Items where Subject is "QC Physics"
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- Q Science (1777)
Aamer, A, Nicholl, M, Jerkstrand, A, Gomez, S, Oates, SR, Smartt, SJ, Srivastav, S, Leloudas, G, Anderson, JP, Berger, E, de Boer, T, Chambers, K, Chen, TW, Galbany, L, Gao, H, Gompertz, BP, González-Bañuelos, M, Gromadzki, M, Gutiérrez, CP, Inserra, C , Lowe, TB, Magnier, EA, Mazzali, PA, Moore, T, Müller-Bravo, TE, Pursiainen, M, Rest, A, Schulze, S, Smith, KW, Terwel, JH, Wainscoat, R and Young, DR (2023) A precursor plateau and pre-maximum [O II] emission in the superluminous SN2019szu: a pulsational pair-instability candidate. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 (4). pp. 11970-11995. ISSN 0035-8711
Aartsen, MG, Abraham, K, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aguilar, JA, Ahlers, M, Ahrens, M, Altmann, D, Anderson, T, Archinger, M, Arguelles, C, Arlen, TC, Auffenberg, J, Bai, X, Barwick, SW, Baum, V, Bay, R, Beatty, JJ, Becker Tjus, J, Becker, KH , Beiser, E, Benzvi, S, Berghaus, P, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Bernhard, A, Besson, DZ, Binder, G, Bindig, D, Bissok, M, Blaufuss, E, Blumenthal, J, Boersma, DJ, Bohm, C, Börner, M, Bos, F, Bose, D, Böser, S, Botner, O, Braun, J, Brayeur, L, Bretz, HP, Brown, AM, Buzinsky, N, Casey, J, Casier, M, Cheung, E, Chirkin, D, Christov, A, Christy, B, Clark, K, Classen, L, Coenders, S, Cowen, DF, Cruz Silva, AH, Daughhetee, J, Davis, JC, Day, M, De André, JPAM, De Clercq, C, Dembinski, H, De Ridder, S, Desiati, P, De Vries, KD, De Wasseige, G, De With, M, Deyoung, T, Díaz-Vélez, JC, Dumm, JP, Dunkman, M, Eagan, R, Eberhardt, B, Ehrhardt, T, Eichmann, B, Euler, S, Evenson, PA, Fadiran, O, Fahey, S, Fazely, AR, Fedynitch, A, Feintzeig, J, Felde, J, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Fischer-Wasels, T, Flis, S, Fuchs, T, Glagla, M, Gaisser, TK, Gaior, R, Gallagher, J, Gerhardt, L, Ghorbani, K, Gier, D, Gladstone, L, Glüsenkamp, T and Perley, DA (2015) The Detection of a SN IIn in Optical Follow-Up Observations of Icecube Neutrino Events. The Astrophysical Journal, 811 (1). ISSN 1538-4357
Aartsen, MG, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aguilar, JA, Ahlers, M, Ahrens, M, Al Samarai, I, Altmann, D, Andeen, K, Anderson, T, Ansseau, I, Anton, G, Arguelles, C, Auffenberg, J, Axani, S, Bagherpour, H, Bai, X, Barron, JP, Barwick, SW, Baum, V , Bay, R, Beatty, JJ, Tjus, JB, Becker, K-H, BenZvi, S, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Besson, DZ, Binder, G, Bindig, D, Blaufuss, E, Blot, S, Bohm, C, Borner, M, Bos, F, Boser, S, Botner, O, Bourbeau, E, Bourbeau, J, Bradascio, F, Braun, J, Brenzke, M, Bretz, H-P, Bron, S, Brostean-Kaiser, J, Burgman, A, Busse, RS, Carver, T, Cheung, E, Chirkin, D, Christov, A, Clark, K, Classen, L, Coenders, S, Collin, GH, Conrad, JM, Coppin, P, Correa, P, Cowen, DF, Cross, R, Dave, P, Day, M, de Andre, JPAM, De Clercq, C, DeLaunay, JJ, Dembinski, H, De Ridder, S, Desiati, P, de Vries, KD, de Wasseige, G, de With, M, DeYoung, T, Diaz-Velez, JC, di Lorenzo, V, Dujmovic, H, Dumm, JP, Dunkman, M, Dvorak, E, Eberhardt, B, Ehrhardt, T, Eichmann, B, Eller, P, Evenson, PA, Fahey, S, Fazely, AR, Felde, J, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Flis, S, Franckowiak, A, Friedman, E, Fritz, A, Gaisser, TK, Gallagher, J, Gerhardt, L, Ghorbani, K, Glauch, T, Glusenkamp, T, Goldschmidt, A, Gonzalez, JG, Grant, D, Griffith, Z, Haack, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Hanson, K, Hebecker, D, Heereman, D, Helbing, K, Hellauer, R, Hickford, S, Hignight, J, Hill, GC, Hoffman, KD, Hoffmann, R, Hoinka, T, Hokanson-Fasig, B, Hoshina, K, Huang, F, Huber, M, Hultqvist, K, Hunnefeld, M, Hussain, R, In, S, Iovine, N, Ishihara, A, Jacobi, E, Japaridze, GS, Jeong, M, Jero, K, Jones, BJP, Kalaczynski, P, Kang, W, Kappes, A, Kappesser, D, Karg, T, Karle, A, Katz, U, Kauer, M, Keivani, A, Kelley, JL, Kheirandish, A, Kim, J, Kim, M, Kintscher, T, Kiryluk, J, Kittler, T, Klein, SR, Koirala, R, Kolanoski, H, Kopke, L, Kopper, C, Kopper, S, Koschinsky, JP, Koskinen, DJ, Kowalski, M, Krings, K, Kroll, M, Kruckl, G, Kunwar, S, Kurahashi, N, Kuwabara, T, Kyriacou, A, Labare, M, Lanfranchi, JL, Larson, MJ, Lauber, F, Leonard, K, Lesiak-Bzdak, M, Leuermann, M, Liu, QR, Mariscal, CJL, Lu, L, Lunemann, J, Luszczak, W, Madsen, J, Maggi, G, Mahn, KBM, Mancina, S, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Maunu, R, Meagher, K, Medici, M, Meier, M, Menne, T, Merino, G, Meures, T, Miarecki, S, Micallef, J, Momente, G, Montaruli, T, Moore, RW, Morse, R, Moulai, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nakarmi, P, Naumann, U, Neer, G, Niederhausen, H, Nowicki, SC, Nygren, DR, Pollmann, AO, Olivas, A, O'Murchadha, A, O'Sullivan, E, Palczewski, T, Pandya, H, Pankova, DV, Peiffer, P, Pepper, JA, de los Heros, CP, Pieloth, D, Pinat, E, Plum, M, Price, PB, Przybylski, GT, Raab, C, Radel, L, Rameez, M, Rauch, L, Rawlins, K, Rea, IC, Reimann, R, Relethford, B, Relich, M, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Richman, M, Robertson, S, Rongen, M, Rott, C, Ruhe, T, Ryckbosch, D, Rysewyk, D, Safa, I, Salzer, T, Herrera, SES, Sandrock, A, Sandroos, J, Santander, M, Sarkar, S, Sarkar, S, Satalecka, K, Schlunder, P, Schmidt, T, Schneider, A, Schoenen, S, Schoneberg, S, Schumacher, L, Sclafani, S, Seckel, D, Seunarine, S, Soedingrekso, J, Soldin, D, Song, M, Spiczak, GM, Spiering, C, Stachurska, J, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stasik, A, Stein, R, Stettner, J, Steuer, A, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, RG, Stossl, A, Strotjohann, NL, Stuttard, T, Sullivan, GW, Sutherland, M, Taboada, I, Tatar, J, Tenholt, F, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terliuk, A, Tilav, S, Toale, PA, Tobin, MN, Toennis, C, Toscano, S, Tosi, D, Tselengidou, M, Tung, CF, Turcati, A, Turley, CF, Ty, B, Unger, E, Usner, M, Vandenbroucke, J, Van Driessche, W, van Eijk, D, van Eijndhoven, N, Vanheule, S, van Santen, J, Vogel, E, Vraeghe, M, Walck, C, Wallace, A, Mallraff, M, Wandler, FD, Wandkowsky, N, Waza, A, Weaver, C, Weiss, MJ, Wendt, C, Werthebach, J, Westerhoff, S, Whelan, BJ, Whitehorn, N, Whelan, BJ, Whitehorn, N, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, CH, Wille, L, Williams, DR, Wills, L, Wolf, M, Wood, J, Wood, TR, Woschnagg, K, Xu, DL, Xu, XW, Xu, Y, Yanez, JP, Yodh, G, Yoshida, S, Yuan, T, Abdollahi, S, Ajello, M, Angioni, R, Baldini, L, Ballet, J, Barbiellini, G, Bastieri, D, Bechtol, K, Bellazzini, R, Berenji, B, Bissaldi, E, Blandford, RD, Bonino, R, Bottacini, E, Bregeon, J, Bruel, P, Buehler, R, Burnett, TH, Burns, E, Buson, S, Cameron, RA, Caputo, R, Caraveo, PA, Cavazzuti, E, Charles, E, Chen, S, Cheung, CC, Chiang, J, Chiaro, G, Ciprini, S, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Conrad, J, Costantin, D, Cutini, S, D'Ammando, F, de Palma, F, Digel, SW, Di Lalla, N, Di Mauro, M, Di Venere, L, Dominguez, A, Favuzzi, C, Franckowiak, A, Fukazawa, Y, Funk, S, Fusco, P, Gargano, F, Gasparrini, D, Giglietto, N, Giomi, M, Giommi, P, Giordano, F, Giroletti, M, Glanzman, T, Green, D, Grenier, IA, Grondin, M-H, Guiriec, S, Harding, AK, Hayashida, M, Hays, E, Hewitt, JW, Horan, D, Johannesson, G, Kadler, M, Kensei, S, Kocevski, D, Krauss, F, Kreter, M, Kuss, M, La Mura, G, Larsson, S, Latronico, L, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Li, J, Longo, F, Loparco, F, Lovellette, MN, Lubrano, P, Magill, JD, Maldera, S, Malyshev, D, Manfreda, A, Mazziotta, MN, McEnery, JE, Meyer, M, Michelson, PF, Mizuno, T, Monzani, ME, Morselli, A, Moskalenko, IV, Negro, M, Nuss, E, Ojha, R, Omodei, N, Orienti, M, Orlando, E, Palatiello, M, Paliya, VS, Perkins, JS, Persic, M, Pesce-Rollins, M, Piron, F, Porter, TA, Principe, G, Raino, S, Rando, R, Rani, B, Razzano, M, Razzaque, S, Reimer, A, Reimer, O, Renault-Tinacci, N, Ritz, S, Rochester, LS, Parkinson, PMS, Sgro, C, Siskind, EJ, Spandre, G, Spinelli, P, Suson, DJ, Tajima, H, Takahashi, M, Tanaka, Y, Thayer, JB, Thompson, DJ, Tibaldo, L, Torres, DF, Torresi, E, Tosti, G, Troja, E, Valverde, J, Vianello, G, Vogel, M, Wood, K, Wood, M, Zaharijas, G, Ahnen, ML, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arcaro, C, Baack, D, Babic, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, de