuoti, S, Cimatti, A, Cledassou, R, Congedo, G, Conversi, L, Copin, Y, Corcione, L, Costille, A, Cropper, M, Da Silva, A, Degaudenzi, H, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Duncan, CAJ, Dupac, X, Dusini, S, Farrens, S, Ferriol, S, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Fumana, M, Garilli, B, Gillard, W, Gillis, B, Giocoli, C, Grazian, A, Grupp, F, Haugan, SVH, Holmes, W, Hormuth, F, Hudelot, P, Jahnke, K, Kermiche, S, Kiessling, A, Kilbinger, M, Kitching, T, Kohley, R, Kuemmel, M, Kunz, M, Kurki-Suonio, H, Ligori, S, Lilje, PB, Lloro, I, Maiorano, E, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Marulli, F, Massey, R, Maurogordato, S, Melchior, M, Meneghetti, M, Meylan, G, Moresco, M, Morin, B, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Niemi, SM, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pasian, F, Pedersen, K, Pettorino, V, Pires, S, Poncet, M, Popa, L, Pozzetti, L, Raison, F, Rebolo, R, Rhodes, J, Roncarelli, M, Rossetti, E, Saglia, R, Schneider, P, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Sirignano, C, Sirri, G, Stanco, L, Starck, J-L, Tallada-Crespi, P, Taylor, AN, Tereno, I, Toledo-Moreo, R, Torradeflot, F, Valentijn, EA, Valenziano, L, Wang, Y, Welikala, N, Weller, J, Zamorani, G, Zoubian, J, Baldi, M, Bardelli, S, Camera, S, Farinelli, R, Medinaceli, E, Mei, S, Polenta, G, Romelli, E, Tenti, M, Vassallo, T, Zacchei, A, Zucca, E, Baccigalupi, C, Balaguera-Antolinez, A, Biviano, A, Borgani, S, Bozzo, E, Burigana, C, Cappi, A, Carvalho, CS, Casas, S, Castignani, G, Colodro-Conde, C, Coupon, J, de la Torre, S, Fabricius, M, Farina, M, Ferreira, PG, Flose-Reimberg, P, Fotopoulou, S, Galeotta, S, Ganga, K, Garcia-Bellido, J, Gaztanaga, E, Gozaliasl, G, Hook, IM, Joachimi, B, Kansal, V, Kashlinsky, A, Keihanen, E, Kirkpatrick, CC, Lindholm, V, Mainetti, G, Maino, D, Maoli, R, Martinelli, M, Martinet, N, McCracken, HJ, Metcalf, RB, Morgante, G, Morisset, N, Nightingale, J, Nucita, A, Patrizii, L, Potter, D, Renzi, A, Riccio, G, Sanchez, AG, Sapone, D, Schirmer, M, Schultheis, M, Scottez, V, Sefusatti, E, Teyssier, R, Tutusaus, I, Valiviita, J, Viel, M, Whittaker, L and Knapen, JH (2022) Euclid preparation XIII. Forecasts for galaxy morphology with the Euclid Survey using deep generative models. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657. ISSN 0004-6361

Brown, S (2022) The Cosmological Dependence of the Formation and Evolution of Dark Matter Haloes. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.


Cadelano, M, Ferraro, FR, Dalessandro, E, Lanzoni, B, Pallanca, C and Saracino, S (2022) Discovery of a Double Sequence of Blue Straggler Stars in the Core-collapsed Globular Cluster NGC 6256. Astrophysical Journal, 941 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Cai, YZ, Pastorello, A, Fraser, M, Wang, XF, Filippenko, AV, Reguitti, A, Patra, KC, Goranskij, VP, Barsukova, EA, Brink, TG, Elias-Rosa, N, Stevance, HF, Zheng, W, Yang, Y, Atapin, KE, Benetti, S, De Boer, TJL, Bose, S, Burke, J, Byrne, R , Cappellaro, E, Chambers, KC, Chen, WL, Emami, N, Gao, H, Hiramatsu, D, Howell, DA, Huber, ME, Kankare, E, Kelly, PL, Kotak, R, Kravtsov, T, Lander, VY, Li, ZT, Lin, CC, Lundqvist, P, Magnier, EA, Malygin, EA, Maslennikova, NA, Matilainen, K, Mazzali, PA, Mccully, C, Mo, J, Moran, S, Newsome, M, Oparin, DV, Padilla Gonzalez, E, Reynolds, TM, Shatsky, NI, Smartt, SJ, Smith, KW, Stritzinger, MD, Tatarnikov, AM, Terreran, G, Uklein, RI, Valerin, G, Vallely, PJ, Vozyakova, OV, Wainscoat, R, Yan, SY, Zhang, JJ, Zhang, TM, Zheltoukhov, SG, Dastidar, R, Fulton, M, Galbany, L, Gangopadhyay, A, Ge, HW, Gutiérrez, CP, Lin, H, Misra, K, Ou, ZW, Salmaso, I, Tartaglia, L, Xiao, L and Zhang, XH (2022) Forbidden hugs in pandemic times: III. Observations of the luminous red nova AT 2021biy in the nearby galaxy NGC 4631. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667. ISSN 0004-6361

Callingham, TM, Cautun, M, Deason, AJ, Frenk, CS, Grand, RJJ and Marinacci, F (2022) The chemo-dynamical groups of Galactic globular clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (3). pp. 4107-4129. ISSN 0035-8711

Camps, P, Kapoor, AU, Trčka, A, Font, AS, McCarthy, IG, Trayford, J and Baes, M (2022) High-resolution synthetic UV-submm images for Milky Way-mass simulated galaxies from the ARTEMIS project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2). pp. 2728-2749. ISSN 0035-8711

Carilli, CL, Perley, RA, Perley, DA, Dhawan, V, Decarli, R, Evans, A and Nyland, K (2022) A 4~Kpc Molecular Gas Lane in Cygnus A. The Astrophysical Journal, 937 (2). ISSN 1538-4357