Almeida, UB, Barrio, JA, Gonzalez, JB, Bednarek, W, Bernardini, E, Berti, A, Bhattacharyya, W, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G, Carosi, A, Carosi, R, Ceribella, G, Chatterjee, A, Colak, SM, Colin, P, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, Cumani, P, Da Vela, P, Dazzi, F, De Angelis, A, De Lotto, B, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Di Pierro, F, Dominguez, A, Prester, DD, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Einecke, S, Elsaesser, D, Ramazani, VF, Fernandez-Barral, A, Fidalgo, D, Foffano, L, Pfrang, K, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Franceschini, A, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, Gallozzi, S, Lopez, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gaug, M, Giammaria, P, Godinovic, N, Gora, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Hayashida, M, Herrera, J, Hose, J, Hrupec, D, Inoue, S, Ishio, K, Konno, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Lelas, D, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, Lopez, M, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martinez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Minev, M, M, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Moralejo, A, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Nagayoshi, T, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Rosillo, MN, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogues, L, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Pedaletti, G, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Garcia, JR, Reichardt, I, Rhode, W, Ribo, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Snidaric, I, Sobczynska, D, Stamerra, A, Strzys, M, Suric, T, Takahashi, M, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzic, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Alba, N, Treves, A, Tsujimoto, S, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vovk, I, Ward, JE, Will, M, Zaric, D, Lucarelli, F, Tavani, M, Piano, G, Donnarumma, I, Pittori, C, Verrecchia, F, Barbiellini, G, Bulgarelli, A, Caraveo, P, Cattaneo, PW, Colafrancesco, S, Costa, E, Di Cocco, G, Ferrari, A, Gianotti, F, Giuliani, A, Lipari, P, Mereghetti, S, Morselli, A, Pacciani, L, Paoletti, F, Parmiggiani, N, Pellizzoni, A, Picozza, P, Pilia, M, Rappoldi, A, Trois, A, Vercellone, S, Vittorini, V, Franckowiak, A, Stanek, KZ, Kochanek, CS, Beacom, JF, Thompson, TA, Holoien, W-S, Dong, S, Prieto, JL, Shappee, BJ, Holmbo, S, Abeysekara, AU, Albert, A, Alfaro, R, Alvarez, C, Arceo, R, Arteaga-Velazquez, JC, Rojas, DA, Solares, HAA, Becerril, A, Belmont-Moreno, E, Bernal, A, Caballero-Mora, KS, Capistran, T, Carraminana, A, Casanova, S, Castillo, M, Cotti, U, Cotzomi, J, de Leon, SC, De Leon, C, De la Fuente, E, Hernandez, RD, Dichiara, S, Dingus, BL, DuVernois, MA, Diaz-Velez, JC, Ellsworth, RW, Engel, K, Fiorino, DW, Fleischhack, H, Fraija, N, Garcia-Gonzalez, JA, Garfias, F, Munoz, AG, Gonzalez, MM, Goodman, JA, Hampel-Arias, Z, Harding, JP, Hernandez, S, Hona, B, Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F, Hui, CM, Huntemeyer, P, Iriarte, A, Jardin-Blicq, A, Joshi, V, Kaufmann, S, Kunde, GJ, Lara, A, Lauer, RJ, Lee, WH, Lennarz, D, Vargas, HL, Linnemann, JT, Longinotti, AL, Luis-Raya, G, Luna-Garcia, R, Malone, K, Marinelli, SS, Martinez, O, Martinez-Castellanos, I, Martinez-Castro, J, Martinez-Huerta, H, Matthews, JA, Miranda-Romagnoli, P, Moreno, E, Mostafa, M, Nayerhoda, A, Nellen, L, Newbold, M, Nisa, MU, Noriega-Papaqui, R, Pelayo, R, Pretz, J, Perez-Perez, EG, Ren, Z, Rho, CD, Riviere, C, Rosa-Gonzalez, D, Rosenberg, M, Ruiz-Velasco, E, Ruiz-Velasco, E, Greus, FS, Sandoval, A, Schneider, M, Schoorlemmer, H, Sinnis, G, Smith, AJ, Springer, RW, Surajbali, P, Tibolla, O, Tollefson, K, Torres, I, Villasenor, L, Weisgarber, T, Werner, F, Yapici, T, Gaurang, Y, Zepeda, A, Zhou, H, Alvarez, JD, Abdalla, H, Anguner, EO, Armand, C, Backes, M, Becherini, Y, Berge, D, Bottcher, M, Boisson, C, Bolmont, J, Bonnefoy, S, Bordas, P, Brun, F, Buchele, M, Bulik, T, Caroff, S, Carosi, A, Casanova, S, Cerruti, M, Chakraborty, N, Chandra, S, Chen, A, Colafrancesco, S, Davids, ID, Deil, C, Devin, J, Djannati-Atai, A, Egberts, K, Emery, G, Eschbach, S, Fiasson, A, Fontaine, G, Funk, S, Fussling, M, Gallant, YA, Gate, F, Giavitto, G, Glawion, D, Glicenstein, JF, Gottschall, D, Grondin, M-H, Haupt, M, Henri, G, Hinton, JA, Hoischen, C, Holch, TL, Huber, D, Jamrozy, M, Jankowsky, D, Jankowsky, F, Jouvin, L, Jung-Richardt, I, Kerszberg, D, Khelifi, B, King, J, Klepser, S, Kluzniak, W, Komin, N, Kraus, M, Lefaucheur, J, Lemiere, A, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Lenain, J-P, Leser, E, Lohse, T, Lopez-Coto, R, Lorentz, M, Lypova, I, Marandon, V, Marti-Devesa, GG, Maurin, G, Mitchell, AMW, Moderski, R, Mohamed, M, Mohrmann, L, Moulin, E, Murach, T, de Naurois, M, Niederwanger, F, Niemiec, J, Oakes, L, O'Brien, P, Ohm, S, Ostrowski, M, Oya, I, Panter, M, Parsons, RD, Perennes, C, Piel, Q, Pita, S, Poireau, V, Noel, AP, Prokoph, H, Puhlhofer, G, Quirrenbach, A, Raab, S, Rauth, R, Renaud, M, Rieger, F, Rinchiuso, L, Romoli, C, Rowell, G, Rudak, B, Sanchez, DA, Sasaki, M, Schlickeiser, R, Schussler, F, Schulz, A, Schwanke, U, Seglar-Arroyo, M, Shafi, N, Simoni, R, Sol, H, Stegmann, C, Steppa, C, Tavernier, T, Taylor, AM, Tiziani, D, Trichard, C, Tsirou, M, van Eldik, C, van Rensburg, C, van Soelen, B, Veh, J, Vincent, P, Voisin, F, Wagner, SJ, Wagner, RM, Wierzcholska, A, Zanin, R, Zdziarski, AA, Zech, A, Ziegler, A, Zorn, J, Zywucka, N, Savchenko, V, Ferrigno, C, Bazzano, A, Diehl, R, Kuulkers, E, Laurent, P, Mereghetti, S, Natalucci, L, Panessa, F, Rodi, J, Ubertini, P, Morokuma, T, Ohta, K, Tanaka, YT, Mori, H, Yamanaka, M, Kawabata, KS, Utsumi, Y, Nakaoka, T, Kawabata, M, Nagashima, H, Yoshida, M, Matsuoka, Y, Itoh, R, Keel, W, Copperwheat, CM, Steele, I, Cenko, SB, Cowen, DF, DeLaunay, JJ, Evans, PA, Fox, DB, Keivani, A, Kennea, JA, Marshall, FE, Osborne, JP, Santander, M, Tohuvavohu, A, Turley, CF, Abeysekara, AU, Archer, A, Benbow, W, Bird, R, Brill, A, Brose, R, Buchovecky, M, Buckley, JH, Bugaev, V, Christiansen, JL, Connolly, MP, Cui, W, Daniel, MK, Errando, M, Falcone, A, Feng, Q, Finley, JP, Fortson, L, Furniss, A, Gueta, O, Hutten, M, Hervet, O, Hughes, G, Humensky, TB, Johnson, CA, Kaaret, P, Kar, P, Kelley-Hoskins, N, Kertzman, M, Kieda, D, Krause, M, Krennrich, F, Kumar, S, Lang, MJ, Lin, TTY, Maier, G, McArthur, S, Moriarty, P, Mukherjee, R, Nieto, D, O'Brien, S, Ong, RA, Otte, AN, Park, N, Petrashyk, A, Pohl, M, Popkow, A, Pueschel, E, Quinn, J, Ragan, K, Reynolds, PT, Richards, GT, Roache, E, Rulten, C, Sadeh, I, Santander, M, Scott, SS, Sembroski, GH, Shahinyan, K, Sushch, I, Trepanier, S, Tyler, J, Vassiliev, VV, Wakely, SP, Weinstein, A, Wells, RM, Wilcox, P, Wilhelm, A, Williams, DA, Zitzer, B, Tetarenko, AJ, Kimball, AE, Miller-Jones, JCA and Sivakoff, GR (2018) Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A. Science, 361 (6398). ISSN 0036-8075
Abbott, BP, Abbott, R, Abbott, TD, Acernese, F, Ackley, K, Adams, C, Adams, T, Addesso, P, Adhikari, RX, Adya, VB, Affeldt, C, Afrough, M, Agarwal, B, Agathos, M, Agatsuma, K, Aggarwal, N, Aguiar, OD, Aiello, L, Ain, A, Ajith, P , Allen, B, Allen, G, Allocca, A, Altin, PA, Amato, A, Ananyeva, A, Anderson, SB, Anderson, WG, Angelova, SV, Antier, S, Appert, S, Arai, K, Araya, MC, Areeda, JS, Arnaud, N, Arun, KG, Ascenzi, S, Ashton, G, Ast, M, Aston, SM, Astone, P, Atallah, DV, Aufmuth, P, Aulbert, C, AultONeal, K, Austin, C, Avila-Alvarez, A, Babak, S, Bacon, P, Bader, MKM, Bae, S, Baker, PT, Baldaccini, F, Ballardin, G, Ballmer, SW, Banagiri, S, Barayoga, JC, Barclay, SE, Barish, BC, Barker, D, Barkett, K, Barone, F, Barr, B, Barsotti, L, Barsuglia, M, Barta, D, Barthelmy, SD, Bartlett, J, Bartos, I, Bassiri, R, Basti, A, Batch, JC, Bawaj, M, Bayley, JC, Bazzan, M, Bécsy, B, Beer, C, Bejger, M, Belahcene, I, Bell, AS, Berger, BK, Bergmann, G, Bero, JJ, Berry, CPL, Bersanetti, D, Bertolini, A, Betzwieser, J, Bhagwat, S, Bhandare, R, Bilenko, IA, Billingsley, G, Billman, CR, Birch, J, Birney, R, Birnholtz, O, Biscans, S, Biscoveanu, S, Bisht, A, Bitossi, M, Biwer, C, Bizouard, MA, Blackburn, JK, Blackman, J, Blair, CD, Blair, DG, Blair, RM, Bloemen, S, Bock, O, Bode, N, Boer, M, Bogaert, G, Bohe, A, Bondu, F, Bonilla, E, Bonnand, R, Boom, BA, Bork, R, Boschi, V, Bose, S, Bossie, K, Bouffanais, Y, Bozzi, A, Bradaschia, C, Brady, PR, Branchesi, M, Brau, JE, Briant, T, Brillet, A, Brinkmann, M, Brisson, V, Brockill, P, Broida, JE, Brooks, AF, Brown, DA, Brown, DD, Brunett, S, Buchanan, CC, Buikema, A, Bulik, T, Bulten, HJ, Buonanno, A, Buskulic, D, Buy, C, Byer, RL, Cabero, M, Cadonati, L, Cagnoli, G, Cahillane, C, Bustillo, JC, Callister, TA, Calloni, E, Camp, JB, Canepa, M, Canizares, P, Cannon, KC, Cao, H, Cao, J, Capano, CD, Capocasa, E, Carbognani, F, Caride, S, Carney, MF, Diaz, JC, Casentini, C, Caudill, S, Cavaglià, M, Cavalier, F, Cavalieri, R, Cella, G, Cepeda, CB, Cerdá-Durán, P, Cerretani, G, Cesarini, E, Chamberlin, SJ, Chan, M, Chao, S, Charlton, P, Chase, E, Chassande-Mottin, E, Chatterjee, D, Chatziioannou, K, Cheeseboro, BD, Chen, HY, Chen, X, Chen, Y, Cheng, H-P, Chia, H, Chincarini, A, Chiummo, A, Chmiel, T, Cho, HS, Cho, M, Chow, JH, Christensen, N, Chu, Q, Chua, AJK, Chua, S, Chung, AKW, Chung, S, Ciani, G, Ciolfi, R, Cirelli, CE, Cirone, A, Clara, F, Clark, JA, Clearwater, P, Cleva, F, Cocchieri, C, Coccia, E, Cohadon, P-F, Cohen, D, Colla, A, Collette, CG, Cominsky, LR, Constancio, M, Conti, L, Cooper, SJ, Corban, P, Corbitt, TR, Cordero-Carrión, I, Corley, KR, Cornish, N, Corsi, A, Cortese, S, Costa, CA, Coughlin, MW, Coughlin, SB, Coulon, J-P, Countryman, ST, Couvares, P, Covas, PB, Cowan, EE, Coward, DM, Cowart, MJ, Coyne, DC, Coyne, R, Creighton, JDE, Creighton, TD, Cripe, J, Crowder, SG, Cullen, TJ, Cumming, A, Cunningham, L, Cuoco, E, Dal Canton, T, Dálya, G, Danilishin, SL, D’Antonio, S, Danzmann, K, Dasgupta, A, Da Silva Costa, CF, Dattilo, V, Dave, I, Davier, M, Davis, D, Daw, EJ, Day, B, De, S, DeBra, D, Degallaix, J, Laurentis, MD, Deléglise, S, Pozzo, WD, Demos, N, Denker, T, Dent, T, Pietri, RD, Dergachev, V, Rosa, RD, DeRosa, RT, Rossi, CD, DeSalvo, R, Varona, OD, Devenson, J, Dhurandhar, S, Díaz, MC, Fiore, LD, Giovanni, MD, Girolamo, TD, Lieto, AD, Pace, SD, Palma, ID, Renzo, FD, Doctor, Z, Dolique, V, Donovan, F, Dooley, KL, Doravari, S, Dorrington, I, Douglas, R, Álvarez, MD, Downes, TP, Drago, M, Dreissigacker, C, Driggers, JC, Du, Z, Ducrot, M, Dupej, P, Dwyer, SE, Edo, TB, Edwards, MC, Effler, A, Eggenstein, H-B, Ehrens, P, Eichholz, J, Eikenberry, SS, Eisenstein, RA, Essick, RC, Estevez, D, Etienne, ZB, Etzel, T, Evans, M, Evans, TM, Factourovich, M, Fafone, V, Fair, H, Fairhurst, S, Fan, X, Farinon, S, Farr, B, Farr, WM, Fauchon-Jones, EJ, Favata, M, Fays, M, Fee, C, Fehrmann, H, Feicht, J, Fejer, MM, Fernandez-Galiana, A, Ferrante, I, Ferreira, EC, Ferrini, F, Fidecaro, F, Finstad, D, Fiori, I, Fiorucci, D, Fishbach, M, Fisher, RP, Fitz-Axen, M, Flaminio, R, Fletcher, M, Fong, H, Font, JA, Forsyth, PWF, Forsyth, SS, Fournier, J-D, Frasca, S, Frasconi, F, Frei, Z, Freise, A, Frey, R, Frey, V, Fries, EM, Fritschel, P, Frolov, VV, Fulda, P, Fyffe, M, Gabbard, H, Gadre, BU, Gaebel, SM, Gair, JR, Gammaitoni, L, Ganija, MR, Gaonkar, SG, Garcia-Quiros, C, Garufi, F, Gateley, B, Gaudio, S, Gaur, G, Gayathri, V, Gehrels, N, Gemme, G, Genin, E, Gennai, A, George, D, George, J, Gergely, L, Germain, V, Ghonge, S, Ghosh, A, Ghosh, A, Ghosh, S, Giaime, JA, Giardina, KD, Giazotto, A, Gill, K, Glover, L, Goetz, E, Goetz, R, Gomes, S, Goncharov, B, González, G, Castro, JMG, Gopakumar, A, Gorodetsky, ML, Gossan, SE, Gosselin, M, Gouaty, R, Grado, A, Graef, C, Granata, M, Grant, A, Gras, S, Gray, C, Greco, G, Green, AC, Gretarsson, EM, Griswold, B, Groot, P, Grote, H, Grunewald, S, Gruning, P, Guidi, GM, Guo, X, Gupta, A, Gupta, MK, Gushwa, KE, Gustafson, EK, Gustafson, R, Halim, O, Hall, BR, Hall, ED, Hamilton, EZ, Hammond, G, Haney, M, Hanke, MM, Hanks, J, Hanna, C, Hannam, MD, Hannuksela, OA, Hanson, J, Hardwick, T, Harms, J, Harry, GM, Harry, IW, Hart, MJ, Haster, C-J, Haughian, K, Healy, J, Heidmann, A, Heintze, MC, Heitmann, H, Hello, P, Hemming, G, Hendry, M, Heng, IS, Hennig, J, Heptonstall, AW, Heurs, M, Hild, S, Hinderer, T, Hoak, D, Hofman, D, Holt, K, Holz, DE, Hopkins, P, Horst, C, Hough, J, Houston, EA, Howell, EJ, Hreibi, A, Hu, YM, Huerta, EA, Huet, D, Hughey, B, Husa, S, Huttner, SH, Huynh-Dinh, T, Indik, N, Inta, R, Intini, G, Isa, HN, Isac, J-M, Isi, M, Iyer, BR, Izumi, K, Jacqmin, T, Jani, K, Jaranowski, P, Jawahar, S, Jiménez-Forteza, F, Johnson, WW, Jones, DI, Jones, R, Jonker, RJG, Ju, L, Junker, J, Kalaghatgi, CV, Kalogera, V, Kamai, B, Kandhasamy, S, Kang, G, Kanner, JB, Kapadia, SJ, Karki, S, Karvinen, KS, Kasprzack, M, Katolik, M, Katsavounidis, E, Katzman, W, Kaufer, S, Kawabe, K, Kéfélian, F, Keitel, D, Kemball, AJ, Kennedy, R, Kent, C, Key, JS, Khalili, FY, Khan, I, Khan, S, Khan, Z, Khazanov, EA, Kijbunchoo, N, Kim, C, Kim, JC, Kim, K, Kim, W, Kim, WS, Kim, Y-M, Kimbrell, SJ, King, EJ, King, PJ, Kinley-Hanlon, M, Kirchhoff, R, Kissel, JS, Kleybolte, L, Klimenko, S, Knowles, TD, Koch, P, Koehlenbeck, SM, Koley, S, Kondrashov, V, Kontos, A, Korobko, M, Korth, WZ, Kowalska, I, Kozak, DB, Krämer, C, Kringel, V, Krishnan, B, Królak, A, Kuehn, G, Kumar, P, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kuo, L, Kutynia, A, Kwang, S, Lackey, BD, Lai, KH, Landry, M, Lang, RN, Lange, J, Lantz, B, Lanza, RK, Larson, SL, Lartaux-Vollard, A, Lasky, PD, Laxen, M, Lazzarini, A, Lazzaro, C, Leaci, P, Leavey, S, Lee, CH, Lee, HK, Lee, HM, Lee, HW, Lee, K, Lehmann, J, Lenon, A, Leonardi, M, Leroy, N, Letendre, N, Levin, Y, Li, TGF, Linker, SD, Littenberg, TB, Liu, J, Lo, RKL, Lockerbie, NA, London, LT, Lord, JE, Lorenzini, M, Loriette, V, Lormand, M, Losurdo, G, Lough, JD, Lousto, CO, Lovelace, G, Lück, H, Lumaca, D, Lundgren, AP, Lynch, R, Ma, Y, Macas, R, Macfoy, S, Machenschalk, B, MacInnis, M, Macleod, DM, Hernandez, IM, Magaña-Sandoval, F, Zertuche, LM, Magee, RM, Majorana, E, Maksimovic, I, Man, N, Mandic, V, Mangano, V, Mansell, GL, Manske, M, Mantovani, M, Marchesoni, F, Marion, F, Márka, S, Márka, Z, Markakis, C, Markosyan, AS, Markowitz, A, Maros, E, Marquina, A, Marsh, P, Martelli, F, Martellini, L, Martin, IW, Martin, RM, Martynov, DV, Mason, K, Massera, E, Masserot, A, Massinger, TJ, Masso-Reid, M, Mastrogiovanni, S, Matas, A, Matichard, F, Matone, L, Mavalvala, N, Mazumder, N, McCarthy, R, McClelland, DE, McCormick, S, McCuller, L, McGuire, SC, McIntyre, G, McIver, J, McManus, DJ, McNeill, L, McRae, T, McWilliams, ST, Meacher, D, Meadors, GD, Mehmet, M, Meidam, J, Mejuto-Villa, E, Melatos, A, Mendell, G, Mercer, RA, Merilh, EL, Merzougui, M, Meshkov, S, Messenger, C, Messick, C, Metzdorff, R, Meyers, PM, Miao, H, Michel, C, Middleton, H, Mikhailov, EE, Milano, L, Miller, AL, Miller, BB, Miller, J, Millhouse, M, Milovich-Goff, MC, Minazzoli, O, Minenkov, Y, Ming, J, Mishra, C, Mitra, S, Mitrofanov, VP, Mitselmakher, G, Mittleman, R, Moffa, D, Moggi, A, Mogushi, K, Mohan, M, Mohapatra, SRP, Montani, M, Moore, CJ, Moraru, D, Moreno, G, Morriss, SR, Mours, B, Mow-Lowry, CM, Mueller, G, Muir, AW, Mukherjee, A, Mukherjee, D, Mukherjee, S, Mukund, N, Mullavey, A, Munch, J, Muñiz, EA, Muratore, M, Murray, PG, Napier, K, Nardecchia, I, Naticchioni, L, Nayak, RK, Neilson, J, Nelemans, G, Nelson, TJN, Nery, M, Neunzert, A, Nevin, L, Newport, JM, Newton, G, Ng, KKY, Nguyen, P, Nguyen, TT, Nichols, D, Nielsen, AB, Nissanke, S, Nitz, A, Noack, A, Nocera, F, Nolting, D, North, C, Nuttall, LK, Oberling, J, O’Dea, GD, Ogin, GH, Oh, JJ, Oh, SH, Ohme, F, Okada, MA, Oliver, M, Oppermann, P, Oram, RJ, O’Reilly, B, Ormiston, R, Ortega, LF, O’Shaughnessy, R, Ossokine, S, Ottaway, DJ, Overmier, H, Owen, BJ, Pace, AE, Page, J, Page, MA, Pai, A, Pai, SA, Palamos, JR, Palashov, O, Palomba, C, Pal-Singh, A, Pan, H, Pan, H-W, Pang, B, Pang, PTH, Pankow, C, Pannarale, F, Pant, BC, Paoletti, F, Paoli, A, Papa, MA, Parida, A, Parker, W, Pascucci, D, Pasqualetti, A, Passaquieti, R, Passuello, D, Patil, M, Patricelli, B, Pearlstone, BL, Pedraza, M, Pedurand, R, Pekowsky, L, Pele, A, Penn, S, Perez, CJ, Perreca, A, Perri, LM, Pfeiffer, HP, Phelps, M, Piccinni, OJ, Pichot, M, Piergiovanni, F, Pierro, V, Pillant, G, Pinard, L, Pinto, IM, Pirello, M, Pitkin, M, Poe, M, Poggiani, R, Popolizio, P, Porter, EK, Post, A, Powell, J, Prasad, J, Pratt, JWW, Pratten, G, Predoi, V, Prestegard, T, Price, LR, Prijatelj, M, Principe, M, Privitera, S, Prodi, GA, Prokhorov, LG, Puncken, O, Punturo, M, Puppo, P, Pürrer, M, Qi, H, Quetschke, V, Quintero, EA, Quitzow-James, R, Raab, FJ, Rabeling, DS, Radkins, H, Raffai, P, Raja, S, Rajan, C, Rajbhandari, B, Rakhmanov, M, Ramirez, KE, Ramos-Buades, A, Rapagnani, P, Raymond, V, Razzano, M, Read, J, Regimbau, T, Rei, L, Reid, S, Reitze, DH, Ren, W, Reyes, SD, Ricci, F, Ricker, PM, Rieger, S, Riles, K, Rizzo, M, Robertson, NA, Robie, R, Robinet, F, Rocchi, A, Rolland, L, Rollins, JG, Roma, VJ, Romano, R, Romel, CL, Romie, JH, Rosińska, D, Ross, MP, Rowan, S, Rüdiger, A, Ruggi, P, Rutins, G, Ryan, K, Sachdev, S, Sadecki, T, Sadeghian, L, Sakellariadou, M, Salconi, L, Saleem, M, Salemi, F, Samajdar, A, Sammut, L, Sampson, LM, Sanchez, EJ, Sanchez, LE, Sanchis-Gual, N, Sandberg, V, Sanders, JR, Sassolas, B, Sathyaprakash, BS, Saulson, PR, Sauter, O, Savage, RL, Sawadsky, A, Schale, P, Scheel, M, Scheuer, J, Schmidt, J, Schmidt, P, Schnabel, R, Schofield, RMS, Schönbeck, A, Schreiber, E, Schuette, D, Schulte, BW, Schutz, BF, Schwalbe, SG, Scott, J, Scott, SM, Seidel, E, Sellers, D, Sengupta, AS, Sentenac, D, Sequino, V, Sergeev, A, Shaddock, DA, Shaffer, TJ, Shah, AA, Shahriar, MS, Shaner, MB, Shao, L, Shapiro, B, Shawhan, P, Sheperd, A, Shoemaker, DH, Shoemaker, DM, Siellez, K, Siemens, X, Sieniawska, M, Sigg, D, Silva, AD, Singer, LP, Singh, A, Singhal, A, Sintes, AM, Slagmolen, BJJ, Smith, B, Smith, JR, Smith, RJE, Somala, S, Son, EJ, Sonnenberg, JA, Sorazu, B, Sorrentino, F, Souradeep, T, Spencer, AP, Srivastava, AK, Staats, K, Staley, A, Steinke, M, Steinlechner, J, Steinlechner, S, Steinmeyer, D, Stevenson, SP, Stone, R, Stops, DJ, Strain, KA, Stratta, G, Strigin, SE, Strunk, A, Sturani, R, Stuver, AL, Summerscales, TZ, Sun, L, Sunil, S, Suresh, J, Sutton, PJ, Swinkels, BL, Szczepańczyk, MJ, Tacca, M, Tait, SC, Talbot, C, Talukder, D, Tanner, DB, Tápai, M, Taracchini, A, Tasson, JD, Taylor, JA, Taylor, R, Tewari, SV, Theeg, T, Thies, F, Thomas, EG, Thomas, M, Thomas, P, Thorne, KA, Thorne, KS, Thrane, E, Tiwari, S, Tiwari, V, Tokmakov, KV, Toland, K, Tonelli, M, Tornasi, Z, Torres-Forné, A, Torrie, CI, Töyrä, D, Travasso, F, Traylor, G, Trinastic, J, Tringali, MC, Trozzo, L, Tsang, KW, Tse, M, Tso, R, Tsukada, L, Tsuna, D, Tuyenbayev, D, Ueno, K, Ugolini, D, Unnikrishnan, CS, Urban, AL, Usman, SA, Vahlbruch, H, Vajente, G, Valdes, G, Bakel, NV, Beuzekom, MV, van den Brand, JFJ, Van Den Broeck, C, Vander-Hyde, DC, van der Schaaf, L, Heijningen, JVV, Veggel, AAV, Vardaro, M, Varma, V, Vass, S, Vasúth, M, Vecchio, A, Vedovato, G, Veitch, J, Veitch, PJ, Venkateswara, K, Venugopalan, G, Verkindt, D, Vetrano, F, Viceré, A, Viets, AD, Vinciguerra, S, Vine, DJ, Vinet, J-Y, Vitale, S, Vo, T, Vocca, H, Vorvick, C, Vyatchanin, SP, Wade, AR, Wade, LE, Wade, M, Walet, R, Walker, M, Wallace, L, Walsh, S, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, JZ, Wang, WH, Wang, YF, Ward, RL, Warner, J, Was, M, Watchi, J, Weaver, B, Wei, L-W, Weinert, M, Weinstein, AJ, Weiss, R, Wen, L, Wessel, EK, Wessels, P, Westerweck, J, Westphal, T, Wette, K, Whelan, JT, Whitcomb, SE, Whiting, BF, Whittle, C, Wilken, D, Williams, D, Williams, RD, Williamson, AR, Willis, JL, Willke, B, Wimmer, MH, Winkler, W, Wipf, CC, Wittel, H, Woan, G, Woehler, J, Wofford, J, Wong, KWK, Worden, J, Wright, JL, Wu, DS, Wysocki, DM, Xiao, S, Yamamoto, H, Yancey, CC, Yang, L, Yap, MJ, Yazback, M, Yu, H, Yu, H, Yvert, M, Zadrożny, A, Zanolin, M, Zelenova, T, Zendri, J-P, Zevin, M, Zhang, L, Zhang, M, Zhang, T, Zhang, Y-H, Zhao, C, Zhou, M, Zhou, Z, Zhu, SJ, Zhu, XJ, Zimmerman, AB, Zucker, ME, Zweizig, J, Wilson-Hodge, CA, Bissaldi, E, Blackburn, L, Briggs, MS, Burns, E, Cleveland, WH, Connaughton, V, Gibby, MH, Giles, MM, Goldstein, A, Hamburg, R, Jenke, P, Hui, CM, Kippen, RM, Kocevski, D, McBreen, S, Meegan, CA, Paciesas, WS, Poolakkil, S, Preece, RD, Racusin, J, Roberts, OJ, Stanbro, M, Veres, P, von Kienlin, A, Savchenko, V, Ferrigno, C, Kuulkers, E, Bazzano, A, Bozzo, E, Brandt, S, Chenevez, J, Courvoisier, TJ-L, Diehl, R, Domingo, A, Hanlon, L, Jourdain, E, Laurent, P, Lebrun, F, Lutovinov, A, Martin-Carrillo, A, Mereghetti, S, Natalucci, L, Rodi, J, Roques, J-P, Sunyaev, R, Ubertini, P, Aartsen, MG, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aguilar, JA, Ahlers, M, Ahrens, M, Samarai, IA, Altmann, D, Andeen, K, Anderson, T, Ansseau, I, Anton, G, Argüelles, C, Auffenberg, J, Axani, S, Bagherpour, H, Bai, X, Barron, JP, Barwick, SW, Baum, V, Bay, R, Beatty, JJ, Tjus, JB, Bernardini, E, Besson, DZ, Binder, G, Bindig, D, Blaufuss, E, Blot, S, Bohm, C, Börner, M, Bos, F, Bose, D, Böser, S, Botner, O, Bourbeau, E, Bourbeau, J, Bradascio, F, Braun, J, Brayeur, L, Brenzke, M, Bretz, H-P, Bron, S, Brostean-Kaiser, J, Burgman, A, Carver, T, Casey, J, Casier, M, Cheung, E, Chirkin, D, Christov, A, Clark, K, Classen, L, Coenders, S, Collin, GH, Conrad, JM, Cowen, DF, Cross, R, Day, M, André, JPAMD, Clercq, CD, DeLaunay, JJ, Dembinski, H, Ridder, SD, Desiati, P, Vries, KDD, Wasseige, GD, With, MD, DeYoung, T, Díaz-Vélez, JC, Lorenzo, VD, Dujmovic, H, Dumm, JP, Dunkman, M, Dvorak, E, Eberhardt, B, Ehrhardt, T, Eichmann, B, Eller, P, Evenson, PA, Fahey, S, Fazely, AR, Felde, J, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Flis, S, Franckowiak, A, Friedman, E, Fuchs, T, Gaisser, TK, Gallagher, J, Gerhardt, L, Ghorbani, K, Giang, W, Glauch, T, Glüsenkamp, T, Goldschmidt, A, Gonzalez, JG, Grant, D, Griffith, Z, Haack, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Hanson, K, Hebecker, D, Heereman, D, Helbing, K, Hellauer, R, Hickford, S, Hignight, J, Hill, GC, Hoffman, KD, Hoffmann, R, Hokanson-Fasig, B, Hoshina, K, Huang, F, Huber, M, Hultqvist, K, Hünnefeld, M, In, S, Ishihara, A, Jacobi, E, Japaridze, GS, Jeong, M, Jero, K, Jones, BJP, Kalaczynski, P, Kang, W, Kappes, A, Karg, T, Karle, A, Keivani, A, Kelley, JL, Kheirandish, A, Kim, J, Kim, M, Kintscher, T, Kiryluk, J, Kittler, T, Klein, SR, Kohnen, G, Koirala, R, Kolanoski, H, Köpke, L, Kopper, C, Kopper, S, Koschinsky, JP, Koskinen, DJ, Kowalski, M, Krings, K, Kroll, M, Krückl, G, Kunnen, J, Kunwar, S, Kurahashi, N, Kuwabara, T, Kyriacou, A, Labare, M, Lanfranchi, JL, Larson, MJ, Lauber, F, Lesiak-Bzdak, M, Leuermann, M, Liu, QR, Lu, L, Lünemann, J, Luszczak, W, Madsen, J, Maggi, G, Mahn, KBM, Mancina, S, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Maunu, R, McNally, F, Meagher, K, Medici, M, Meier, M, Menne, T, Merino, G, Meures, T, Miarecki, S, Micallef, J, Momenté, G, Montaruli, T, Moore, RW, Moulai, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nakarmi, P, Naumann, U, Neer, G, Niederhausen, H, Nowicki, SC, Nygren, DR, Pollmann, AO, Olivas, A, O’Murchadha, A, Palczewski, T, Pandya, H, Pankova, DV, Peiffer, P, Pepper, JA, Pérez de los Heros, C, Pieloth, D, Pinat, E, Price, PB, Przybylski, GT, Raab, C, Rädel, L, Rameez, M, Rawlins, K, Rea, IC, Reimann, R, Relethford, B, Relich, M, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Richman, M, Robertson, S, Rongen, M, Rott, C, Ruhe, T, Ryckbosch, D, Rysewyk, D, Sälzer, T, Herrera, SES, Sandrock, A, Sandroos, J, Santander, M, Sarkar, S, Sarkar, S, Satalecka, K, Schlunder, P, Schmidt, T, Schneider, A, Schoenen, S, Schöneberg, S, Schumacher, L, Seckel, D, Seunarine, S, Soedingrekso, J, Soldin, D, Song, M, Spiczak, GM, Spiering, C, Stachurska, J, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stasik, A, Stettner, J, Steuer, A, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, RG, Stössl, A, Strotjohann, NL, Stuttard, T, Sullivan, GW, Sutherland, M, Taboada, I, Tatar, J, Tenholt, F, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terliuk, A, Tešić, G, Tilav, S, Toale, PA, Tobin, MN, Toscano, S, Tosi, D, Tselengidou, M, Tung, CF, Turcati, A, Turley, CF, Ty, B, Unger, E, Usner, M, Vandenbroucke, J, Driessche, WV, Eijndhoven, NV, Vanheule, S, Santen, JV, Vehring, M, Vogel, E, Vraeghe, M, Walck, C, Wallace, A, Wallraff, M, Wandler, FD, Wandkowsky, N, Waza, A, Weaver, C, Weiss, MJ, Wendt, C, Werthebach, J, Whelan, BJ, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, CH, Wille, L, Williams, DR, Wills, L, Wolf, M, Wood, TR, Woolsey, E, Woschnagg, K, Xu, DL, Xu, XW, Xu, Y, Yanez, JP, Yodh, G, Yoshida, S, Yuan, T, Zoll, M, Balasubramanian, A, Mate, S, Bhalerao, V, Bhattacharya, D, Vibhute, A, Dewangan, GC, Rao, AR, Vadawale, SV, Svinkin, DS, Hurley, K, Aptekar, RL, Frederiks, DD, Golenetskii, SV, Kozlova, AV, Lysenko, AL, Oleynik, PP, Tsvetkova, AE, Ulanov, MV, Cline, T, Li, TP, Xiong, SL, Zhang, SN, Lu, FJ, Song, LM, Cao, XL, Chang, Z, Chen, G, Chen, L, Chen, TX, Chen, Y, Chen, YB, Chen, YP, Cui, W, Cui, WW, Deng, JK, Dong, YW, Du, YY, Fu, MX, Gao, GH, Gao, H, Gao, M, Ge, MY, Gu, YD, Guan, J, Guo, CC, Han, DW, Hu, W, Huang, Y, Huo, J, Jia, SM, Jiang, LH, Jiang, WC, Jin, J, Jin, YJ, Li, B, Li, CK, Li, G, Li, MS, Li, W, Li, X, Li, XB, Li, XF, Li, YG, Li, ZJ, Li, ZW, Liang, XH, Liao, JY, Liu, CZ, Liu, GQ, Liu, HW, Liu, SZ, Liu, XJ, Liu, Y, Liu, YN, Lu, B, Lu, XF, Luo, T, Ma, X, Meng, B, Nang, Y, Nie, JY, Ou, G, Qu, JL, Sai, N, Sun, L, Tan, Y, Tao, L, Tao, WH, Tuo, YL, Wang, GF, Wang, HY, Wang, J, Wang, WS, Wang, YS, Wen, XY, Wu, BB, Wu, M, Xiao, GC, Xu, H, Xu, YP, Yan, LL, Yang, JW, Yang, S, Yang, YJ, Zhang, AM, Zhang, CL, Zhang, CM, Zhang, F, Zhang, HM, Zhang, J, Zhang, Q, Zhang, S, Zhang, T, Zhang, W, Zhang, WC, Zhang, WZ, Zhang, Y, Zhang, Y, Zhang, YF, Zhang, YJ, Zhang, Z, Zhang, ZL, Zhao, HS, Zhao, JL, Zhao, XF, Zheng, SJ, Zhu, Y, Zhu, YX, Zou, CL, Albert, A, André, M, Anghinolfi, M, Ardid, M, Aubert, J-J, Aublin, J, Avgitas, T, Baret, B, Barrios-Martí, J, Basa, S, Belhorma, B, Bertin, V, Biagi, S, Bormuth, R, Bourret, S, Bouwhuis, MC, Brânzaş, H, Bruijn, R, Brunner, J, Busto, J, Capone, A, Caramete, L, Carr, J, Celli, S, Cherkaoui