Chamba, N, Knapen, JH and Black, D (2022) How to plan your astronomy research paper in ten steps. Nature Astronomy, 6 (9). pp. 1015-1020. ISSN 2397-3366

Chamba, N, Trujillo, I and Knapen, JH (2022) The edges of galaxies: Tracing the limits of star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667. A87. ISSN 0004-6361

Chen, J, Ferraro, FR, Cadelano, M, Salaris, M, Lanzoni, B, Pallanca, C, Althaus, LG, Cassisi, S and Dalessandro, E (2022) Slowly Cooling White Dwarfs in NGC 6752. Astrophysical Journal, 934 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Chen, P, Dong, S, Kochanek, CS, Stanek, KZ, Post, RS, Stritzinger, MD, Prieto, JL, Filippenko, A, Kollmeier, JA, Elias-Rosa, N, Katz, B, Tomasella, L, Bose, S, Ashall, C, Benetti, S, Bersier, D, Brimacombe, J, Brink, TG, Brown, P, Buckley, DAH , Cappellaro, E, Christie, GW, Fraser, M, Gromadzki, M, Holoien, TW-S, Hu, S, Kankare, E, Koff, R, Lundqvist, P, Mattila, S, Milne, PA, Morrell, N, Munoz, JA, Mutel, R, Natusch, T, Nicolas, J, Pastorello, A, Prentice, S, Roth, T, Shappee, BJ, Stone, G, Thompson, TA, Villanueva, S and Zheng, W (2022) The First Data Release of CNIa0.02-A Complete Nearby (Redshift <0.02) Sample of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves*. Astrophysical Journal: Supplement Series, 259 (2). ISSN 0067-0049

Cosentino, G, Jiménez-Serra, I, Tan, JC, Henshaw, JD, Barnes, AT, Law, CY, Zeng, S, Fontani, F, Caselli, P, Viti, S, Zahorecz, S, Rico-Villas, F, Megías, A, Miceli, M, Orlando, S, Ustamujic, S, Greco, E, Peres, G, Bocchino, F, Fedriani, R , Gorai, P, Testi, L and Martín-Pintado, J (2022) Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (1). pp. 953-963. ISSN 0035-8711

Curti, M, D'Eugenio, F, Carniani, S, Maiolino, R, Sandles, L, Witstok, J, Baker, WM, Bennett, JS, Piotrowska, JM, Tacchella, S, Charlot, S, Nakajima, K, Maheson, G, Mannucci, F, Amiri, A, Arribas, S, Belfiore, F, Bonaventura, NR, Bunker, AJ, Chevallard, J , Cresci, G, Curtis-Lake, E, Hayden-Pawson, C, Jones, GC, Kumari, N, Laseter, I, Looser, TJ, Marconi, A, Maseda, MV, Scholtz, J, Smit, R, Übler, H and Wallace, IEB (2022) The chemical enrichment in the early Universe as probed by JWST via direct metallicity measurements at z ∼ 8. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (1). pp. 425-438. ISSN 0035-8711


Dalessandro, E, Crociati, C, Cignoni, M, Ferraro, FR, Lanzoni, B, Origlia, L, Pallanca, C, Rich, RM, Saracino, S and Valenti, E (2022) Clues to the Formation of Liller 1 from Modeling Its Complex Star Formation History. Astrophysical Journal, 940 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Damle, M, Sparre, M, Richter, P, Hani, MH, Nuza, SE, Pfrommer, C, Grand, RJJ, Hoffman, Y, Libeskind, N, Sorce, JG, Steinmetz, M, Tempel, E, Vogelsberger, M and Wang, P (2022) Cold and hot gas distribution around the Milky-Way - M31 system in the HESTIA simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (3). pp. 3717-3737. ISSN 0035-8711

Davies, B, Plez, B and Petrault, M (2022) Explosion Imminent: the appearance of Red Supergiants at the point of core-collapse. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (1). pp. 1483-1490. ISSN 0035-8711

Davies, JJ, Pontzen, A and Crain, RA (2022) Galaxy mergers can initiate quenching by unlocking an AGN-driven transformation of the baryon cycle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (1). pp. 1430-1443. ISSN 0035-8711

Dillamore, AM, Belokurov, V, Evans, NW and Font, AS (2022) A correlation between accreted stellar kinematics and dark matter halo spin in the ARTEMIS simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 519 (1). L87-L91. ISSN 1745-3925

Dillamore, AM, Belokurov, V, Font, AS and McCarthy, IG (2022) Merger-induced galaxy transformations in the ARTEMIS simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (2). pp. 1867-1886. ISSN 0035-8711

Driver, SP, Bellstedt, S, Robotham, ASG, Baldry, IK, Davies, LJM, Liske, J, Obreschkow, D, Taylor, EN, Wright, AH, Alpaslan, M, Bamford, SP, Bauer, AE, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bilicki, M, Bravo, MJ, Brough, S, Casura, S, Cluver, ME, Colless, M, Conselice, CJ , Croom, SM, de Jong, J, D'Eugenio, F, Propris, RD, Dogruel, B, Drinkwater, MJ, Dvornik, A, Farrow, DJ, Frenk, CS, Giblin, B, Graham, AW, Grootes, MW, Gunawardhana, MLP, Hashemizadeh, A, Haussler, B, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, AM, Jarrett, TH, Jones, DH, Kelvin, LS, Koushan, S, Kuijken, K, Lara-Lopez, MA, Lange, R, Lopez-Sanchez, AR, Loveday, J, Mahajan, S, Meyer, MR, Moffett, AJ, Napolitano, NR, Norberg, P, Owers, MS, Radovich, M, Raouf, M, Peacock, JA, Phillipps, S, Pimbblet, KA, Popescu, CC, Said, K, Sansom, AE, Seibert, M, Sutherland, WJ, Thorne, JE, Tuffs, RJ, Turner, R, Wel, A, Kampen, EV and Wilkins, SM (2022) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1). pp. 439-467. ISSN 0035-8711

Driver, SP, Robotham, ASG, Obreschkow, D, Peacock, JA, Baldry, IK, Bellstedt, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Cluver, ME, Holwerda, BW, Hopkins, A, Lagos, C, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Phillipps, S and Taylor, EN (2022) An empirical measurement of the Halo Mass Function from the combination of GAMA DR4, SDSS DR12, and REFLEX II data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (2). pp. 2138-2163. ISSN 0035-8711

Dupuy, A, Libeskind, NI, Hoffman, Y, Courtois, HM, Gottlöber, S, Grand, RJJ, Knebe, A, Sorce, JG, Tempel, E, Brent Tully, R, Vogelsberger, M and Wang, P (2022) Anisotropic satellite accretion on to the Local Group with HESTIA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 (3). pp. 4576-4584. ISSN 0035-8711


Eckert, D, Ettori, S, Robertson, A, Massey, R, Pointecouteau, E, Harvey, D and Mccarthy, IG (2022) Constraints on dark matter self-interaction from the internal density profiles of X-COP galaxy clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666. ISSN 0004-6361

Eibensteiner, C, Barnes, AT, Bigiel, F, Schinnerer, E, Liu, D, Meier, DS, Usero, A, Leroy, AK, Rosolowsky, E, Puschnig, J, Lazar, I, Pety, J, Lopez, LA, Emsellem, E, Bešlić, I, Querejeta, M, Murphy, EJ, den Brok, J, Schruba, A, Chevance, M , Glover, SCO, Gao, Y, Grasha, K, Hassani, H, Henshaw, JD, Jimenez-Donaire, MJ, Klessen, RS, Kruijssen, JMD, Pan, H-A, Saito, T, Sormani, MC, Teng, Y-H and Williams, TG (2022) A 2–3 mm high-resolution molecular line survey towards the centre of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659. pp. 1-37. ISSN 1432-0746

Endsley, R, Stark, DP, Bouwens, RJ, Schouws, S, Smit, R, Stefanon, M, Inami, H, Bowler, RAA, Oesch, P, Gonzalez, V, Aravena, M, Da Cunha, E, Dayal, P, Ferrara, A, Graziani, L, Nanayakkara, T, Pallottini, A, Schneider, R, Sommovigo, L, Topping, M , Van Der Werf, P and Hutter, A (2022) The REBELS ALMA Survey: efficient Ly α transmission of UV-bright z ≃ 7 galaxies from large velocity offsets and broad line widths. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (4). pp. 5642-5659. ISSN 0035-8711

Endsley, R, Stark, DP, Fan, X, Smit, R, Wang, F, Yang, J, Hainline, K, Lyu, J, Bouwens, R and Schouws, S (2022) Radio and far-IR emission associated with a massive star-forming galaxy candidate at z ∼ 6.8: a radio-loud AGN in the reionization era? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (3). pp. 4248-4261. ISSN 0035-8711

Entekhabi, N, Tan, JC, Cosentino, G, Hsu, CJ, Caselli, P, Walsh, C, Lim, W, Henshaw, JD, Barnes, AT, Fontani, F and Jiménez-Serra, I (2022) Astrochemical modelling of infrared dark clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 662. ISSN 0004-6361

Everall, A, Belokurov, V, Evans, NW, Boubert, D and Grand, RJJ (2022) The photo-astrometric vertical tracer density of the Milky Way - II. Results from Gaia. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (3). pp. 3863-3880. ISSN 0035-8711

Expósito-Márquez, J, Brook, CB, Huertas-Company, M, Di Cintio, A, Macciò, AV, Grand, RJJ, Battaglia, G and Arjona-Gálvez, E (2022) A probabilistic deep learning model to distinguish cusps and cores in dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519 (3). pp. 4384-4396. ISSN 0035-8711


Fernandes, L, Mason, AC, Horta, D, Schiavon, RP, Hayes, C, Hasselquist, S, Feuillet, D, Beaton, RL, Jönsson, H, Kisku, S, Lacerna, I, Lian, J, Minniti, D and Villanova, S (2022) A comparative analysis of the chemical compositions of Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage and Milky Way satellites using APOGEE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519 (3). pp. 3611-3622. ISSN 0035-8711

Ferrara, A, Sommovigo, L, Dayal, P, Pallottini, A, Bouwens, RJ, Gonzalez, V, Inami, H, Smit, R, Bowler, RAA, Endsley, R, Oesch, P, Schouws, S, Stark, D, Stefanon, M, Aravena, M, da Cunha, E, De Looze, I, Fudamoto, Y, Graziani, L, Hodge, J , Riechers, D, Schneider, R, Algera, HSB, Barrufet, L, Hygate, APS, Labbé, I, Li, C, Nanayakkara, T, Topping, M and van der Werf, P (2022) The ALMA REBELS Survey. Epoch of Reionization giants: Properties of dusty galaxies at z ≈ 7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (1). pp. 58-72. ISSN 0035-8711

Fong, WF, Nugent, AE, Dong, Y, Berger, E, Paterson, K, Chornock, R, Levan, A, Blanchard, P, Alexander, KD, Andrews, J, Cobb, BE, Cucchiara, A, Fox, D, Fryer, CL, Gordon, AC, Kilpatrick, CD, Lunnan, R, Margutti, R, Miller, A, Milne, P , Nicholl, M, Perley, D, Rastinejad, J, Escorial, AR, Schroeder, G, Smith, N, Tanvir, N and Terreran, G (2022) Short GRB Host Galaxies. I. Photometric and Spectroscopic Catalogs, Host Associations, and Galactocentric Offsets. Astrophysical Journal, 940 (1). ISSN 0067-0049

Font, AS, McCarthy, IG, Belokurov, V, Brown, ST and Stafford, SG (2022) Quenching of satellite galaxies of Milky Way analogues: reconciling theory and observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (1). pp. 1544-1556. ISSN 0035-8711