El Moursli, R, Chiarusi, T, Circella, M, Coelho, JAB, Coleiro, A, Coniglione, R, Costantini, H, Coyle, P, Creusot, A, Díaz, AF, Deschamps, A, Bonis, GD, Distefano, C, Palma, ID, Domi, A, Donzaud, C, Dornic, D, Drouhin, D, Eberl, T, El Bojaddaini, I, El Khayati, N, Elsässer, D, Enzenhöfer, A, Ettahiri, A, Fassi, F, Felis, I, Fusco, LA, Gay, P, Giordano, V, Glotin, H, Grégoire, T, Ruiz, RG, Graf, K, Hallmann, S, Haren, HV, Heijboer, AJ, Hello, Y, Hernández-Rey, JJ, Hössl, J, Hofestädt, J, Hugon, C, Illuminati, G, James, CW, Jong, MD, Jongen, M, Kadler, M, Kalekin, O, Katz, U, Kiessling, D, Kouchner, A, Kreter, M, Kreykenbohm, I, Kulikovskiy, V, Lachaud, C, Lahmann, R, Lefèvre, D, Leonora, E, Lotze, M, Loucatos, S, Marcelin, M, Margiotta, A, Marinelli, A, Martínez-Mora, JA, Mele, R, Melis, K, Michael, T, Migliozzi, P, Moussa, A, Navas, S, Nezri, E, Organokov, M, 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Minervini, G, Fioretti, V, Parmiggiani, N, Gianotti, F, Trifoglio, M, Persio, GD, Antonelli, LA, Barbiellini, G, Caraveo, P, Cattaneo, PW, Costa, E, Colafrancesco, S, D’Amico, F, Ferrari, A, Morselli, A, Paoletti, F, Picozza, P, Pilia, M, Rappoldi, A, Soffitta, P, Vercellone, S, Foley, RJ, Coulter, DA, Kilpatrick, CD, Drout, MR, Piro, AL, Shappee, BJ, Siebert, MR, Simon, JD, Ulloa, N, Kasen, D, Madore, BF, Murguia-Berthier, A, Pan, Y-C, Prochaska, JX, Ramirez-Ruiz, E, Rest, A, Rojas-Bravo, C, Berger, E, Soares-Santos, M, Annis, J, Alexander, KD, Allam, S, Balbinot, E, Blanchard, P, Brout, D, Butler, RE, Chornock, R, Cook, ER, Cowperthwaite, P, Diehl, HT, Drlica-Wagner, A, Drout, MR, Durret, F, Eftekhari, T, Finley, DA, Fong, W, Frieman, JA, Fryer, CL, García-Bellido, J, Gruendl, RA, Hartley, W, Herner, K, Kessler, R, Lin, H, Lopes, PAA, Lourenço, ACC, Margutti, R, Marshall, JL, Matheson, T, Medina, GE, Metzger, BD, Muñoz, RR, Muir, J, Nicholl, M, Nugent, P, Palmese, A, Paz-Chinchón, F, 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S, Ghosh, A, Ghosh, A, Ghosh, S, Giacomazzo, B, Giaime, JA, Giardina, KD, Giazotto, A, Gill, K, Giordano, G, Glover, L, Goetz, E, Goetz, R, Goncharov, B, Gonzalez, G, Castro, JMG, Gopakumar, A, Gorodetsky, ML, Gossan, SE, Gosselin, M, Gouaty, R, Grado, A, Graef, C, Granata, M, Grant, A, Gras, S, Gray, C, Greco, G, Green, AC, Green, R, Gretarsson, EM, Groot, P, Grote, H, Grunewald, S, Gruning, P, Guidi, GM, Gulati, HK, Guo, X, Gupta, A, Gupta, MK, Gushwa, KE, Gustafson, EK, Gustafson, R, Halim, O, Hall, BR, Hall, ED, Hamilton, EZ, Hamilton, HF, Hammond, G, Haney, M, Hanke, MM, Hanks, J, Hanna, C, Hannam, MD, Hannuksela, OA, Hanson, J, Hardwick, T, Harms, J, Harry, GM, Harry, IW, Hart, MJ, Haster, C-J, Haughian, K, Healy, J, Heidmann, A, Heintze, MC, Heitmann, H, Hello, P, Hemming, G, Hendry, M, Heng, IS, Hennig, J, Heptonstall, AW, Hernandez, FJ, Heurs, M, Hild, S, Hinderer, T, Hoak, D, Hochheim, S, Hofman, D, Holland, NA, Holt, K, Holz, DE, Hopkins, P, Horst, C, Hough, J, Houston, EA, 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Kuehn, G, Kumar, P, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kuo, L, Kutynia, A, Kwang, S, Lackey, BD, Lai, KH, Landry, M, Lang, RN, Lange, J, Lantz, B, Lanza, RK, Lartaux-Vollard, A, Lasky, PD, Laxen, M, Lazzarini, A, Lazzaro, C, Leaci, P, Leavey, S, Lee, CH, Lee, HK, Lee, HM, Lee, HW, Lee, K, Lehmann, J, Lenon, A, Leonardi, M, Leroy, N, Letendre, N, Levin, Y, Li, J, Li, TGF, Li, X, Linker, SD, Littenberg, TB, Liu, J, Liu, X, Lo, RKL, Lockerbie, NA, London, LT, Longo, A, Lorenzini, M, Loriette, V, Lormand, M, Losurdo, G, Lough, JD, Lousto, CO, Lovelace, G, Luck, H, Lumaca, D, Lundgren, AP, Lynch, R, Ma, Y, Macas, R, Macfoy, S, Machenschalk, B, MacInnis, M, Macleod, DM, Hernandez, IM, Magana-Sandoval, F, Zertuche, LM, Magee, RM, Majorana, E, Maksimovic, I, Man, N, Mandic, V, Mangano, V, Mansell, GL, Manske, M, Mantovani, M, Marchesoni, F, Marion, F, Marka, S, Marka, Z, Markakis, C, Markosyan, AS, Markowitz, A, Maros, E, Marquina, A, Martelli, F, Martellini, L, Martin, IW, Martin, RM, Martynov, DV, Mason, 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Collaboration, MAGIC, Acciari, VA, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Engels, AA, Arcaro, C, Baack, D, Babić, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, Almeida, UBD, Barrio, JA, González, JB, Bednarek, W, Bellizzi, L, Bernardini, E, Berti, A, Besenrieder, J, Bhattacharyya, W, Bigongiari, C , Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G, Bošnjak, Ž, Busetto, G, Carosi, R, Ceribella, G, Chai, Y, Chilingaryan, A, Cikota, S, Colak, SM, Colin, U, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, D'Elia, V, Vela, PD, Dazzi, F, Angelis, AD, Lotto, BD, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Depaoli, D, Pierro, FD, Venere, LD, Espiñeira, EDS, Prester, DD, Donini, A, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Elsaesser, D, Ramazani, VF, Fattorini, A, Fernández-Barral, A, Ferrara, G, Fidalgo, D, Foffano, L, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Fruck, C, Fukami, S, López, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gasparyan, S, Gaug, M, Giglietto, N, Giordano, F, Godinović, N, Green, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Herrera, J, Hoang, J, Hrupec, D, Hütten, M, Inada, T, Inoue, S, Ishio, K, Iwamura, Y, Jouvin, L, Kerszberg, D, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Lamastra, A, Lelas, D, Leone, F, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López, M, López-Coto, R, López-Oramas, A, Loporchio, S, Fraga, BMDO, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Mallamaci, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Mićanović, S, Miceli, D, Minev, M, Miranda, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Molina, E, Moralejo, A, Morcuende, D, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Munar-Adrover, P, Neustroev, V, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogués, L, Nöthe, M, Nozaki, S, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Palatiello, M, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Peñil, P, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saha, L, Sahakyan, N, Saito, T, Sakurai, S, Satalecka, K, Schmidt, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Šnidarić, I, Sobczynska, D, Somero, A, Stamerra, A, Strom, D, Strzys, M, Suda, Y, Surić, T, Takahashi, M, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzić, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Albà, N, Tosti, L, Tsujimoto, S, Vagelli, V, Scherpenberg, JV, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vigorito, CF, Vitale, V, Vovk, I, Will, M, Zarić, D, Collaborators, MWL, Asano, K, Hada, K, Harris, DE, Giroletti, M, Jermak, HE, Madrid, JP, Massaro, F, Richter, S, Spanier, F, Steele, IA and Walker, RC (2020) Monitoring of the radio galaxy M87 during a low emission state from 2012 to 2015 with MAGIC. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494 (2). pp. 5354-5365. ISSN 0035-8711