Fudamoto, Y, Smit, R, Bowler, RAA, Oesch, PA, Bouwens, R, Stefanon, M, Inami, H, Endsley, R, Gonzalez, V, Schouws, S, Stark, D, Algera, HSB, Aravena, M, Barrufet, L, da Cunha, E, Dayal, P, Ferrara, A, Graziani, L, Hodge, JA, Hygate, APS , Inoue, AK, Nanayakkara, T, Pallottini, A, Pizzati, E, Schneider, R, Sommovigo, L, Sugahara, Y, Topping, M, van der Werf, P, Bethermin, M, Cassata, P, Dessauges-Zavadsky, M, Ibar, E, Faisst, AL, Fujimoto, S, Ginolfi, M, Hathi, N, Jones, GC, Pozzi, F and Schaerer, D (2022) The ALMA REBELS Survey: Average [C ii] 158 μm Sizes of Star-forming Galaxies from z ∼ 7 to z ∼ 4. The Astrophysical Journal, 934 (2). ISSN 1538-4357

Fullard, AG, O'Brien, JT, Kerzendorf, WE, Shrestha, M, Hoffman, JL, Ignace, R and Van Der Smagt, P (2022) New Mass Estimates for Massive Binary Systems: A Probabilistic Approach Using Polarimetric Radiative Transfer. Astrophysical Journal, 930 (1). ISSN 0004-637X


Gal-Yam, A, Bruch, R, Schulze, S, Yang, Y, Perley, DA, Irani, I, Sollerman, J, Kool, EC, Soumagnac, MT, Yaron, O, Strotjohann, NL, Zimmerman, E, Barbarino, C, Kulkarni, SR, Kasliwal, MM, De, K, Yao, Y, Fremling, C, Yan, L, Ofek, EO , Fransson, C, Filippenko, AV, Zheng, W, Brink, TG, Copperwheat, CM, Foley, RJ, Brown, J, Siebert, M, Leloudas, G, Cabrera-Lavers, AL, Garcia-Alvarez, D, Marante-Barreto, A, Frederick, S, Hung, T, Wheeler, JC, Vinko, J, Thomas, BP, Graham, MJ, Duev, DA, Drake, AJ, Dekany, R, Bellm, EC, Rusholme, B, Shupe, DL, Andreoni, I, Sharma, Y, Riddle, R, Roestel, JV and Knezevic, N (2022) A WC/WO star exploding within an expanding carbon-oxygen-neon nebula. Nature, 601. pp. 201-204. ISSN 0028-0836

Ganss, R, Pledger, JL, Sansom, AE, James, PA, Puls, J and Habergham-Mawson, SM (2022) Metallicity Estimation of Core-Collapse Supernova HII Regions in Galaxies within 30 Mpc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. pp. 1541-1556. ISSN 0035-8711

Garcia De La Cruz, J (2022) Galactic Archaeology using the stellar vertical structure of galactic discs. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.

Gargiulo, ID, Monachesi, A, Gómez, FA, Nelson, D, Pillepich, A, Pakmor, R, Grand, RJJ, Fragkoudi, F, Hernquist, L, Lovell, M and Marinacci, F (2022) High and low Sérsic index bulges in Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies: origin and connection to the bar with TNG50. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2). pp. 2537-2555. ISSN 0035-8711

Gatkine, P, Veilleux, S, Perley, DA, Durbak, J, Dichiara, S, Cenko, SB and Troja, E (2022) The CGM-GRB Study. II. Outflow-Galaxy Connection at z similar to 2-6. Astrophysical Journal, 926 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Gerasimov, R, Burgasser, AJ, Homeier, D, Bedin, LR, Rees, JM, Scalco, M, Anderson, J and Salaris, M (2022) The HST Large Program on ω Centauri. V. Exploring the Ultracool Dwarf Population with Stellar Atmosphere and Evolutionary Modeling. Astrophysical Journal, 930 (1). p. 24. ISSN 0004-637X

Giles, PA, Romer, AK, Wilkinson, R, Bermeo, A, Turner, DJ, Hilton, M, Upsdell, EW, Rooney, PJ, Bhargava, S, Ebrahimpour, L, Farahi, A, Mann, RG, Manolopoulou, M, Mayers, J, Vergara, C, Viana, PTP, Collins, CA, Hollowood, D, Jeltema, T, Miller, CJ , Nichol, RC, Noorali, R, Splettstoesser, M and Stott, JP (2022) The XMM Cluster Survey analysis of the SDSS DR8 redMaPPer catalogue: implications for scatter, selection bias, and isotropy in cluster scaling relations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 (3). pp. 3878-3899. ISSN 0035-8711

Ginsburg, A, Sokolov, V, De Val-Borro, M, Rosolowsky, E, Pineda, JE, Sipőcz, BM and Henshaw, JD (2022) Pyspeckit: A Spectroscopic Analysis and Plotting Package. Astronomical Journal, 163 (6). ISSN 0004-6256

Girdhar, A, Harrison, CM, Mainieri, V, Bittner, A, Costa, T, Kharb, P, Mukherjee, D, Battaia, FA, Alexander, DM, Rivera, GC, Circosta, C, De Breuck, C, Edge, AC, Farina, EP, Kakkad, D, Lansbury, GB, Molyneux, SJ, Mullaney, JR, Silpa, S, Thomson, AP and Ward, SR (2022) Quasar feedback survey: multiphase outflows, turbulence, and evidence for feedback caused by low power radio jets inclined into the galaxy disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2). pp. 1608-1628. ISSN 0035-8711

Gonzalez-Tora, G, Urbaneja, MA, Przybilla, N, Dreizler, S, Roth, MM, Kamann, S and Castro, N (2022) MUSE crowded field 3D spectroscopy in NGC 300 II. Quantitative spectroscopy of BA-type supergiants. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 658. ISSN 1432-0746

Graham, ML, Fremling, C, Perley, DA, Biswas, R, Phillips, CA, Sollerman, J, Nugent, PE, Nance, S, Dhawan, S, Nordin, J, Goobar, A, Miller, A, Neill, JD, Hall, XJ, Hankins, MJ, Duev, DA, Kasliwal, MM, Rigault, M, Bellm, EC, Hale, D , Mroz, P and Kulkarni, SR (2022) Supernova siblings and their parent galaxies in the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (1). pp. 241-254. ISSN 0035-8711

Grand, RJJ and White, SDM (2022) Dark matter annihilation and the Galactic Centre Excess. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 511 (1). L55-L59. ISSN 1745-3925

Griggio, M, Bedin, LR, Raddi, R, Reindl, N, Tomasella, L, Scalco, M, Salaris, M, Cassisi, S, Ochner, P, Ciroi, S, Rosati, P, Nardiello, D, Anderson, J, Libralato, M, Bellini, A, Vallenari, A, Spina, L and Pedani, M (2022) Astro-photometric study of M37 with Gaia and wide-field ugi-imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (2). pp. 1841-1853. ISSN 0035-8711

Griggio, M, Salaris, M, Cassisi, S, Pietrinferni, A and Bedin, LR (2022) Signature of a chemical spread in the open cluster M37. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 (3). pp. 3531-3640. ISSN 0035-8711

Gutiérrez, CP, Pastorello, A, Bersten, M, Benetti, S, Orellana, M, Fiore, A, Karamehmetoglu, E, Kravtsov, T, Reguitti, A, Reynolds, TM, Valerin, G, Mazzali, P, Sullivan, M, Cai, YZ, Elias-Rosa, N, Fraser, M, Hsiao, EY, Kankare, E, Kotak, R, Kuncarayakti, H , Li, Z, Mattila, S, Mo, J, Moran, S, Ochner, P, Shahbandeh, M, Tomasella, L, Wang, X, Yan, S, Zhang, J, Zhang, T and Stritzinger, MD (2022) SN 2020wnt: a slow-evolving carbon-rich superluminous supernova with no O II lines and a bumpy light curve. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (2). pp. 2056-2075. ISSN 0035-8711


Hammerstein, E, van Velzen, S, Gezari, S, Cenko, SB, Yao, Y, Ward, C, Frederick, S, Villanueva, N, Somalwar, JJ, Graham, MJ, Kulkarni, SR, Stern, D, Andreoni, I, Bellm, EC, Dekany, R, Dhawan, S, Drake, AJ, Fremling, C, Gatkine, P, Groom, SL , Ho, AYQ, Kasliwal, MM, Karambelkar, V, Kool, EC, Masci, FJ, Medford, MS, Perley, DA, Purdum, J, Roestel, JV, Sharma, Y, Sollerman, J, Taggart, K and Yan, L (2022) The Final Season Reimagined: 30 Tidal Disruption Events from the ZTF-I Survey. Astrophysical Journal, 942 (1). ISSN 1538-4357

Heintz, KE, Oesch, PA, Aravena, M, Bouwens, RJ, Dayal, P, Ferrara, A, Fudamoto, Y, Graziani, L, Inami, H, Sommovigo, L, Smit, R, Stefanon, M, Topping, M, Pallottini, A and van der Werf, P (2022) The ALMA REBELS Survey: The Cosmic H i Gas Mass Density in Galaxies at z ≈ 7. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 934 (2). ISSN 2041-8205

Hill, A (2022) Assessing the systematic uncertainties influencing radio continuum weak gravitational lensing surveys. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.

Hill, AD, Crain, RA, McCarthy, IG and Brown, ST (2022) Intrinsic alignments of the extended radio continuum emission of galaxies in the EAGLE simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (3). pp. 3844-3862. ISSN 0035-8711

Hinkle, JT, Holoien, TWS, Shappee, BJ, Neustadt, JMM, Auchettl, K, Vallely, PJ, Shahbandeh, M, Kluge, M, Kochanek, CS, Stanek, KZ, Huber, ME, Post, RS, Bersier, D, Ashall, C, Tucker, MA, Williams, JP, De Jaeger, T, Do, A, Fausnaugh, M, Gruen, D , Hopp, U, Myles, J, Obermeier, C, Payne, AV and Thompson, TA (2022) The Curious Case of ASASSN-20hx: A Slowly Evolving, UV- and X-Ray-Luminous, Ambiguous Nuclear Transient. Astrophysical Journal, 930 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Ho, AYQ, Margalit, B, Bremer, M, Perley, DA, Yao, Y, Dobie, D, Kaplan, DL, O’Brien, A, Petitpas, G and Zic, A (2022) Luminous Millimeter, Radio, and X-Ray Emission from ZTF 20acigmel (AT 2020xnd). The Astrophysical Journal, 932 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Ho, AYQ, Perley, DA, Yao, Y, Svinkin, D, Postigo, ADU, Perley, RA, Kann, DA, Burns, E, Andreoni, I, Bellm, EC, Bissaldi, E, Bloom, JS, Brink, TG, Dekany, R, Drake, AJ, Agüí Fernández, JF, Filippenko, AV, Frederiks, D, Graham, MJ, Hristov, BA , Kasliwal, MM, Kulkarni, SR, Kumar, H, Laher, RR, Lysenko, AL, Mailyan, B, Malacaria, C, Miller, AA, Poolakkil, S, Riddle, R, Ridnaia, A, Rusholme, B, Savchenko, V, Sollerman, J, Thöne, C, Tsvetkova, A, Ulanov, M and Von Kienlin, A (2022) Cosmological Fast Optical Transients with the Zwicky Transient Facility: A Search for Dirty Fireballs. Astrophysical Journal, 938 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Holoien, TWS, Neustadt, JMM, Vallely, PJ, Auchettl, K, Hinkle, JT, Romero-Cañizales, C, Shappee, BJ, Kochanek, CS, Stanek, KZ, Chen, P, Dong, S, Prieto, JL, Thompson, TA, Brink, TG, Filippenko, AV, Zheng, W, Bersier, D, Bose, S, Burgasser, AJ, Channa, S , De Jaeger, T, Hestenes, J, Im, M, Jeffers, B, Jun, HD, Lansbury, G, Post, RS, Ross, TW, Stern, D, Tang, K, Tucker, MA, Valenti, S, Yunus, S and Zhang, KD (2022) Investigating the Nature of the Luminous Ambiguous Nuclear Transient ASASSN-17jz. Astrophysical Journal, 933 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Hoogendam, WB, Ashall, C, Galbany, L, Shappee, BJ, Burns, CR, Lu, J, Phillips, MM, Baron, E, Holmbo, S, Hsiao, EY, Morrell, N, Stritzinger, MD, Suntzeff, NB, Taddia, F, Young, DR, Lyman, JD, Benetti, S, Mazzali, PA, Delgado Mancheno, M, Gonzalez Diaz, R and Munoz Torres, S (2022) A Tale of Two Type Ia Supernovae: The Fast-declining Siblings SNe 2015bo and 1997cn. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 928 (2). ISSN 0004-637X