Collaboration, MAGIC, Ahnen, ML, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arcaro, C, Baack, D, Babić, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, Almeida, UBD, Barrio, JA, González, JB, Bednarek, W, Bernardini, E, Berse, RC, Berti, A, Bhattacharyya, W, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G , Carosi, R, Carosi, A, Ceribella, G, Chatterjee, A, Colak, SM, Colin, P, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, Cumani, P, Vela, PD, Dazzi, F, Angelis, AD, Lotto, BD, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Pierro, FD, Domínguez, A, Prester, DD, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Einecke, S, Elsaesser, D, Ramazani, VF, Fernández-Barral, A, Fidalgo, D, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, Gallozzi, S, López, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gaug, M, Giammaria, P, Godinović, N, Gora, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Hayashida, M, Herrera, J, Hose, J, Hrupec, D, Ishio, K, Konno, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Kuveždić, D, Lelas, D, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López, M, Maggio, C, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Masuda, S, Mazin, D, Mielke, K, Minev, M, Miranda, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Moralejo, A, Moreno, V, Moretti, E, Nagayoshi, T, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Rosillo, MN, Nigro, C, Nilsson, K, Ninci, D, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogués, L, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Pedaletti, G, Peresano, M, Persic, M, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Garcia, JR, Reichardt, I, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Rugliancich, A, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schweizer, T, Sitarek, J, Šnidarić, I, Sobczynska, D, Stamerra, A, Strzys, M, Surić, T, Takahashi, M, Takalo, L, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzić, T, Teshima, M, Torres-Albà, N, Treves, A, Tsujimoto, S, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vovk, I, Ward, JE, Will, M, Zarić, D, Collaboration, FTF-L, Bastieri, D, Gasparrini, D, Lott, B, Rani, B, Thompson, DJ, Collaborators, MWL, Agudo, I, Angelakis, E, Borman, GA, Casadio, C, Grishina, TS, Gurwell, M, Hovatta, T, Itoh, R, Järvelä, E, Jermak, HE, Jorstad, S, Kopatskaya, EN, Kraus, A, Krichbaum, TP, Kuin, NPM, Lähteenmäki, A, Larionov, VM, Larionova, LV, Lien, AY, Madejski, G, Marscher, A, Myserlis, I, Max-Moerbeck, W, Molina, SN, Morozova, DA, Nalewajko, K, Pearson, TJ, Ramakrishnan, V, Readhead, ACS, Reeves, RA, Savchenko, SS, Steele, IA, Tornikoski, M, Troitskaya, YV, Troitsky, I, Vasilyev, AA and Zensus, JA (2018) Multi-wavelength characterization of the blazar S5~0716+714 during an unprecedented outburst phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619. ISSN 0004-6361
Collaboration, MAGIC, Ahnen, ML, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arcaro, C, Babić, A, Banerjee, B, Bangale, P, Almeida, UBD, Barrio, JA, González, JB, Bednarek, W, Bernardini, E, Berti, A, Biasuzzi, B, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnefoy, S, Bonnoli, G, Borracci, F , Bretz, T, Carosi, R, Carosi, A, Chatterjee, A, Colin, P, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, Cumani, P, Vela, PD, Dazzi, F, Angelis, AD, Lotto, BD, Wilhelmi, EDO, Pierro, FD, Doert, M, Domínguez, A, Prester, DD, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Einecke, S, Glawion, DE, Elsaesser, D, Engelkemeier, M, Ramazani, VF, Fernández-Barral, A, Fidalgo, D, Fonseca, MV, Font, L, Fruck, C, Galindo, D, López, RJG, Garczarczyk, M, Gaug, M, Giammaria, P, Godinović, N, Gora, D, Guberman, D, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Hassan, T, Hayashida, M, Herrera, J, Hose, J, Hrupec, D, Hughes, G, Ishio, K, Konno, Y, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Kuveždić, D, Lelas, D, Lindfors, E, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López, M, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Manganaro, M, Mannheim, K, Maraschi, L, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Mazin, D, Menzel, U, Mirzoyan, R, Moralejo, A, Moretti, E, Nakajima, D, Neustroev, V, Niedzwiecki, A, Rosillo, MN, Nilsson, K, Nishijima, K, Noda, K, Nogués, L, Paiano, S, Palacio, J, Palatiello, M, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Paredes-Fortuny, X, Pedaletti, G, Peresano, M, Perri, L, Persic, M, Poutanen, J, Moroni, PGP, Prandini, E, Puljak, I, Garcia, JR, Reichardt, I, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Schroeder, S, Schweizer, T, Shore, SN, Sillanpää, A, Sitarek, J, Šnidarić, I, Sobczynska, D, Stamerra, A, Strzys, M, Surić, T, Takalo, L, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terzić, T, Tescaro, D, Teshima, M, Torres, DF, Torres-Albà, N, Toyama, T, Treves, A, Vanzo, G, Acosta, MV, Vovk, I, Ward, JE, Will, M, Wu, MH, Zarić, D, Desiante, R, González, JB, D'Ammando, F, Larsson, S, Raiteri, CM, Reinthal, R, Lähteenmäki, A, Järvelä, E, Tornikoski, M, Ramakrishnan, V, Jorstad, SG, Marscher, AP, Bala, V, MacDonald, NR, Kaur, N, Sameer, , Baliyan, K, Acosta-Pulido, JA, Lazaro, C, Martínez-Lombilla, C, Grinon-Marin, AB, Yabar, AP, Protasio, C, Carnerero, MI, Jermak, HE, Steele, IA, Larionov, VM, Borman, GA and Grishina, TS (2017) Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510-089 in 2015. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 603. ISSN 0004-6361
Collins, CA (2016) The XMM Cluster Survey:: The Halo Occupation Number of BOSS galaxies in X-ray clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463 (2). pp. 1929-1943. ISSN 1365-2966
Comerón, S, Salo, H, Knapen, JH and Peletier, RF (2019) The kinematics of local thick discs do not support an accretion origin. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 623. ISSN 0004-6361
Contreras, Y, Sanhueza, P, Jackson, JM, Guzman, AE, Longmore, SN, Garay, G, Zhang, Q, Nguyen-Luong, Q, Tatematsu, K, Nakamura, F, Sakai, T, Ohashi, S, Liu, T, Saito, M, Gomez, L, Rathborne, J and Whitaker, S (2018) Infall Signatures in a Prestellar Core embedded in the High-Mass 70 $μ$m Dark IRDC G331.372-00.116. Astrophysical Journal, 861 (1). ISSN 0004-637X
Cooper, HDB, Lumsden, SL, Oudmaijer, RD, Hoare, MG, Clarke, AJ, Urquhart, JS, Mottram, JC, Moore, TJT and Davies, B (2013) The RMS survey: near-IR spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430 (2). pp. 1125-1157. ISSN 0035-8711
Copperwheat, CM, Cropper, M, Soria, R and Wu, KW (2005) Optical and infrared signatures of ultra-luminous X-ray sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 362 (1). pp. 79-88. ISSN 0035-8711
Copperwheat, CM, Morales-Rueda, L, Marsh, TR, Maxted, PFL and Heber, U (2011) Radial-velocity measurements of subdwarf B stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415 (2). pp. 1381-1395. ISSN 0035-8711
Copperwheat, CM, Wheatley, PJ, Southworth, J, Bento, J, Marsh, TR, Dhillon, VS, Fortney, JJ, Littlefair, SP and Hickman, R (2013) Transmission photometry of WASP-12b: simultaneous measurement of the planetary radius in three bands. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434 (1). pp. 661-670. ISSN 0035-8711
Correa, CA, Schaye, J, Clauwens, B, Bower, RG, Crain, RA, Schaller, M, Theuns, T and Thob, ACR (2017) The relation between galaxy morphology and colour in the EAGLE simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 472 (1). L45-L49. ISSN 1745-3933
Correa, CA, Schaye, J, Wyithe, JSB, Duffy, AR, Theuns, T, Crain, RA and Bower, RG (2017) The formation of hot gaseous haloes around galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473 (1). pp. 538-559. ISSN 0035-8711
Corsi, A, Cenko, SB, Kasliwal, MM, Quimby, R, Kulkarni, SR, Frail, DA, Goldstein, AM, Blagorodnova, N, Connaughton, V, Perley, DA, Singer, LP, Copperwheat, CM, Fremling, C, Kupfer, T, Piascik, AS, Steele, IA, Taddia, F, Vedantham, H, Kutyrev, A, Palliyaguru, NT , Roberts, O, Sollerman, J, Troja, E and Veilleux, S (2017) iPTF17cw: An Engine-driven Supernova Candidate Discovered Independent of a Gamma-Ray Trigger. Astrophysical Journal, 847 (1). ISSN 0004-637X
Corsi, A, Ho, AYQ, Cenko, SB, Kulkarni, SR, Anand, S, Yang, S, Sollerman, J, Srinivasaragavan, GP, Omand, CMB, Balasubramanian, A, Frail, DA, Fremling, C, Perley, DA, Yao, Y, Dahiwale, AS, De, K, Dugas, A, Hankins, M, Jencson, J, Kasliwal, MM , Tzanidakis, A, Bellm, EC, Laher, RR, Masci, FJ, Purdum, JN and Regnault, N (2023) A Search for Relativistic Ejecta in a Sample of ZTF Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae. Astrophysical Journal, 953 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0004-637X
Cosentino, G, Jiménez-Serra, I, Tan, JC, Henshaw, JD, Barnes, AT, Law, CY, Zeng, S, Fontani, F, Caselli, P, Viti, S, Zahorecz, S, Rico-Villas, F, Megías, A, Miceli, M, Orlando, S, Ustamujic, S, Greco, E, Peres, G, Bocchino, F, Fedriani, R , Gorai, P, Testi, L and Martín-Pintado, J (2022) Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 (1). pp. 953-963. ISSN 0035-8711
Cosentino, G, Tan, JC, Jiménez-Serra, I, Fontani, F, Caselli, P, Henshaw, JD, Barnes, AT, Law, CY, Viti, S, Fedriani, R, Hsu, CJ, Gorai, P and Zeng, S (2023) Deuterium fractionation across the infrared-dark cloud G034.77-00.55 interacting with the supernova remnant W44. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 675. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0004-6361
Cotera, AS, Hankins, MJ, Bally, J, Barnes, AT, Battersby, CD, Hatchfield, HP, Herter, TL, Lau, RM, Longmore, SN, Mills, EAC, Morris, MR, Radomski, JT, Simpson, JP, Stephens, Z and Walker, DL (2024) SOFIA/FORCAST Galactic Center Source Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal, 973 (2). ISSN 0004-637X
Coughlin, MW, Ahumada, T, Anand, S, De, K, Hankins, MJ, Kasliwal, MM, Singer, LP, Bellm, EC, Andreoni, I, Cenko, SB, Cooke, J, Copperwheat, CM, Dugas, AM, Jencson, JE, Perley, DA, Yu, P-C, Bhalerao, V, Kumar, H, Bloom, JS, Anupama, GC , Ashley, MCB, Bagdasaryan, A, Biswas, R, Buckley, DAH, Burdge, KB, Cook, DO, Cromer, J, Cunningham, V, D'aí, A, Dekany, RG, Delacroix, A, Dichiara, S, Duev, DA, Dutta, A, Feeney, M, Frederick, S, Gatkine, P, Ghosh, S, Goldstein, DA, Golkhou, VZ, Goobar, A, Graham, MJ, Hanayama, H, Horiuchi, T, Hung, T, Jha, SW, Kong, AKH, Giomi, M, Kaplan, DL, Karambelkar, VR, Kowalski, M, Kulkarni, SR, Kupfer, T, Parola, VL, Masci, FJ, Mazzali, PA, Moore, AM, Mogotsi, M, Neill, JD, Ngeow, C-C, Martínez-Palomera, J, Pavana, M, Ofek, EO, Patil, AS, Riddle, R, Rigault, M, Rusholme, B, Serabyn, E, Shupe, DL, Sharma, Y, Sollerman, J, Soon, J, Staats, K, Taggart, K, Tan, H, Travouillon, T, Troja, E, Waratkar, G and Yatsu, Y (2019) GROWTH on S190425z: Searching Thousands of Square Degrees to Identify an Optical or Infrared Counterpart to a Binary Neutron Star Merger with the Zwicky Transient Facility and Palomar Gattini-IR. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 885 (1). ISSN 2041-8205
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Crain, RA, Bahé, YM, Lagos, CDP, Rahmati, A, Schaye, J, McCarthy, IG, Marasco, A, Bower, RG, Schaller, M, Theuns, T and van der Hulst, T (2017) The EAGLE simulations: atomic hydrogen associated with galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464 (4). pp. 4204-4226. ISSN 0035-8711
Crain, RA, McCarthy, IG, Frenk, CS, Theuns, T and Schaye, J (2010) X-ray coronae in simulations of disc galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407 (3). pp. 1403-1422. ISSN 0035-8711
Crain, RA, McCarthy, IG, Schaye, J, Theuns, T and Frenk, CS (2013) Enriching the hot circumgalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432 (4). pp. 3005-3024. ISSN 0035-8711
Crain, RA and Van De Voort, F (2023) Hydrodynamical Simulations of the Galaxy Population: Enduring Successes and Outstanding Challenges. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 61 (1). pp. 473-515. ISSN 0066-4146
Creevey, OL, Sarro, LM, Lobel, A, Pancino, E, Andrae, R, Smart, RL, Clementini, G, Heiter, U, Korn, AJ, Fouesneau, M, Frémat, Y, De Angeli, F, Vallenari, A, Harrison, DL, Thévenin, F, Reylé, C, Sordo, R, Garofalo, A, Brown, AGA, Eyer, L , Prusti, T, de Bruijne, JHJ, Arenou, F, Babusiaux, C, Biermann, M, Ducourant, C, Evans, DW, Guerra, R, Hutton, A, Jordi, C, Klioner, SA, Lammers, UL, Lindegren, L, Luri, X, Mignard, F, Panem, C, Pourbaix, D, Randich, S, Sartoretti, P, Soubiran, C, Tanga, P, Walton, NA, Bailer-Jones, CAL, Bastian, U, Drimmel, R, Jansen, F, Katz, D, Lattanzi, MG, van Leeuwen, F, Bakker, J, Cacciari, C, Castañeda, J, Fabricius, C, Galluccio, L, Guerrier, A, Masana, E, Messineo, R, Mowlavi, N, Nicolas, C, Nienartowicz, K, Pailler, F, Panuzzo, P, Riclet, F, Roux, W, Seabroke, GM, Gracia-Abril, G, Portell, J, Teyssier, D, Altmann, M, Audard, M, Bellas-Velidis, I, Benson, K, Berthier, J, Blomme, R, Burgess, PW, Busonero, D, Busso, G, Cánovas, H, Carry, B, Cellino, A, Cheek, 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Davies, JJ, Crain, RA, Oppenheimer, BD and Schaye, J (2019) The quenching and morphological evolution of central galaxies is facilitated by the feedback-driven expulsion of circumgalactic gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491 (3). pp. 4462-4480. ISSN 0035-8711
Davies, JJ, Crain, RA and Pontzen, A (2020) Quenching and morphological evolution due to circumgalactic gas expulsion in a simulated galaxy with a controlled assembly history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501 (1). pp. 236-253. ISSN 0035-8711
Davies, JJ, Pontzen, A and Crain, RA (2023) Are the fates of supermassive black holes and galaxies determined by individual mergers, or by the properties of their host haloes? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 (3). pp. 4705-4716. ISSN 0035-8711
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Davis, TA, Van De Voort, F, Rowlands, K, McAlpine, S, Wild, V and Crain, RA (2019) Evolution of the cold gas properties of simulated post-starburst galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484 (2). pp. 2447-2461. ISSN 0035-8711
Davison, TA, Norris, MA, Pfeffer, JL, Davies, JJ and Crain, RA (2020) An EAGLE's view of ex situ galaxy growth. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 (1). pp. 81-93. ISSN 0035-8711
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Book Section
Jordana-Mitjans, N, Mundell, CG, Kobayashi, S, Smith, RJ, Guidorzi, C, Steele, IA, Shrestha, M, Gomboc, A, Marongiu, M, Martone, R, Lipunov, V, Gorbovskoy, ES, Buckley, DAH, Rebolo, R and Budnev, NM (2023) The role of the magnetic fields in GRB outflows. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 1449-1466. ISBN 9789811269769
Conference or Workshop Item
Ali, SB, Georgantzia, E, Kamaris, GS, Gkantou, M and Kot, P (2020) Experimental study of square and rectangular hollow section aluminium alloy columns. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2198 (1). 012046-012046. (15th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management (GCMM), 25 November 2020 - 27 November 2020, Liverpool).
Bacciu, D, Lisboa, PJG, Martín, JD, Stoean, R and Vellido, A Bioinformatics and Medicine in the Era of Deep Learning. In: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 25-27th April 2018, Bruges, Belgium. (Accepted)
Chalmers, C, Fergus, P, Wich, SA and Longmore, SN (2021) Modelling Animal Biodiversity Using Acoustic Monitoring and Deep Learning. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks . (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Virtual Event, 18-22 July 2021, Virtual Event).
Darnley, MJ (2017) M31N 2008-12a - The Remarkable Recurrent Nova in M31. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs . (20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs (EuroWD16), 25-29th July 2016, Warwick, UK).
Federrath, C, Rathborne, JM, Longmore, SN, Kruijssen, JMD, Bally, J, Contreras, Y, Crocker, RM, Garay, G, Jackson, JM, Testi, L and Walsh, AJ (2016) The link between solenoidal turbulence and slow star formation in G0.253+0.016. In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union , S322 (11). pp. 123-128. (The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 322, 18-22 July 2016, Cairns, Australia).
Gonzalez-Tora, G, Urbaneja, MA, Przybilla, N, Dreizler, S, Roth, MM, Kamann, S and Castro, N MUSE 3D spectroscopy of BA-type supergiants in NGC 300. In: IAU Symposia IAUS 361: Massive Stars Near and Far (361). (IAUS 361: Massive Stars Near & Far, Ireland). (Accepted)
Hampton, CV, Lugaro, M, Papakonstantinou, P, Isar, PG, Nordström, B, Özkan, N, Aliotta, M, Ćiprijanović, A, Curtis, S, Criscienzo, MD, Hartogh, JD, Font, AS, Kankainen, A, Kobayashi, C, Lederer-Woods, C, Niemczura, E, Rauscher, T, Spyrou, A, Eck, SV, Yavahchova, M , Chantereau, W, Mink, SED, Kaiser, E, Thielemann, F-K, Travaglio, C, Venkatesan, A and Collet, R (2019) Women Scientists Who Made Nuclear Astrophysics. In: Springer Proceedings in Physics , 2019. pp. 367-372. (Nuclei in the Cosmos XV, 24-29th June 2018, Assergi, L'Aquila, Italy).