Horta, D, Ness, MK, Rybizki, J, Schiavon, RP and Buder, S (2022) Neutron-capture elements record the ordered chemical evolution of the disc over time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (4). pp. 5477-5504. ISSN 0035-8711

Horta, D, Schiavon, RP, Mackereth, JT, Weinberg, DH, Hasselquist, S, Feuillet, D, O’Connell, RW, Anguiano, B, Allende-Prieto, C, Beaton, RL, Bizyaev, D, Cunha, K, Geisler, D, García-Hernández, DA, Holtzman, J, Jönsson, H, Lane, RR, Majewski, SR, Mészáros, S, Minniti, D , Nitschelm, C, Shetrone, M, Smith, VV and Zasowski, G (2022) The chemical characterisation of halo substructure in the Milky Way based on APOGEE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520 (4). pp. 5671-5711. ISSN 0035-8711

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Hwang, J, Kim, J, Pattle, K, Lee, CW, Koch, PM, Johnstone, D, Tomisaka, K, Whitworth, A, Furuya, RS, Kang, Ji-H, Lyo, A-R, Chung, EJ, Arzoumanian, D, Park, G, Kwon, W, Kim, S, Tamura, M, Kwon, J, Soam, A, Han, I , Hoang, T, Kim, KH, Onaka, T, Chakali, E, Ward-Thompson, D, Liu, H-L, Tang, X, Chen, WP, Matsumura, M, Hoang, TD, Chen, Z, Gouellec, VJM Le, Kirchschlager, F, Poidevin, F, Bastien, P, Qiu, K, Hasegawa, T, Lai, S-P, Byun, D-Y, Cho, J, Choi, M, Choi, Y, Choi, Y, Jeong, I-G, Kang, M, Kim, H, Kim, K-T, Lee, J-E, Lee, S-S, Lee, Y-H, Lee, H, Kim, M-R, Yoo, H, Yun, H-S, Chen, M, Francesco, JD, Fiege, J, Fissel, LM, Franzmann, E, Houde, M, Lacaille, K, Matthews, B, Sadavoy, S, Moriarty-Schieven, G, Tahani, M, Ching, T-C, Dai, YS, Duan, Y, Gu, Q, Law, C-Y, Li, D, Li, D, Li, G, Li, H-B, Liu, T, Lu, X, Qian, L, Wang, H, Wu, J, Xie, J, Yuan, J, Zhang, C-P, Zhang, G, Zhang, Y, Zhou, J, Zhu, L, Berry, D, Friberg, P, Graves, S, Liu, J, Mairs, S, Parsons, H, Rawlings, M, Doi, Y, Hayashi, S, Hull, CLH, Inoue, T, Inutsuka, S-I, Iwasaki, K, Kataoka, A, Kawabata, K, Kim, G, Kobayashi, MIN, Nagata, T, Nakamura, F, Nakanishi, H, Pyo, T-S, Saito, H, Seta, M, Shimajiri, Y, Shinnaga, H, Tsukamoto, Y, Zenko, T, Chen, H-R, Duan, H-Y, Fanciullo, L, Kemper, F, Lee, C-F, Lin, S-J, Liu, S-Y, Ohashi, N, Rao, R, Tang, Y-W, Wang, J-W, Yang, M-Z, Yen, H-W, Bourke, TL, Chrysostomou, A, Debattista, V, Eden, D, Eyres, S, Falle, S, Fuller, G, Gledhill, T, Greaves, J, Griffin, M, Hatchell, J, Karoly, J, Kirk, J, onyves, VK, Longmore, SN, Loo, S van, Looze, I de, Peretto, N, Priestley, F, Rawlings, J, Retter, B, Richer, J, Rigby, A, Savini, G, Scaife, A, Viti, S, Diep, PN, Ngoc, NB, Tram, Le N, André, P, Coude, S, Dowell, CD, Friesen, R and Robitaille, J-F (2022) The JCMT BISTRO Survey: A Spiral Magnetic Field in a Hub-Filament Structure, Monoceros R2. Astrophysical Journal, 941 (1). ISSN 0004-637X


Inami, H, Algera, HSB, Schouws, S, Sommovigo, L, Bouwens, R, Smit, R, Stefanon, M, Bowler, RAA, Endsley, R, Ferrara, A, Oesch, P, Stark, D, Aravena, M, Barrufet, L, Da Cunha, E, Dayal, P, De Looze, I, Fudamoto, Y, Gonzalez, V, Graziani, L , Hodge, JA, Hygate, APS, Nanayakkara, T, Pallottini, A, Riechers, DA, Schneider, R, Topping, M and Van Der Werf, P (2022) The ALMA REBELS Survey: dust continuum detections at z > 6.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (3). pp. 3126-3143. ISSN 0035-8711

Irani, I, Prentice, SJ, Schulze, S, Gal-Yam, A, Teffs, J, Mazzali, PA, Sollerman, J, Gonzalez, EP, Taggart, K, De, K, Fremling, C, Perley, DA, Strotjohann, NL, Kasliwal, MM, Howell, A, Dhawan, S, Tzanidakis, A, Hiramatsu, D, Kool, EC, Anderson, JP , Muller-Bravo, TE, Dekany, R, Gromadzki, M, Carini, R, Galbany, L, Drake, AJ, Burke, J, Pellegrino, C, Della Valle, M, Medford, MS, Rusholme, B, Young, DR, Gutierrez, CP, Inserra, C, Omer, R, Shupe, DL, Chen, T-W, Shin, KM, Yaron, O, McCully, C, Nicholl, M and Riddle, R (2022) Less Than 1% of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Local Universe Occur in Elliptical Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 927 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

Irodotou, D, Fragkoudi, F, Pakmor, R, Grand, RJJ, Gadotti, DA, Costa, T, Springel, V, Gómez, FA and Marinacci, F (2022) The effects of AGN feedback on the structural and dynamical properties of Milky Way-mass galaxies in cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (3). pp. 3768-3787. ISSN 0035-8711

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Jordana-Mitjans, N, Mundell, CG, Guidorzi, C, Smith, RJ, Ramírez-Ruiz, E, Metzger, BD, Kobayashi, S, Gomboc, A, Steele, IA, Shrestha, M, Marongiu, M, Rossi, A and Rothberg, B (2022) A Short Gamma-Ray Burst from a Protomagnetar Remnant. The Astrophysical Journal, 939 (2). ISSN 0004-637X


Kacharov, N, Alfaro-Cuello, M, Neumayer, N, Lützgendorf, N, Watkins, LL, Mastrobuono-Battisti, A, Kamann, S, van de Ven, G, Seth, AC, Voggel, KT, Georgiev, IY, Leaman, R, Bianchini, P, Böker, T and Mieske, S (2022) A Deep View into the Nucleus of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy with MUSE. III. Discrete multi-component population-dynamical models based on the Jeans equations. The Astrophysical Journal, 939 (2). ISSN 1538-4357

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Kangas, T, Yan, L, Schulze, S, Fransson, C, Sollerman, J, Lunnan, R, Omand, CMB, Andreoni, I, Burruss, R, Chen, T-W, Drake, AJ, Fremling, C, Gal-Yam, A, Graham, MJ, Groom, SL, Lezmy, J, Mahabal, AA, Masci, FJ, Perley, D, Riddle, R , Tartaglia, L and Yao, Y (2022) The Zwicky Transient Facility phase I sample of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae without strong narrow emission lines. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 (1). pp. 1193-1218. ISSN 0035-8711

Kelly, AJ, Jenkins, A, Deason, A, Fattahi, A, Grand, RJJ, Pakmor, R, Springel, V and Frenk, CS (2022) Apostle-Auriga: Effects of different subgrid models on the baryon cycle around Milky Way-mass galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (3). pp. 3113-3138. ISSN 0035-8711

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Kukstas, E, Balogh, ML, McCarthy, IG, Bahe, YM, Lucia, GD, Jablonka, P, Vulcani, B, Baxter, DC, Biviano, A, Cerulo, P, Chan, JC, Cooper, MC, Demarco, R, Finoguenov, A, Font, AS, Lidman, C, Marchioni, J, McGee, S, Muzzin, A, Nantais, J , Old, L, Pintos-Castro, I, Poggianti, B, Reeves, AMM, Rudnick, G, Sarron, F, Burg, RVD, Webb, K, Wilson, G, Yee, HKC and Zaritsky, D (2022) GOGREEN: a critical assessment of environmental trends in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations at z ~ 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 (3). pp. 4782-4800. ISSN 0035-8711

Kumar, H, Gupta, R, Saraogi, D, Ahumada, T, Andreoni, I, Anupama, GC, Aryan, A, Barway, S, Bhalerao, V, Chandra, P, Coughlin, MW, Dimple, D, Dutta, A, Ghosh, A, Ho, AYQ, Kool, EC, Kumar, A, Medford, MS, Misra, K, Pandey, SB , Perley, DA, Riddle, R, Ror, AK, Setiadi, JM and Yao, Y (2022) The long-active afterglow of GRB 210204A: detection of the most delayed flares in a gamma-ray burst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (2). pp. 2777-2793. ISSN 0035-8711


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Lee, JC, Whitmore, BC, Thilker, DA, Deger, S, Larson, KL, Ubeda, L, Anand, GS, Boquien, M, Chandar, R, Dale, DA, Emsellem, E, Leroy, AK, Rosolowsky, E, Schinnerer, E, Schmidt, J, Lilly, J, Turner, J, Van Dyk, S, White, RL, Barnes, AT , Belfiore, F, Bigiel, F, Blanc, GA, Cao, Y, Chevance, M, Congiu, E, Egorov, OV, Glover, SCO, Grasha, K, Groves, B, Henshaw, JD, Hughes, A, Klessen, RS, Koch, E, Kreckel, K, Kruijssen, JMD, Liu, D, Lopez, LA, Mayker, N, Meidt, SE, Murphy, EJ, Pan, HA, Pety, J, Querejeta, M, Razza, A, Saito, T, Sánchez-Blázquez, P, Santoro, F, Sardone, A, Scheuermann, F, Schruba, A, Sun, J, Usero, A, Watkins, E and Williams, TG (2022) The PHANGS-HST Survey: Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope. The Astrophysical Journal: Supplement Series, 258 (1). ISSN 0067-0049

Leonova, E, Oesch, PA, Qin, Y, Naidu, RP, Wyithe, JSB, De Barros, S, Bouwens, RJ, Ellis, RS, Endsley, RM, Hutter, A, Illingworth, GD, Kerutt, J, Labbé, I, Laporte, N, Magee, D, Mutch, SJ, Roberts-Borsani, GW, Smit, R, Stark, DP, Stefanon, M , Tacchella, S and Zitrin, A (2022) The prevalence of galaxy overdensities around UV-luminous Lyman α emitters in the Epoch of Reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (4). pp. 5790-5801. ISSN 0035-8711


Mandhai, S, Lamb, GP, Tanvir, NR, Bray, J, Nixon, CJ, Eyles-Ferris, RAJ, Levan, AJ and Gompertz, BP (2022) Exploring compact binary merger host galaxies and environments with zELDA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (2). pp. 2716-2735. ISSN 0035-8711