Horta, D, Schiavon, RP and Apogee Team, (2024) Chemically characterising the Milky Way’s stellar halo. In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union , 18 (S377). pp. 93-97. (Symposium 377 International Astronomical Union Early Disk Galaxy Formation: From JWST to the Milky Way February, 6th Feb - 10 Feb 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
Jermak, HE, Steele, IA and Smith, RJ (2016) MOPTOP: A multi-colour optimised optical polarimeter. In: SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy , 9908. (Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 26th June 2016, Edinburgh, UK).
Ji, Z, Zhang, JF, Zhang, WEI and Zhang, X (2014) A single device based Voltage Step Stress (VSS) Technique for fast reliability screening. In: Reliability Physics Symposium, 2014 IEEE International . GD.2.1-GD.2.4. (Reliability Physics Symposium, 2014, 1st - 5th June 2014, Waikoloa, HI).
Johnstone, D, Matsuyama, I, McCarthy, IG and Font, AS (2004) Destruction of stellar disks by photoevaporation. In: Gravitational Collapse: From Massive Stars To Planet , 22. pp. 38-41. (GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE: FROM MASSIVE STARS TO PLANETS, 8-12 December 2003, ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MÉXICO).
Lam, MC (2017) Untangling the White Dwarf Luminosity Functions. In: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 509. pp. 25-28. (20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs (EuroWD16), 25-29th July 2016, Warwick, UK).
Lam, MC and Hambly, NC (2015) Cool White Dwarfs Selection with Pan-STARRS Proper Motions. In: 19TH Euopean Workshop on White Dwarfs , 493. pp. 347-350. (19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 11 August 2014 - 15 August 2014, Univ Montreal, Montreal, CANADA).
Lam, MC, Smith, RJ and Steele, IA Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction (ASPIRED). In: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series . (The Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis and Software Systems, 6-10 October 2019, Groningen, The Netherlands). (Accepted)
Lam, MC, Vijarnwannaluk, B, Butpan, P, Copperwheat, CM, Piascik, AS, Sawangwit, U, Smith, RJ and Steele, IA (2018) Laying the Groundwork for the Development of the Data Archive of the New Robotic Telescope. In: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V (10707). (SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation, 10-15 June 2018, Texas, USA).
Maciejewski, W (2004) Nuclear spirals: Gas in asymmetric galactic potential with a massive black hole. In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (222). pp. 431-434. (222nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union, 01 March 2004 - 05 March 2004, Gramado, BRAZIL).
McWhirter, PR, Steele, IA, Al-Jumeily, D and Hussain, A (2017) The Classification of Periodic Light Curves from non-survey optimized observational data through Automated Extraction of Phase-based Visual Features. In: Neural Networks (IJCNN) . (2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), 14 May 2017 - 19 May 2017, Anchorage, Alaska, USA).
Morales-Rueda, L, Carter, D, Steele, IA, Charles, PA and Worswick, S (2004) The Liverpool Telescope Spectrograph: FRODOSpec. In: Astronomische Nachrichten , 3 (325). p. 215. (25th General Assembly of the International-Astronomical-Union, 13th - 26th July 2003, Sydney, AUSTRALIA).
Perley, DA, Bloom, JS, Butler, NR, Li, W and Chen, HW (2007) XRF 060428B: Observational evidence for a strongly lensed burst. In: AIP Conference Proceedings , 937. pp. 526-529. (Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters, 19-23 February 2007, Aspen, Colorado, USA).
Steele, IA, Mundell, CG, Smith, RJ, Kobayashi, S and Guidorzi, C (2009) Early time optical polarization of GRB Afterglows: GRB 060418 and GRB 090102. In: Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings , 102. (The Shocking Universe - Gamma Ray Bursts and High Energy Shock Phenomena, 14th - 18th September 2009, San Servolo, Venice, Italy).
Thöne, CC, De Ugarte Postigo, A, Fryer, C, Page, KL, Gorosabel, J, Aloy, MA, Perley, DA, Kouveliotou, C, Janka, HT, Mimica, P and Racusin, JL (2012) GRB 101225A -an unusual stellar death on Christmas Day. In: Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Supplementi - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, Supplement , 21. pp. 177-180. (GRB's as probes from the progenitors environment to the high redshift Universe, 16-20th May 2011, Como, Italy).
Thöne, CC, De Ugarte Postigo, A, Fryer, CL, Page, KL, Gorosabel, J, Aloy, M and Perley, DA (2013) GRB 101225A: An unusual stellar death on christmas day. In: Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias , 42. pp. 34-35. (Fourth Science Meeting with the GTC, 16-18th November 2011, Santa Cruz de la Palma, Spain).
Wevers, T, Selman, FJ, Reyes, A, Vega, M, Hartke, J, Bian, F, Beltramo-Martin, O, Fétick, R, Kamann, S, Kolb, J, Kravtsov, T, Moya, C, Neichel, B, Oberti, S, Reyes, C and Valenti, E (2022) Performance characterization and near-realtime monitoring of MUSE adaptive optics modes at Paranal. In: Proceedings Volume 12186, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IX , 12186 (9). (SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Montréal, Québec, Canada).
Acuto, A (2022) Exploring the accuracy of analytic methods in predicting the evolution of large-scale structure. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Barnes, AT (2018) A COMPARISON OF STAR FORMATION WITHIN THE GALACTIC CENTRE AND GALACTIC DISC. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Beasor, E (2019) THE PROGENITORS OF TYPE IIP SUPERNOVAE. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Brown, H (2019) The Disruption of Binary Star Systems by Massive Black Holes and the Restricted 3-Body Problem. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Brown, S (2022) The Cosmological Dependence of the Formation and Evolution of Dark Matter Haloes. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Burrows, G W (1985) The effect of wind turbulence on noise barrier performance. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Cabrera Ziri Castro, I (2017) Constraining the Origin of Multiple Stellar Populations in Stellar Clusters. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Callanan, D (2021) How The Galactic Centre Environment Impacts Star Formation. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Castanon Esteban, A (2024) A study on the time evolution of Be stars. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Davies, J (2020) The influences of dark matter halo formation history on black hole growth, circumgalactic gas expulsion and galaxy evolution. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Donohoe-Keyes, C (2021) Evolution of Bars in Galaxies: Effects on Star Formation and Stellar Dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Fernandez, J (2021) Compact Stellar Mergers: The Origin and Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Waves. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Forde, V (2024) Astrophysical Preservation of Terrestrial Life on Mars Through a Sphericalist, Esoteric Futurist Approach. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Furnell, K (2019) The Growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Intracluster Light in X-ray Selected Clusters. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Garcia De La Cruz, J (2022) Galactic Archaeology using the stellar vertical structure of galactic discs. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Healy, M (2021) Novae, the Super-Remnant Phenomenon, and the Link to Type Ia Supernovae. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hill, A (2022) Assessing the systematic uncertainties influencing radio continuum weak gravitational lensing surveys. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hollyhead, KE (2017) The formation and evolution of massive clusters in extragalactic environments. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Horta Darrington, D (2022) Unveiling the mass assembly history of the Milky Way from its stellar halo. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hounsell, R (2012) The outbursts and environments of novae. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Hughes, M (2021) Using globular clusters to unveil the properties of the light and dark galaxy halo. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Kisku, S (2024) The Assembly History Of The Milky Way Stellar Halo. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Kitamura, J (2020) Resolved stellar populations: watching galaxy evolution in real time. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Kolcu, T (2024) A MUSE search for the kinematic signatures of gas inflows to the nuclei of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Lamb, GP (2018) Relativistic Jets from Compact Binary Mergers as Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Wave Sources. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Li, F (1996) Optimal economic operation of electric power systems using genetic based algorithms. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Lisboa-Wright, A (2020) Modelling interstellar extinction in stellar populations. Masters thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
McDonald, S (2024) The Evolution of Red Supergiants in Local Group Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Molyneux, S (2023) Characterising Galactic Feedback Through Multiwavelength Observations Across Cosmic Time. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Mummery, BO (2018) The Role of Baryons and Neutrinos in the Evolution of Large-Scale Structure. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Murphy-Glaysher, F (2023) A Comprehensive Study of Nova Persei 2018: A Gamma-ray Bright Nova from a Known Dwarf Nova. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Nicholson, R (2019) The impact of star cluster environments on planet formation. Diploma thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Prentice, SJ (2018) Bulk properties and physical characteristics of stripped-envelope supernovae. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Rani, R (2021) Turbulence and star formation efficiency in giant molecular clouds. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Ransome, C (2023) Using the environments of type IIn supernovae and classical novae to constrain progenitor properties. Doctoral thesis, LJMU.
Sedgwick, TM (2021) Probing Fundamentals of Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology Using Supernovae. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Stafford, S (2022) Testing extensions to the standard model of cosmology with the growth of structure. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Taggart, K (2020) The environments and progenitors of extreme supernovae in the low-redshift Universe. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Takrouri, K (2021) Study of Turbulence and Drag Reduction for Flow Over Backswimmer Textured Surface. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Tsang, KG-J (2019) THE CEPHEIDS OF M33: DISTANCE AND METALLICITY EFFECTS THROUGH SLOAN FILTERS. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Turner, S (2021) Extragalactic machine learning: in theory and in practice. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Walker, DL (2017) The formation of high-mass stars and stellar clusters in the extreme environment of the Central Molecular Zone. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Walton, SRJ (2017) The stellar halos of Milky Way type galaxies in the EAGLE simulations. Masters thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Williams, RA (2018) A pipeline for the analysis of stellar spectra. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Williams, RP (2017) Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function. Doctoral thesis, Liverpool John Moores University.
Schoedel, R, Longmore, S, Henshaw, J, Ginsburg, A, Bally, J, Feldmeier, A, Hosek, M, Lara, FN, Ciurlo, A, Chevance, M, Kruijssen, JMD, Klessen, R, Ponti, G, Amaro-Seoane, P, Anastasopoulou, K, Anderson, J, Arias, M, Barnes, AT, Battersby, C, Bono, G , Ferres, LB, Bryant, A, Gonzáalez, MC, Cassisi, S, Chaves-Velasquez, L, Conte, F, Ramos, RC, Cotera, A, Crowe, S, Teodoro, ED, Do, T, Eisenhauer, F, Fedriani, R, Friske, JKS, Gadotti, D, Gallart, C, Calvente, TG, Cano, EG, Marín, MG, Gardini, A, Gautam, AK, Ghez, A, Gillessen, S, Gualandris, A, Gutermuth, R, Haggard, D, Hankins, M, Hu, Y, Kauffmann, J, Lau, R, Lazarian, A, Libralato, M, Lu, A, Lu, X, Lu, JR, Luetzgendorf, N, Magorrian, J, Mandel, S, Markoff, S, Arranz, ÁM, Mastrobuono-Battisti, A, Mills, E, Morris, M, Najarro, F, Nandakumar, G, Nataf, D, Neumayer, N, Nishiyama, S, Paré, DM, Petkova, M, Pillai, TGS, Román, MRC, Sabha, N, Bermúdez, JS, Sánchez-Monge, Á, Schultheis, M, Shao, L, Simpson, J, Tan, JC, Thorsbro, B, Torne, P, Valenti, E, Marel, RVD, Verberne, S, Fellenberg, SV, Walker, D, Witzel, G, Xu, S, Yusef-Zadeh, F, Zajaček, M and Zoccali, M (2023) The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper. arXiv.