Marongiu, M, Guidorzi, C, Stratta, G, Gomboc, A, Jordana-Mitjans, N, Dichiara, S, Kobayashi, S, Kopac, D and Mundell, CG (2022) Radio data challenge the broadband modelling of GRB 160131A afterglow. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 658. ISSN 1432-0746

Marques Oliveira, J, Sicardy, B, Gomes-Júnior, AR, Ortiz, JL, Strobel, DF, Bertrand, T, Forget, F, Lellouch, E, Desmars, J, Bérard, D, Doressoundiram, A, Lecacheux, J, Leiva, R, Meza, E, Roques, F, Souami, D, Widemann, T, Santos-Sanz, P, Morales, N, Duffard, R , Fernández-Valenzuela, E, Castro-Tirado, AJ, Braga-Ribas, F, Morgado, BE, Assafin, M, Camargo, JIB, Vieira-Martins, R, Benedetti-Rossi, G, Santos-Filho, S, Banda-Huarca, MV, Quispe-Huaynasi, F, Pereira, CL, Rommel, FL, Margoti, G, Dias-Oliveira, A, Colas, F, Berthier, J, Renner, S, Hueso, R, Pérez-Hoyos, S, Sánchez-Lavega, A, Rojas, JF, Beisker, W, Kretlow, M, Herald, D, Gault, D, Bath, K-L, Bode, H-J, Bredner, E, Guhl, K, Haymes, TV, Hummel, E, Kattentidt, B, Klös, O, Pratt, A, Thome, B, Avdellidou, C, Gazeas, K, Karampotsiou, E, Tzouganatos, L, Kardasis, E, Christou, AA, Xilouris, EM, Alikakos, I, Gourzelas, A, Liakos, A, Charmandaris, V, Jelínek, M, Štrobl, J, Eberle, A, Rapp, K, Gährken, B, Klemt, B, Kowollik, S, Bitzer, R, Miller, M, Herzogenrath, G, Frangenberg, D, Brandis, L, Pütz, I, Perdelwitz, V, Piehler, GM, Riepe, P, von Poschinger, K, Baruffetti, P, Cenadelli, D, Christille, J-M, Ciabattari, F, Di Luca, R, Alboresi, D, Leto, G, Zanmar Sanchez, R, Bruno, P, Occhipinti, G, Morrone, L, Cupolino, L, Noschese, A, Vecchione, A, Scalia, C, Lo Savio, R, Giardina, G, Kamoun, S, Barbosa, R, Behrend, R, Spano, M, Bouchet, E, Cottier, M, Falco, L, Gallego, S, Tortorelli, L, Sposetti, S, Sussenbach, J, Van Den Abbeel, F, André, P, Llibre, M, Pailler, F, Ardissone, J, Boutet, M, Sanchez, J, Bretton, M, Cailleau, A, Pic, V, Granier, L, Chauvet, R, Conjat, M, Dauvergne, JL, Dechambre, O, Delay, P, Delcroix, M, Rousselot, L, Ferreira, J, Machado, P, Tanga, P, Rivet, J-P, Frappa, E, Irzyk, M, Jabet, F, Kaschinski, M, Klotz, A, Rieugnie, Y, Klotz, AN, Labrevoir, O, Lavandier, D, Walliang, D, Leroy, A, Bouley, S, Lisciandra, S, Coliac, J-F, Metz, F, Erpelding, D, Nougayrède, P, Midavaine, T, Miniou, M, Moindrot, S, Morel, P, Reginato, B, Reginato, E, Rudelle, J, Tregon, B, Tanguy, R, David, J, Thuillot, W, Hestroffer, D, Vaudescal, G, Baba Aissa, D, Grigahcene, Z, Briggs, D, Broadbent, S, Denyer, P, Haigh, NJ, Quinn, N, Thurston, G, Fossey, SJ, Arena, C, Jennings, M, Talbot, J, Alonso, S, Román Reche, A, Casanova, V, Briggs, E, Iglesias-Marzoa, R, Abril Ibáñez, J, Díaz Martín, MC, González, H, Maestre García, JL, Marchant, J, Ordonez-Etxeberria, I, Martorell, P, Salamero, J, Organero, F, Ana, L, Fonseca, F, Peris, V, Brevia, O, Selva, A, Perello, C, Cabedo, V, Gonçalves, R, Ferreira, M, Marques Dias, F, Daassou, A, Barkaoui, K, Benkhaldoun, Z, Guennoun, M, Chouqar, J, Jehin, E, Rinner, C, Lloyd, J, El Moutamid, M, Lamarche, C, Pollock, JT, Caton, DB, Kouprianov, V, Timerson, BW, Blanchard, G, Payet, B, Peyrot, A, Teng-Chuen-Yu, J-P, Françoise, J, Mondon, B, Payet, T, Boissel, C, Castets, M, Hubbard, WB, Hill, R, Reitsema, HJ, Mousis, O, Ball, L, Neilsen, G, Hutcheon, S, Lay, K, Anderson, P, Moy, M, Jonsen, M, Pink, I, Walters, R and Downs, B (2022) Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton’s atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations⋆. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659. pp. 1-43. ISSN 0004-6361

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Molyneux, SJ, Smit, R, Schaerer, D, Bouwens, RJ, Bradley, L, Hodge, JA, Longmore, SN, Schouws, S, van der Werf, P, Zitrin, A and Phillips, S (2022) Spectroscopic confirmation of a gravitationally lensed Lyman break galaxy at z[C II]= 6.827 using NOEMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (1). pp. 535-543. ISSN 0035-8711

Mooley, KP, Margalit, B, Law, CJ, Perley, DA, Deller, AT, Lazio, TJW, Bietenholz, MF, Shimwell, T, Intema, HT, Gaensler, BM, Metzger, BD, Dong, DZ, Hallinan, G, Ofek, EO and Sironi, L (2022) Late-time Evolution and Modeling of the Off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst Candidate FIRST J141918.9+394036. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 924 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

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